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40 Cards in this Set

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Which element has the highest first ionisation energy?


Which element has the lowest first ionisation energy?


Why does successive ionisation energy increase?

The proton: electron ratio increases, increasing nuclear attraction

What is Vm?

Molar gas volume. This is the volume per mole of a gas at pressure 7 and a stated temperature

What is 1atm in kPa?

101/100 kPa

What properties does an ideal gas have?

Random motion, elastic collisions, negligible mass, no intermolecular forces

Which elements can undergo octet expansion?

Those in period 3

Which elements can have incomplete outer shells?

Al, Be and B

Why are polymers non-biodegradable?

The carbon chain is non-polar, so it can't be hydrolysed. It's also stable, so it can't be broken down naturally

What is the equation when chlorine reacts with cold, dilute NaOH?

Cl2+ 2NaOH--> NaCl + NaClO + H2O

What is the equation when chlorine reacts with hot, concentrated NaOH?

3Cl2 + 6NaOH ---> 5NaCl + NaClO3 + 3H2O

What type of reaction is a displacement reaction?


What is the IUPAC name for lactic acid?

2-hydroxypropanoic acid

What is a use of methanol?

A fuel additive to improve the combustion of petrol

What conditions are required for the fermentation of glucose?

37 degrees, anaerobic, enzyme in yeast

What reagents are needed to convert an alcohol into a haloalkane?

NaBr + concentrated H2SO4

What is Q?

Total heat energy in Joules

What are the metalloids?

B, Si, Ge, As, Te

Which group is simple?


Which group is giant covalent?


What pH are group 2 hydroxides?

10-12, weak bases

What does thermal decomposition of a group 2 carbonate produce?

Metal oxide + CO2

What happens to solubility and thermal stability down the group?

They increase down the group

What is the Arrhenius equation?

k= Ae^ Ea/RT

What is the y axis?

ln k

What is the x axis?


What is m?


What is c?


What is included in heterogeneous equilibrium?

Aqueous and gases

What is the first titration equation?

5Fe2+ + MnO4- + 8H+ --> 5Fe3+ + Mn2+ + 4H2O

What is the second titration equation?

2S2O3 2- + I2 --> 2I- + S4O6 2-

What is this titration used for?

To analyse bleach, copper salts and copper alloys

What is the equation for the formation of an acyl chloride?

SOCl2 + CH3COOH ---> CH3COCl + SO2 + HCl

What is SOCl2?

Sulphur dichloride oxide

What is a phenol used in antiseptics?


What is a phenol used to make paints and resins?


What colour is Fe2+ ?

Pale green

What colour is Fe3+ ?

Pale yellow

What colour is MnO4-?


What colour is Mn2+?

Pale pink