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42 Cards in this Set

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Electrons found close to the nucleus is...
Core electrons
Electrons found in the most distant S and P energy subshells.
Which electrons are responsible for holding two or more atoms together in a Chemical bond?
Valence electrons form a chemical bond.
The ___ ___ states that atoms bond in such a way so that each atom aquires 8 electrons in its outer shell.
Octet rule.
What are the two ways an atom may acheive an octet?
1- By transfer of electons from one atom to another =
ionic bond

2- by sharing one or more pairs of electrons. =
covalent bond
___ ____ are formed from the complete transfer of electrons between atoms to form ___ ___. bond in which one or more electrons from one atom are removed and attached to another atom, resulting in positive and negative ions which attract each other.
Ionic Bonds
bond in which one or more electrons from one atom are removed and attached to another atom, resulting in positive and negative ions which attract each other.
____ ____ are formed when two atoms share electrons to form molecular compounds (overlap).
Covalent bonds.
An ___ ___ is formed by the attraction between positively charged CATIONS and negatively charged ANIONS.
Ionic bonds

This is similar to opposite poles on two magnets.
bond in which one or more electrons from one atom are removed and attached to another atom, resulting in positive and negative ions which attract each other.
____ are formed when an atom loses valence electronsto become positively charged.
Cats lose electricity.
____ are formed when an atom gains electrons and becomes negatively charged.
are negative.

Onions make negative breath.
The radius of a ___ is smaller than the radius of its starting atom.
Because it loses electrons thus becoming less mass.
The radius of a ___ is larger than the radius of its starting atoms.
Because an Anion gains electrons thus the atoms becomes larger yet it is now negatively charged.
___ ___ are formed when two "nonmetal" atoms share electrons and the shared electrons belong to both atoms.
Covalent bonds.
When a ___ ___ is formed the valence shells of the two atoms overlap with each other.
Covalent bond
The mixing of sublevels draws the ____ close to gether.
___ is released when two atoms form a covalent bond.
___ is needed to break covalent bonds.
Energy required to break a covalent bond is referred to as ___ ___.
Bond energy. The amount of energy to break a bond is the same to form one.
The number of dots around each atom is equal to the number of ___ ___ the atom has.
Valence electrons.
A ___ ___ shows the bonds between atoms and helps us to visualize the arrangement of atoms in a molecule.
Lewis structure.
Calculating the total number of valence electons for a molecule is done by ....
adding all of the valence electrons for each atom in the molecule then divide by 2 to find the total pairs.
Electron pairs that are shared by atoms are called ___ ___. The other lectrons complete octets and are called ___ ___ or lone pairs.
bonding electrons
nonbonding electrons.
If there are not enough electron pairs to provide each atom with an octet, move a nonbonding electron pair between two atoms that....
already share an electron pair.
Electron dot formula for H2O:
First count the total number of valence electrons: oxygen has 6 and hydrogen has 1 for a total of 8; (6+2(1) = 8 electrons
There are two hydrogens so the formula displays 2 times the number of it's valence which is only 1 for hydrogen.
Place 8 dots surrounding the central atom Oxygen.
Then place two hydrogen atoms in any of the four electron pairs positions thus displaying two bonding and two nonbonding pairs.
Two shared electron pairs constitute a ___ ___.
Double bond.
The phenomenon of double bonding is called ____.
Double bonding is resonance.
Write the structural formula (Lewis structure) for HCN?
1 + 4 + 5 = 10 e-
H + C + N =
Write the structural formula for HCCH.
How many valence electrons in each then total them?
1+4+4+1 = 10 e-
2(1) + 2(4) because there are two hydrogen and two Carbons. The one represents it's valence electrons for Hydrogen. The 4 represents the valence for Carbon.
A ___ ___ ___ is one in which the electrons are not shared equally.
polar covalent bond
Unlike nonpolar bonds where those have equal electronegativty.
polar - electrons aren't shared.
Nonpolare- equal electronega.
____ is the ability of an atom to attract electrons in a chemical bond.
Electronegativity increases as you go ___ to ___ across a period and ___ to ___ in a family.
Electronegativity increases
left to right
bottom to top within a family.
A ___ ___written near a molecule indicates a polar bond.
delta symbol
delta positive or negative
If two atoms in a covalent bond have the same or similar electronegativities then the bond is not polarized and called a ___ ___ ___ if the electronegativity difference is greater than .5 and less than 1.8
nonpolar covalent bond
nonpolar covalent bond <.5
polar covalent bond .6 - 1.7
ionic bond >1.8
nonpolar covalent bond <.5
polar covalent bond .6 - 1.7
ionic bond >1.8
A covalent bond resulting from one atom donating a lone pair of electrons to another atom is called a ___ ___ ___.
Coordinate covalent bond

Ozone is a good example.
Oxygen is partially negative while Hydrogen is partially positive making it a ___ ___.
Any time Hydrogen is involved it's a ___ ___.
Hydrogen bond.
Electrons repel eachother and referred to as ____.
Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion.
VSEPR theory
A tetrahedral is what degrees apart?
109.5 degrees
Methane is .
With ammonia NH3,
Although the electron pair geometry may be tetrahedral the molecular shape is ___ ___.
Trigonal Pyramidal.
107 degrees
H2O is also tetrahedral and the molecular shape is ___.
Bent at a
104.5 degree angle.
Note that they do NOT repel eachother like a linear does.
CO2 has two oxygen atoms that equally repel one another thus causing a ___ ___.
Linear molecule.
Why is diamond colorless and hard while graphite is black and soft if both are pure carbon?
Diamond has a 3d structure while graphite has a 2d structure.
Graphite can be flaked off in layers.