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47 Cards in this Set

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Atoms chemically combine to form ______
what are the three subatomic particles in an atom?
protons, neutrons, and electrons
developed the law of constant composition
who made the first model of the atom and described it as an indivisible sphere. What was wrong with this?
Dalton (it had no subatomic particles?
conducted the cathode ray tube and discovered that negative particles exist in an atom
Who conducted the oil drop experiment and discovered that electrons are negatively charged?
Who conducted the cathode ray experiment and discovered the mass to charge ratio in of the electron?
J.J. Thompson
Who made the plum pudding (second) model of the atom with all the subatomic particles scattered throughout?
J.J. Thompson
What three things did Rutherford discover by conducting the Gold Foil experiment?
the atom is mostly empty space, there is a nucleus, and it is positively charged (repelled)
atoms that do not change or decay with time
stable isotopes
isotopes that are unstable
light nuclei: about an atomic number of __ and below, have a stable ratio of __
20 : 1
heavy nuclei have a stable ratio of __
all atoms with atomic numbers above __ are radioactive (no stable isotopes)
4/2 He
alpha radiation
0/-1 e
Beta Radiation
0/1 e
postitron radiation
Chemical reactions involve _____; nuclear reactions involve ________ and _______
occurs when a large atom is bombarded with neutrons (sending other neutrons and elements out creating a chain reaction)
Nuclear Fission
when two or more light nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus
Nuclear Fusion
occurs spontaneously in the sun
Nuclear Fusion
A hydrogen bomb is an uncontrolled _______ reaction
Who made the discovery of the neutron?
James Chadwick
Who created the planetary model of the atom?
Niels Bohr
What is the only thing that chagnes with isotopes?
the Atomic Mass
What is the formula for finding the average atomic mass of all the isotopes in an element?
AAM = (mass*percent abundance) + (mass*percent abundance) + (mass*percent abundance) etc.
Metals _____ electrons to form _____ charged ions called _____.
metals loose electrons to form positively charged ions called cations
nonmetals _____ electrons to form ______ charged ions called _____
nonmetals gain electrons to form negatively charged ions called anions
________ discovered that atoms or molecules emit energy in certain quantities called _____. He also made the ________ model of the atom
Max Plank : QUANTA : Quantum mechanical model of the atom
energy comes in two forms: ____ and ____
heat and light
Quantum theory describes energy in the form of ____.
when an electron jumps to a higher energy level, we say it is in its _______ state. When it goes back down to its original level it is in its _____ state.
excited state : ground state
frequency is measured in _____ or ____. Wavelength is measured in _____ or ____
Hertz or (s-1) : meters or nanometers
what is the formula for finding frequency of a wave?
frequency = speed of light (constant) / wavelength
what is the formula for finding the energy that a wave transmits?
E(energy) = frequency * Planks Constant
Spectra that shows the colors that have been emitted... mostly ____
Emission Spectra. Mostly black
Spectra that shows the colors that have been absorbed... mostly ____
Absorption Spectra. Mostly colored.
What principle states that it is impossible to know the location and velocity of an electron at the same time?
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
_____ are areas where an electron can possibly be found.
____ is an area where an electron can never be (Each orbital must have at least one)
What principle states that each orbital can hold two elcetrons with opposite spins?
Pauli Exclusion Principle
Which principle states that there must be one electron in each sublevel before there can be two
Hund's Rule
What are the two exceptions to the rules when using orbital diagrams and electron configuration? What are their configurations?
Chromium = ...4s1 3d5
Copper = ...4s1 3d10
_____ is when an atom shares the same number of electrons with a noble gas (stable)
atoms that have at least one unpaired electron (should be attracted to a magnet) are called ______
atoms that have all their electrons paired up and are not attracted to a magnet are called ______
rows _, _, and _ are diamagnetic.
2 : 12 : 18