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34 Cards in this Set

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The spontaneous emission of particles of energy from an atom's nucleus.
Types of raditation emitted by atoms of radioactive atoms elements
alpha - positive charge
beta - negative charge
gamma - neutral
Laws of Electrostatics
Like charges repel
Unlike (Opposite) charges attract
SI (metric) unit of charge
thompson's finding
found sub-atomic particles and calculated mass-to-charge ratio
How is the atomic mass unit (amu) defined
In terms of the carbon atom, which
is defined as having a mass of exactly 12 atomic mass units. In terms of macroscale mass units, 1 atomic mass unit = 1-66054 X 10^-24g.
atomic number
Number of protons in an atom
atomic structure
the identity and arrangement of
subatomic particles in the atom
atomic weight
the average mass of a representative sample of atoms of the element (i.e. all isotopes), expressed in atomic mass units
Avogadro's number
6.02 x 10^23 - # of atoms/molecules in a mole.
law of chemical periodicity
The properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers (numbers of protons).
negatively charged sub-atomic particle
Elements in the periodic table that are arranged in vertical columns according to atomic number, with similar chemical properties
Group 7A - Diatomic molecules and are highly reactive. The group name, halogens, comes from the Greek words bins, meaning "salt," and genes, meaning "forming ." The halogens all form salts-compounds similar to
sodium chloride (NaCl)
Compound of a Metal and a non-metal
alkaline earth metals
Elements in Group
2A, known as alkaline earth metals, are extracted from minerals (earths) and also
produce alkaline aqueous solutions (except beryllium) .
alkaline metals
Elements in Group 1A are called alkali metals (except hydrogen) because their aqueous solutions are alkaline (basic)
charged atom, or similarly
charged group of atoms
the fundamental positively charged particles of atomic structure
atomic core
neutral subatomic particle
measure of the quantity of matter
metric system
the officially recognized measurement system of science, which uses a base-10 system
atoms with the same atomic number (protons) but different mass numbers (neutrons)
mass number
mass of an atom/molecule. protons + neutrons
the amount of substance that contains as many atoms, molecules, ions, or other nanoscale units as there are atoms in exactly 12 g of carbon-12 .
One mole always contains
the same number of particles. The number of particles in a mole is
I mol = 6 .02214199 X 10^23 particles
molar mass
the mass, in grams, of one mole of a substance
The horizontal rows of the periodic table
transition elements
(transition metals) fill the middle of the
periodic table in Periods 4 through 7
noble gases
at the far right of the periodic table are the least reactive elements
percent abundance
The proportion of atoms of each isotope in a natural sample of an element
significant figures
The digits of a number that carry meaning contributing to its accuracy
Millikan's finding
Used oil droplet experiment to find mass of electron
Rutherford's finding
"shot" alpha particles at gold foil and found that some passed through, some deflected and some bounced back, implying a small nucleus in the atom.