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33 Cards in this Set

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Suggested that everything was composed of minute, indivisible, indestructible particles of pure matter

450 BCE


Period law


Hydrocarbons with only single bonds between atoms

Examples: Methane, Ethane and Propane

Methane is the simplest Hydrocarbon/alkane


Hydrocarbons with one double bond between two carbon atoms

Examples: Ethene, Propene and Butene

Classified as unsaturated (carbon-based compounds containing double or triple bonds between carbon atoms) hydrocarbons

Double bond between two of the carbon atoms means that alkenes contain less hydrogen than the maximum amount possible


Each compound in the alkyne series has one triple bond between carbon atoms

Ethyne is the smallest alkyne

Rules for Naming Carbon Compounds

• The longest unbranched chain containing the functional group is the parentmolecule, or simply the longest unbranched chain for alkanes. Remember that, thelongest chain can go round a bend. • Indicate the position of the functional group with a number, numbering from the endnearest the functional group. • Name the branches, and indicate the number of branches.

• The prefix 'di' indicates there are 2 branches.

• The prefix 'tri' indicates there are 3 branches.

• Ethyl indicates there are 2 carbon atoms in the branch.

• Methyl indicates there is 1 carbon atom in the branch

Avagadro's Constant

NA = 6.02 x 10^23 mol-1

Relative Atomic Mass Formula

Ar = (relative isotopic mass1 x % abundance) + (relative isotopic mass2 x % abundance) + ...



Finding the number of particles:

N = n x NA

Amount of substance (in mol) in a given substance

n = N ÷ NA

Finding the mols/mass/molar mass

n = m ÷ M

Mole in a solution

n = c x v

To find the mass

m = n x M

Ionic compounds

Ioniccompounds are made up of ions! This is bonding between Metal Cations andNon-Metal Anions

Ionic properties

Ionic bonding model

- Positive ions and negative ions are strongly bonded ina regular lattice called an ionicnetwork lattice

- The strong bonding results from the electrostatic attraction between oppositelycharged ions

- The ions are arranged so that positively charged ions are surrounded by negatively charged ionsand vice versa.

- Therelative number of cations and anions is fixed by the requirement that thesolid has a neutral charge

Metals always

form positive ions

Non-metals always

from negative ions

Metal atoms release electrons

that are taken up by non-metalatomsThe positive metal ions are attracted to the negativenon-metal ions producing crystals. This structure is called an ionic network lattice.

Ionic substances in aqueous solutions

When anionic substance is in an aqueous solution, or in the molten state; the positiveand negative ions DISSOCIATE and are left to move freely through the solution.Because there are now free-moving charged particles, the ions are able to movearound in order to allow a charge to pass through.

Metallic Bonding

Metallic Bonding Model

Metal atoms let looseouter shell electrons and form positiveions

The cations arearranged in a regular, three-dimensional lattice

The outer shellelectrons are no longer tied up to any atom in particular atom. They are calleddelocalised electronsand are free to move throughout the lattice.

The metalliccations are held in the lattice by the electrostaticattraction to the delocalised electrons

Chemical Reactivity of metals

Metals tendto react by losing electrons. The chemical reactivity of a metal depends on howeasily electrons can be removed from its atoms. The lower the amount of energyrequired to remove electrons from the atom, the more reactive the atom is.

Limitations of the metallic bonding model?

The model cannot explain why some metals are magneticand some are not

Why densities and melting temperatures of metals varyso much

Modifying Metals

Nobel Gases

Most unreactive non-metals

All except helium, have 8 valence electrons – they possess a stable octet structure.

At room temperature, all the noble gases exist as colourless monoatomic gases (insoluble in water) (e.g. argonconsists of free atoms, Ar and not Ar2.)

Helium used in weather balloons and airships Neon used in advertising lights

Argon commonly used to fill light (filament) bulbs

Periodic Table Trends

Dalton's atomic theory

1. All matter is composed of atoms, held togetherby forces of attraction.

2. Atoms are indivisible and cannot be created nordestroyed.

3. All atoms of the same element are identical.

4. All atoms of different elements are totallydifferent.

5. Atoms of different elements can combined to formsimple whole number compounds.

Thomson Atomic theory

Plum Pudding Model

Protons and Electrons randomly scattered throughoutthe atom.

Cathode rays.

Cathode Rays: Alight is produced when a current is passed through a tube, streaming from thecathode to the anode. These cathode rays are made of negatively chargedparticles moving in straight lines, unless subject to magnetic or electricalforce.

Rutherford Atomic theory

Introduction of the nucleus, a concentrated region of positive charge. Electrons orbit around the nucleus in random orbits.

α-particle scattering:α-particles are made of positively charged helium ions. These particleswould scatter and even rebound backwards if shot at a gold sheet. Only a highlyconcentrated area of positive charge could do this, hence, a nucleus.

Nuclear Model

Bohr Atomic Theory

Electron Shell

Electron shells. Each holds 2n2 electronswhere n is the shell number.

Emission Spectra: Whenphotons are emitted, they can be divided into their individual wavelengths witha spectroscope. This produces an emission spectrum. Each element has a uniqueemission spectrum.

Schrodiner Atomic Theory

Mechanical Model

Subshells, three-dimensional orbits.

Clusters of lines in emission spectra


atoms of the same element that have different atomic weights due to the differing amounts of neutrons