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111 Cards in this Set

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a pure substance made of only one kind of atom
a substance made from the atoms of two or more elements that are chemically bonded
a blend of two or more substances, each of which retains its own identity and properties
the smallest unit of an element that retains the properties of that element
a substance that has a fixed composition (elements and compounds are pure substances, mixtures are not)
pure substance
matter of uniform composition; has the same proportion of proportion of components throughout (elements, compounds and some mixtures are homogeneous)
a mixture that is not uniform throughout (some mixtures are heterogeneous)
another term for a homogeneous mixture
matter may be classified into
elements, compounds, and mixtures
definite volume and definite shape
definite volume and indefinite shape
neither definite volume nor definite shape
solid to liquid
liquid to gas, happens at all temperatures
liquid to gas when reaching boiling point
gas to liquid
liquid to solid
solid to gas
gas to solid
a characteristic of matter that can be observed or measured without changing the identity of the substance
(EXAMPLES: physical state, boiling point, color, density)
physical property
a property that relates the ability of a substance to undergo changes that transform it into different substances
(EXAMPLES: flammability, corrosiveness, reactivity with acids)
chemical property
any change in matter that does NOT change its identity (EXAMPLES: cutting, crushing, melting, boiling, dissolving)
physical change
a change in which one or more substances are converted into different substances (that have different properties)
(EXAMPLES: burning, rusting, tarnishing, exploding)
chemical change
another term for a chemical change
chemical reaction
the substances that react in a chemical change
the new substances that are formed as a result of a chemical change (or chemical reaction)
the closeness of a measurement to its accepted value
the closeness of measurements of the same thing made in the same way (the repeatability of a measurement)
precise? accurate?

A metal cylinder is measured three times: 28.56 g, 28.55 g, 28.55 g.
The cylinder is labeled as having an actual mass of 31.00 g.
Measurements are precise but not accurate.
when using a measurement instrument (such as a balance, graduated
cylinder or thermometer), measurements should be made to
one digit beyond the finest division on the scale
the digits written down to record a measurement
significant figures

(last digit written is uncertain)
sig figs

Zeroes at the end of a whole number with no decimal point (such as 1200 cm)
Zeroes at the beginning of a decimal fraction (such as 0.054 g)

NOT significant
sig figs

in multiplication and division...
round to the same number of significant figures as the measurement that has the fewest sig figs
sig figs

in addition and subtraction...
round to the same number of decimal places as the measurement with the least decimal places
what is the base unit for each of these fundamental qualities: length, mass, time
meter (m), kilogram (kg), seconds (s)
combination of fundamental quantities
derived quantity

ex: speed, area, volume, density
study this chart
SI Prefix Abbreviation Meaning
Giga- G Billions (1,000,000,000) 109
Mega - M Millions (1,000,000) 106
Kilo- k Thousands (1,000) 103
Centi- c Hundredths (.01) 10-2
Milli- m Thousandths (.001) 10-3
Micro- µ Millionths (.000001) 10-6
Nano- n Billionths (.000000001) 10-9
the density of a substance is ___
constant (is always the same regardless of the amount of the substance you have)
percent error formula
% Error = |Accepted Value – Experimental Value|÷Accepted Value
Be familiar with the 5 main ideas of Dalton’s Atomic Theory:

and why b and c are incorrect
a. All matter is composed of tiny particles called atoms.
b. Atoms of the same element are identical; atoms of different elements are different.
c. Atoms cannot be subdivided, created or destroyed.
d. Atoms of different elements combine in small whole number ratios to form compounds.
e. In chemical reactions, atoms are combined, separated or rearranged.
who discovered the electron and how?

Passed a current through the gas in a cathode ray tube and saw a beam that was deflected toward a positively charged metal plate. Inferred that the beam was made of negatively charged particles
who discovered the nucleus and how?

Fired positively charged particles at sheet of gold foil. Found that most passed through, but a small number were deflected. Inferred that most of the atom is empty space with a small, dense positive nucleus.
subatomic particles proton, neutron, and electron: location, charge, and relative mass
proton: nucleus, +, 1amu
neutron: nucleus, no charge, 1amu
electron: energy levels, -, negligible
the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom (the whole # above the symbol on Periodic Table)
atomic number
the number of protons + neutrons in the nucleus (the decimal # below the symbol on Periodic Table
mass number
how to find # protons, neutrons, and electrons
# Protons = atomic number
# Electrons = atomic number (for a neutral atom)
# Neutrons = mass number – atomic number
atoms of the same element that vary in their number of neutrons (they have the same atomic number but have different mass numbers.)
the weighted average of the masses of the known naturally occurring isotopes of the element
atomic mass
an atom that has lost or gained one or more electron(s) and has an unbalanced electrical charge
positively charged ion [atom has lost electron(s)]
negatively charged ion [atom has gained electron(s)]
energy in the form of waves that travels through space at a speed of 3.0 X 108 m/s
electromagnetic radiation
the distance between corresponding points on adjacent waves (distance from crest to crest of a wave)
wavelength (λ)
the number of waves that pass a given point in a specific time (usually a second) measured in hertz
frequency (γ)
a bundle or particle of light energy
Know that the frequency of electromagnetic radiation is inversely proportional to the wavelength as shown in the equation below (where c = speed of light):
c = λ•γ
Thus, as the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation increases, its frequency decreases.
the ejection of electrons from the surface of a metal when light of high enough frequency shines on the metal
photoelectric effect
lowest energy state of an atom (when electrons are in the lowest available energy level
ground state
when an atom has a higher potential energy than its ground state (electrons are in higher energy levels than the ground state)
excited state
a series of bright lines of light of specific wavelengths that are created when the visible light emitted by an excited atom is passed through a prism
line emission spectrum
the maximum number of electrons that can occupy the outermost energy level of an atom (except for H and He for which the maximum number is 2.)

also called an octet

find # of orbitals, max # of electrons, lowest energy level found

1 2 1ST
3 6 2nd
5 10 3rd
7 14 4th
An electron will enter an empty orbital in an energy sublevel before entering an orbital that is already occupied by another electron; all unpaired electrons in an energy sublevel will have the same direction of spin.
Hund’s Rule
No more than two electrons can occupy a space orbital, and these two electrons must have opposite spins
Pauli Exclusion Principle
It is impossible to simultaneously determine the position and energy (or velocity) of an electron
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
Russian chemist that developed first Periodic Table
•Arranged elements in order of increasing atomic mass
•Placed elements with similar properties in same column
•Left gaps where there were undiscovered elements
•Predicted properties of undiscovered elements based upon
their location in the table (which helped lead to their discovery)
•Problem with table was that a few elements did not fall into
a column with elements of similar properties (a problem that was
corrected when Moseley reorganized the table)
Re-organized Mendeleev’s table, placing elements in order of increasing atomic number. This resulted in a change in the location on the table of only a few elements (such as Ar and K switching places), but corrected the problem with Mendeleev’s table because now all elements with similar properties fell into the same column, or group.
what is the Periodic Law?
“the physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic number.”

What this law is saying is that when the elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, there will be repeating patterns of properties
Periodic Table:

Elements in the same vertical column of Periodic Table
•Groups may be numbered in two ways across the top of Table

a) 1-16
b) IA-VIIIA for representative groups, IB-XB for transition elements
•Elements in same Group have same # of electrons in outer energy level
•Elements in same Group have similar properties
Periodic Table:

Elements in the same horizontal row of Periodic Table

•Periods are numbered 1-7
•Elements in same period have same number of energy levels
(Period 1 – 1 energy level, Period 2 – 2 energy levels, etc.)
1st 92 elements of the periodic table are found in

(and are called natural elements)
the remaining elements not found in nature are ______and often called_______
natural elements, transuranium elements
left of zig-zag line

•Solids (except mercury)
•Shiny, malleable, ductile and good conductors
of heat and electricity
•Tend to lose electrons and form cations
right of zig-zag line

•Range from solids to gases (Br only liquid)
•Solids are dull, brittle and poor conductors
•Tend to gain electrons and form anions
Have characteristics of metals and nonmetals

located border zig-zag line
Alkali Metals
Group IA

•Soft, silvery metals (can be cut w/ knife)
•HIGHLY reactive – readily form compounds
•React explosively w/ water, some w/ air
•Not found free in nature (exist in compounds)
Alkaline Earth Metals
Group IIA

•Silvery metals, harder than Alkali Metals
•Very reactive--readily form compounds
•Not found free in nature (exist in compounds)
Group VIIA

•Highly reactive nonmetals
•Readily form compounds called salts
•Can exist in free state as diatomic molecules
(F2, Cl2, I2, etc.)
Noble Gases

•Have stable configuration of 8 outer electrons
•Chemically inert – do not form compounds
•All are gases
Transition Metals
Middle Section
(Groups 3-13 or
Groups IB-10B)

•Elements in which electrons are being added to the d-sublevel of the next-to-outer shell
•Have 1 or 2 outer electrons (w/ exceptions)
•Shiny, strong, hard, malleable, ductile, and good conductors of heat & electricity
Bottom of Table
Next-to-Last Row

•Elements in which electrons are being added
to the 4f sublevel (2 levels below outer level)
•Metals w/ typical metal properties
•Found in earth’s crust, but not very abundant
Bottom of Table Last Row

•Elements in which electrons are being added
to the 5f sublevel (2 levels below outer level)
•Most are man-made (after uranium)
•Most are radioactive
Groups IA and IIA

Electrons filling the s sublevel of outer energy level

Electrons are filling the p sublevel of outer energy level
Transition metals

Electrons are filling d-sublevel of the next-to-outer energy level
Lanthanides and

Electrons are filling the f sublevel two levels below the outer energy level
the distance from the nucleus to the outer energy level of an atom
atomic radius
the distance from the nucleus to the outer energy level of an ion
ionic radius
the amount of energy required to remove an electron from the outer energy level of an atom
ionization energy
a measure of the ability of an atom in a compound to attract electrons
a measure of the readiness with which an element will react with other elements to form compounds
Form ions that are smaller (The atom loses an energy level)
Metal Atoms
Form ions that are larger (No change in # of energy levels)
Nonmetal Atoms
Metal atoms release outer shell electrons and become cations surrounded by an “electron sea” in a metallic crystal.

found: Metal elements
Examples: Cu, Zn
Metallic bond
Transfer of electrons between a metal and a nonmetal. Metal loses electron(s) and becomes a cation; nonmetal accepts electron(s) and becomes an anion.
These oppositely charged ions are strongly attracted to one another and form a crystal lattice.

Compounds of a metal and nonmetal or of a metal and polyatomic ion
Examples: LiCl, Na2SO4
Ionic bond
Unequal sharing of electrons, usually between two nonmetal atoms. One end of bond is slightly negative (δ-) and the other end slightly positive (δ+)

Compounds of two nonmetals that have relatively large differences in electronegativity.
Examples: H20, CF4
Also found between atoms in a polyatomic ion.
Example: PO4-3, NO3-1
Polar Covalent bond
only substances that are bonded covalently are composed of:
neutral group of atoms that are held together by covalent bonds
atoms share two pairs of electrons ( = )
double bond
atoms share three pairs of electrons (Ξ)
triple bond
B. Molecular Geometry and Polarity

If the bonds in a molecule are nonpolar, the molecule is
Molecular Geometry and Polarity

If the bonds in a molecule are polar, the molecule may be either polar or nonpolar depending on the geometry of the molecule. In general, if a molecule is symmetrical (one side a mirror image of the other)it is
a polar molecule is called a___
Remember that all binary compounds end in...
Remember to use prefixes with nonmetal-nometal compounds
mono -1 di-2 tri-3 tetra-4 penta-5
Remember to use ____ in compounds containing Cu, Fe, Cr, Pb, or Sn
Roman Numerals
6.022 X 1023
Avogadro Number
name given to the number 6.022 X 1023

(1 mole of an element = 6.022 X 1023 atoms)

(1 mole of a compound = 6.022 X 1023 formula units)
____ formula tells the smallest whole number ratio of the atoms of the elements that make up the compound
tells the kind and number of atoms in a molecule of a compound
molecular formula