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67 Cards in this Set

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a mutual electrical attraction between the nuclei and valence electrons of different atoms that binds the atoms together
Chemical Bond
different _____ may be of the same element or different elements
Atoms bond to be in a more ______ _____. They are less stable when they are __ __________. The potential energy _________ when the atoms bond.
stable state; by themselves; decreases
When atoms bond their _______ _________ are redistributed in ways that make the atoms more stable
valence electrons
The way in which the electrons are _____________ determines the type of bond
chemical bonding that results from the electrical attraction between large numbers of anions and cations
Ionic bonding
results from the sharing of valence electron pairs between 2 atoms
Covalent bonding
In purely covalent bonds, the electrons are ______ _______ between the atoms
shared equally
Bonding between atoms of different elements is rarely ______ _____ or ______ ________
purely ionic or purely covalent
The bonding falls between the 2 extremes depending upon how strongly the _____ of each element attract electrons
(high electronegativity - low electronegativity) / * 100
high electronegativity
% ionic character
if % ionic character is > 50%, then an _____ bond exists
--if % ionic character is < 50%, then a _______ bond exists
a _____ ________ bond falls between 5% and 50% including 50%
polar covalent
a ________ ________ bond falls between 0%-5% including 5%
nonpolar covalent
Use the electronegativity for ___ ____ of each element to determine the % ionic character even if the compound contains more than 1 atom of an element.
one atom
electron configuration in which only the valence electrons are shown as dots around the element's symbol
Electron dot Notation
the _____ _____ _________ are not shown
inner shell electrons
to write electron dot notation for _______, draw the symbol with the charge on the cation
To write the electron dot for ______, draw the symbol surrounded by 8 dots with the charge on the anion
Chemical compounds tend to form so that each atom, by gaining, losing or sharing electrons, has an octet or 8 electrons in its highest energy level
Octet Rule
________ ________ _____ are covalent bonds where the electrons are shared equally by the bonded atoms resulting in a balanced distribution of electrical charge
Nonpolar covalent bonds
there is a ____ _____ __________ in electronegativities between the atoms
very small difference
_____ ________ _____ are covalent bonds with an uneven distribution of electrical charges because the bonded atoms have an unequal attraction for the shared electrons
Polar covalent bonds
the difference between the electronegativities is ___________
the electrons are attracted to the more _______________ ____
electronegative atom
a neutral group of atoms that are held together by covalent bonds
molecules containing 2 atoms
Diatomic molecules
_ elements occur in nature as diatomic molecules
formulas for the 7 diatomic molecules are:
H2, N2, O2, F2, Cl2, Br2, I2
A ________ _______ indicates the relative numbers of atoms of each kind of element in a chemical compound by using atomic symbols and numerical subscripts
chemical formula
_________ ________ show the types and numbers of atoms combined in a single molecule of a molecular compound
Molecular formulas
Lewis structures are formulas in which:
- ______ _______ represent the nuclei and inner shell electrons
- dot pairs between 2 atomic symbols represent ________ ____ in covalent bonds, dots adjacent to only one atomic symbol represent unshared electrons
atomic symbols
__________ _______ indicates the kind, number, arrangement and bonds but not the unshared pairs of electrons in the atoms in a molecule
structural formula
covalent bonds produced by the sharing of one pair of electrons between 2 atoms
single bonds
covalent bonds produced by the sharing of 2 pairs of electrons between 2 atoms.
double bonds
covalent bonds produced by the sharing of 3 pairs of electrons between 2 atoms
triple bonds
Compounds made of positive and negative ions combined so that the numbers of positive and negative charges are equal
Ionic compounds
The simplest collection of atoms from which an ionic compound's formula can be established
Formula units
_______ _____ are not independent neutral units that can be separated and examined like a molecule can be
formula units
_____ _________ are networks of positive and negative ions mutually attracted to each other
ionic compounds
_______ ____ represents the lowest ratio of the compound's combined ions that give electrical neutrality
formula unit
ionic compounds usually exist as ___________ _____
crystalline solid
_______ _______ is the orderly arrangement of ions in an ionic compound
crystal lattice
In naming ______, the ending of the element's name is replaced with "ide"
It creates the ability for metals to be ____ __________ __ ___________ in the solid state
good conductors of electricity
within a metal, there are usually 1 or 2 electrons in the outer s-sublevel with no electrons in the _____ _-________
outer p-sublevel
the vacant sublevels overlap providing a path for the _______ _________ to move throughout the metal
valence electrons
the attraction between the metal's atoms and the surrounding sea of electrons
metallic bonding
good conductors of heat and electricity because the sea of electrons carries the ____ or ___________ throughout the atoms
heat or electricity
_____ because metals absorb light at different frequencies resulting in electron transition
The shine is the light given off as the electrons return to the ______ _____
ground state
_________ and _______ because metallic bonding is the same in all directions
Malleable and ductile
forces that hold the different molecules in a substance together
Intermolecular forces
Three types of intermolecular forces:
- dipole-dipole
- hydrogen bonding
- London dipersion forces
forces of attraction between polar molecules
negative region in one polar molecule attracts the ________ ______ in an adjacent molecule throughout the substance
positive region
short range forces acting on nearby _________
important in determining ________ __________ such as the boiling point of a substance or its solubility
physical properties
special type of dipole-dipole force that is very strong
Hydrogen bonding
occurs in compounds containing _-_ bonds, _-_ bonds and _-_ bonds
H-F; H-O; H-N
hydrogen atoms that are bonded to a highly electronegative atom are attracted to an ________ ____ __ _________ of a highly electronegative atom in a nearby molecule
unshared pair of electrons
temporary dipoles that occur in any polar or nonpolar molecule
London dispersion forces
occur because the electrons are __________ ______
constantly moving
at any moment the electron distribution in the electron cloud becomes ______, thus creating a dipole
these temporary _______ induce dipoles in adjacent molecules and cause a weak attraction that holds the molecules together
these are the only intermolecular forces acting between _____ _____ and _____ ________ _________
noble gases and other nonpolar molecules