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180 Cards in this Set

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Atomic Structure
Refers to the identity & arrangement of smaller particles within atoms
small region, contains positively charged protons (p+) and neutral neutrons (n0)
Electron cloud
comparatively large in volume, contains negatively charged electrons (e- or -10e)
discovery came from looking at relationship between electricity and matter by way of cathode ray tubes
JJ Thomson
found that all cathode rays were composed of identical, negatively charged particles – later termed electrons.
JJ Thomson
found that it had a very large charge when compared to its very tiny mass.
Robert Millikan
In 1909, continuing from Thomson's experiments, he found the mass of an electron to be 9.1 x 10-28 g by using the Oil Drop Experiment.
One Inference about Atomic Structure Made from Millikan's work
1.) Because atoms are electrically neutral, they must contain a positive charge to balance these electrons.
One Inference about Atomic Structure Made from Millikan's work
2.) Because the mass of an electron is so small, atoms must contain additional particles that account for most of their mass.
Found by Ernst Rutherford in 1911 (with Ernest Marsden & Hans Geiger)
the positively charged, dense central portion of the atom that contains nearly all of its mass but takes up only an insignificant fraction of its volume
How the Size of Atoms are Measured
Measurements are made by looking at radius, Measured from the middle of the nucleus to the edge of the electron cloud
Units used for measuring atoms
picometers, ranging from 40 – 270 pm
Mass of p+
1.673 x 10-24 g
Mass of n0
1.675 x 10-24 g
Nuclear forces
short-range proton-neutron, proton-proton, and neutron-neutron forces that hold the nuclear particles together
Atomic Number
the number of protons in the nucleus of each atom of that element
Atomic Number
It identifies an element.
On periodic table, elements are placed in order of
increasing atomic numbers.
Isotopes (nuclide)
atoms of the same element with different masses
1 p+, 1 e-, 0 n0
1 p+, 1 e-, 1 n0
1 p+, 1 e-, 2 n0
Mass Number
total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an isotope
Hyphen notation
name with mass number
Nuclear symbol
symbol for the element, with the mass number being superscript and atomic number being subscript
Relative Atomic Mass
the mass of an atom expressed in atomic mass units
Atomic Mass Unit (amu)
1/12 the mass of a carbon-12 atom or 1.6605402 x 10-24 g
Carbon-12 isotope
chosen as the standard for atomic mass and all other atoms are compared to this. It is assigned exactly 12 amu.
Average Atomic Mass
the weighted average of the atomic masses of the naturally occurring isotopes of an element
Natural radioactivity
the spontaneous emission of particles or energy from an atomic nucleus as it disintegrates
Henri Becquerel
discovered invisible radiation
The Three Kinds of Radioactivity
Alpha (α) particle: nucleus of a He atom, 2 protons & 2 neutrons
Beta (β) particle: high energy electron
Gamma (γ) ray: electromagnetic radiation of very short wavelength
Radioactive decay
the natural spontaneous disintegration or decomposition of a nucleus
another term for protons and neutrons
Alpha (α) emission
the release of an alpha particle from a disintegrating nucleus
Beta (β) emission
the release of a beta particle from a disintegrating nucleus
Beta emission
a neutron changes to a proton by emitting the electron
Beta particles
they are more penetrating and can travel several hundred centimeters in air
Alpha particles
can travel 2-12 cm through the air
Gamma (γ) emission
the release of a high-energy burst of electromagnetic radiation from an excited nucleus
Gamma emission
Nucleons don’t change in this type of emission
Gamma rays
most penetrating, can pass through a person - can be stopped by a piece of lead close to the source
Gamma rays
used to kill many parasites and bacteria in the foods we eat
Radioactive Decay Series
a process continuing through a series of decay reactions until a stable nucleus is achieved
the time required for 1/2 of the unstable nuclei to decay
Instruments to measure radiation
Photographic film & Geiger counters
Unit of Radiation
curie (Ci), commonly picocuries/ Liter (pCi/L)
SI Unit for Radiation
Becquerel (Bq), 1 nuclear disintegration / second
Background radiation
low amounts of radiation from natural sources
Mass Defect
The difference between the mass of the nucleons and the nucleus
Binding energy
energy released when nucleus is formed, or energy absorbed when breaking nucleus, can be calculated from the mass defect
Nuclear fission
splitting a massive nucleus into more stable, less massive nuclei with the release of energy
Chain reaction
a reaction where the products are able to produce more reactions in a self-sustaining series
Critical mass
the mass and concentration of nuclei that is sufficient to sustain a chain reaction
Nuclear fusion
less massive nuclei coming together to form more stable and more massive nuclei with the release of energy
1 Problem using nuclear fusion
1.) temperature - nuclei repel one another unless they have enough energy, approximately 100 million °C
1 Problem using nuclear fusion
2.) density - heavy hydrogen nuclei needed, 1 x 1014 /cm3
1 Problem using nuclear fusion
3.) time - must be sustained at a minimum of 10 atm at this density
Characteristics of Bohr's Atomic Model
specific allowed paths
Characteristics of Bohr's Atomic Model
lowest energy orbit was closest to the nucleus, electron must gain energy to move up to another orbit
Characteristics of Bohr's Atomic Model
each orbit or path had a fixed amount of energy
Characteristics of Bohr's Atomic Model
connected atom's electrons with line spectra, when electron moved down from higher to lower energy levels, emitted photon
Problem with this Bohr's Atomic Model
can only be proven with hydrogen atom
Problem with this Bohr's Atomic Model
did not explain chemical behavior of atoms
Louis DeBroglie
suggested that electrons have wave-like properties
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
it is not possible to measure the velocity, which is heavily dependent on the energy, and position of an electron at the same time.
Edwin Schrödinger
developed mathematical equation that described how electrons move around the nucleus as waves
Schrodinger's Equation
This equation worked for all atoms, not just Hydrogen as Bohr's did. This equation gives the probability of where to find the electron in the atoms.
developed different possible cloud shapes that the electrons occupy.
Quantum theory
describes mathematically the wave properties of electrons and other small particles
a three dimensional region around the nucleus that indicates the probable location of an electron
Shape & Size of the clouds depend on
the energies of the electrons that occupy them.
Quantum numbers
numbers that specify the properties of atomic orbitals and the electrons in those orbitals
The first 3 quantum numbers
indicate the region occupied by the orbital.
The 4th quantum number gives
the fundamental state of the e-.
Principal Quantum Number (n)
indicates the main energy levels surrounding a nucleus (sometimes referred to as shells)
As n ↑, distance from nucleus ↑ and...
the energy ↑
Angular Momentum (Orbital) Quantum Number (l)
indicates the shape of an orbital
spherical shape,sharp
peanut shape, principal
double peanut shape, diffuse
flower shape, fundamental
The number of possible shapes you can have in an energy level is equal to
the principal quantum number.
Magnetic Quantum Number (m)
indicates the orientation of an orbital around a nucleus
Orientations for s
1 orientation
Orientations for p
3 orientations (px, py, pz)
Orientations for d
5 orientations
Orientations for f
7 orientations
Number of orbitals =
(principal quantum number)2
Spin Quantum Number
indicates two possible states of an electron in an orbital
two possible values of Spin Quantum Number
(+1/2, -1/2)
the max number of electrons in each main energy level =
Electron Configurations
the arrangement of electrons in atoms, where each element has its own distinct configuration
Aufbau principle
electron will occupy the lowest-energy orbital that can receive it
Hund's Rule
orbitals of equal energy are each occupied by one electron before any one orbital is occupied by a second electron, and all electrons in singly occupied orbitals must have the same spin
Pauli Exclusion Principle
no two electrons in the same atom can have the same set of four quantum numbers
Orbital Notation
Lines are labeled with the principal quantum number, n, and the subshell letter.
Long Hand Electron-Configuration Notation
This method eliminates the lines and arrows. To designate the number of electrons, a superscript is added.
Short Hand Electron-Configuration Notation
(also called Noble-Gas Notation) This is a method to condense all of the inner-shell electrons.
Electron-Dot Notation
This method only shows electrons in the outermost energy level. These electrons are also called... valence electrons.
developed the first periodic table
put in order of increasing atomic mass
his table empty spaces left for undiscovered elements
many accepted his table once predictions proven true
his work lead to periodic table being re-organized
he put in order of increasing atomic number
Periodic Law
the physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers
Periodic Table
an arrangement of the elements in order of their atomic numbers so thatelements with similar properties fall in the same columns
Main Group Elements
s & p block elements
Noble Gases
normally unreactive (inert), except for He w/2 e-, all others have 8 e-,Lord Rayleigh & William Ramsay discovered many and placed new column on table for them
Rare-Earth Elements
separated from table to save space
Lanthanide Series
not really rare, similar properties to one another
Actinide Series
all reactive & unstable, first 4 found on Earth – others known as laboratory-made elements
Alkali Metals
most active metals
Alkali Metals
only 1 e- in outer shell
Alkali Metals
rarely found in nature as free elements
Alkali Metals
stored under oil or kerosene
Alkali Metals
soft, silvery-white, shiny
Alkaline-Earth Metals
active metal and rarely found free
Alkaline-Earth Metals
harder, stronger, and higher melting points than alkalis
Transition Metals
includes Lanthanide & Actinide Series
Transition Metals
can lose e- below the outermost shell
Transistion Metals
have tendency to share electrons
most active nonmetals
most commonly combine with a metal to form salts
Atomic Radii
size of an atom, determined by the electron cloud
Atomic Radii
half the distance between the nucleus of identical atoms joined in a molecule
Reason for trend across periodic table for atomic radii
More positive nucleus
Trends for atomic radii
Across: decrease
Down: increase
Ionization Energy
the energy that must be supplied when an electron is removed from an atom
Ionization energy can be represented as
A + energy → A+ + e-
an atom or group of atoms that has a positive or negative charge
is a process that results in the formation of an ion.
First Ionization Energy (IE1)
specifically, the energy required to remove one electron from an atom
Units for Ionization Energy
Noble gases
have the highest IE
Second IE
second electron removed, already positive so many times more difficult.
Third IE
third electron removed
Trends for Ionization Energies
Across: increase
Down: decrease
Electron Affinity
the energy change that occurs when an electron is acquired (or gains) by a neutral atom
A + e- → A- + energy
Representation when atoms readily take electrons.
A + e- + energy → A-
Representation when atoms are forced to gain electrons. These tend to be unstable and lose these e- spontaneously.
have the highest electron affinity.
Alkaline-earth metals and noble gases
are the least likely to gain electrons.
Trends for Electron Affinity
Across: increase
Down: decrease
Ionic Radii
the radii once an ion is formed
Formation of a cation
decrease in the radius
are smaller than their neutral counterparts.
Formation of an anion
increase in the radius
are larger than their neutral counterparts.
a measure of the ability of an atom in a chemical compound to attract electrons
Valence Electrons
electrons available to be lost, gained, or shared in the formation of chemical compounds
Linus Pauling
developed a scale for electronegativity
is most electronegative element, and arbitrarily assigned 4.0 on scale.
Trends for Electronegativity
Across: increase
Down: decrease
coined the term atom for nature's basic particle
did not believe in idea of atoms
thought matter was continuous
Thought matter was made out of the four elements - Earth, Wind, Fire, Water
the practical pursuit of the transmutation (transformation) of elements into one another
Law of Multiple Proportions
if two or more different compounds are composed of the saqme two elements, the masses of the second element combined with a certain mass of the first element can be expressed as ratios of small whole numbers
John Dalton
expanded on Democritus' work
John Dalton
proposed an atomic theory in 1801
Wave/Particle Duality
when material has certain wave-like properties and certain particle-like properties
Electromagnetic Radiation
a form of energy that exhibits wavelike behavior as it travels through space
Electromagnetic Spectrum
all electromagnetic radiation arranged according to increasing wavelength
the distance between corresponding points on adjacent waves
the number of waves that passes a given point in a specific amount of time, usually one second
Photoelectric effect
a phenomena where light at a particular frequency shines on certain metals, and photoelectrons are emitted
energy in specific amounts
Quantum of light (energy)
a finite quantity of energy that can be gained or lost by an atom
term used to describe an individual quantum of light
Emission spectrum
a spectrum of lines that represent the emission of photons with certain energies
Balmer Series
line emissions in the visible spectrum
Lymen Series
line emissions in the ultraviolet spectrum
Paschen Series
line emissions in the infrared spectrum
a process where a spectroscope is used to separate the light given off from substances into the line spectra