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32 Cards in this Set

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Blood:Gas Coefficient
The rate of increase of the alveolar partial pressure of the inhaled anesthetic towards the inspired partial pressure is inversely related to the solubility of the anesthetic in blood.

How quickly an inhaled anesthetic will build up partial pressure & anesthitize the pt.


Ex. The lower the bld:gas coefficient = less soluble = faster onset
(10:1= 10 in bld & 1 in alveolar gas--- .47:1=.47 in blood and 1 in alveolar gas).
Oil:Gas Coefficient
Solubility of a Gas Depends 4 things
1. Partial pressure
2. Temperature
3. The identity of a gas
4. the identity of the liquid (solvent)
Weight/Volume %
# of grams of solute per 100mL of solvent
Colligative property
A property of a Solution that depends only on the number of dissolved particles, not on their chemical identity.

Ex: vapor pressure, boiling point, freezing point, osmosis
High partial pressure = less soluble in blood = ? blood:gas coefficient
Low bld:gas coefficient
Partition Coefficient temp
37 degrees Celsius
Determinants of alveolar partial pressure & therefore brain partial pressure of inhaled anesthetic are...
1. Input of anesthetic into alveoli
2. Uptake of anesthetic from alveoli to capillary blood.

Pi = PA = Pa = Pbr
Low Partial Pressure = more soluble in blood = ? blood:gas coefficient
High blood: gas coefficient
Vol/Vol %
The number of mL of solute per number of mL of solution
Bunsen Coefficient & Ostwald Coefficient
Physical terms that relate to the solubility of a gas in a liquid

Bunsen = gas disolved at STP & temp concerned

Ostwald = gas disolved at a given temp
The number of moles per Liter of solution
Vapor Pressure temp
20 degrees celcius
Henry's Law
The solubility of a gas directly proportional to the partial pressure of gas if the temp is constant.

Solubility/Partial pressure gas = k

Classes of inhaled anesthetic
1. Soluble: slow onset, ↓ alveolar partial pressure, ↑ blood:gas

2. Intermediately soluble:

3. Poorly soluble: Quick onset, ↑ alveolar partial pressure, ↓ blood :gas
The max amy of a substance that will dissolve in a given amy of solvent at a specific temp.
Partition Coefficient
The ratio of the amount of substance present in one phase compared with another, the two phases being of equal bol and in equilibrium (equal partial pressure).

Partition coefficients are used to describe partitioning between 2 media (blood:brain, blood:gas, oil:gas).
Tissue:Blood Coefficient
Determines the uptake of anesthetic into tissue and the time necessary for equilibration of tissue with the Pa (artery)

ex: brain:blood coefficient

the more soluble in the brain/tissue, the less building up of partial pressure in the alveoli
Oil:Gas Coefficient
↑ lipid soluble = ↑ potency = ↓ MAC

Potency related to lipid solubility.
the minimum alveolar concentration that will cause a response in 50% of the patent population.

High MAC = Low potency
Low MAC = High potency
2 Gated Channels and Definition
1. Voltage Gated Channels: respond to electrical potential
ex: Na K pump
2. Ligand Gated Channels: Open in response to a chemical/enzyme.
ex: Acetyl Choline

Def: Selectively permeable channels that allow certain thing thru related to size, shape, and electrical characteristics
the movement of water between compartments from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration of water.
osmotic pressure
the pressure needed to oppose the movement of water down a solute concentration gradient across a cell membrane
Aqua Poron
Pores for water to diffuse through
-the number of pores varies with the membrane and with the signals -ex: ADH
quantitates the forces determining the distribution of water and refers to the number of osmotically active particles per LITER of SOLUTION
a measure of the osmotically active particles per KILOGRAM of SOLVENT
Morality Equation
Osmolarity Equation and Definition

Def: the difference between ionic compounds and the amount of solution
Starlings Forces
1. Colloid osmotic (oncotic) pressure : pulls water in (albumin/protein suck water in)

2. Hydrostatic pressure: push water out (ex. BP)
Fick's Law of Diffusion
the rate of transfer of a gas through a tissue is proportional to the tissue area and the difference in gas partial pressure between the two sides, and inversely proportional to the thickness.

A/T x D (P-P2)
Graham's Law of Diffusion
the rate of diffusion of a gas is inversely proportional to its molecular weight
- the smaller the molecular weight the faster it will diffuse/transfer
-light molecules travel faster, collide more frequently, and diffuse faster
-the relative rates of their diffusion are inversely proportional to the square root of their densities (molec. weight).
Diffusion Constant
related to the solubility