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72 Cards in this Set

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What is matter?
Anything that has mass and takes up space
Name four things that are not matter.
Light, heat, sound, and energy
What is mass?
The amount of matter in an object, is constant throughout the universe
What is weight?
The force of gravity on matter, changes depending on location
What is chemistry?
the study of the composition of matter and the changes it undergoes
What are the five branches of chemistry?
1. Organic Chemistry
2. Inorganic Chemistry
3. Biochemistry
4. Physical Chemistry
5. Analytical Chemistry
What is organic chemistry?
The study of all chemicals containing carbon
What is inorganic chemistry?
The study of chemicals that, in general, do not contain carbon
What is biochemistry?
The study of the processes that take place in organisms
What is physical chemistry?
The area that deals with the mechanism, the rate, and the energy transfer that occurs when matter undergoes a change
What is analytical chemistry?
The area of study that focuses on the composition of matter
What is pure chemistry?
The pursuit of chemical knowledge for its own sake
What is applied chemistry?
Research that is directed toward a practical goal or application
What did Antoine Lavoisier do?
He helped make chemistry a science of measurements rather than just observations.
What is the scientific method?
The practical approach to problem solving.
What are the steps of the scientific method?
1. State problem
2. Make observations using the 5 senses
3. Hypothesis
4. Experiment
5. Analyze data
6. Conclusion
What is a hypothesis?
A educated guess
What is an experiment?
A test of the hypothesis
What is a theory?
A well tested explanation for a broad set of observations
Can a theory be proven?
What is a scientific law?
A concise statement that summarizes many observations and experiment. It is not an explanation and is often explained mathmatically.
What are extensive properties?
Properties that depend on the amount of matter present (ex: mass, volume, weight, etc.)
What are intensive properties?
Properties that depend on the types of matter, not the amount (ex: hardness, color, flammability, etc.)
What is a substance?
Any matter with uniform and definite composition
What are the two types of substances?
Elements and Compounds
What is an element?
The simplest form of matter
How many atoms are in an element?
How many elements are currently known?
What is a compound?
Two or more elements chemically combined; the ration is unique for a compound
What is a physical property?
A quality or condition of a substance that can be observed or measured (ex: color, height, length, state of matter, temperature, malleability, mass, volume, etc.)
What is a chemical property?
The ability of a substance to undergo chemical change and produce something new (ex: flammability, fermenting, explosiveness, etc.)
What is vapor?
Solids or liquids at room temperature that have changed into a gas (ex: steam, solid air freshener, etc.)
What is sublimation?
Something going from a solid to a gas without turning into a liquid
What is plasma?
Super heated gas that breaks into charged particles
What is a physical change?
A change that does not affect composition (a change in appearance). Still the same material. Ex:tearing paper, cutting your hair, changes of state, etc.
What is a chemical change?
A change that produces matter with a new composition (ex: burning, digestion, fermentation, rotting, respiration, etc.)
What is a mixture?
A physical blend of two or more components (ex: pizza, salad, vegetable soup, Kool-Aid, soft drinks, tea, etc.)
What are the two types of mixtures?
Heterogeneous and Homogeneous
What is a heterogeneous mixture?
A mixture with composition that is not uniform throughout, it has multiple phases (ex: banana split, salads, etc.)
What is a homogeneous mixture?
A mixture with composition that is uniform, it has only one phase but multiple materials. AKA a solution. Ex: tea, Kool-Aid, soft drinks, etc.
What is a phase?
A part of a mixture with its own set of properties
What are the ways to separate a mixture?
1. Inspection
2. Filtration
3. Magnetism
4. Distillation
What is inspection?
Picking apart a mixture based on some feature
What is filtration?
Separation of a solid from a liquid (ex: cooking pasta, coffee, etc.)
What is distillation?
When a liquid is heated to produce a vapor which is then condensed into a liquid
What is distillation based on?
Boiling points
Properties used to describe matter can be classified as .......... or ..........
The ....... of and object is a measure of the amount of matter the object contains.
The ....... of an object is a measure of the space occupied by the object.
An extensive property is on that depends on the ....... of the matter.
An intensive property is one that depends on the ....... of matter.
A ....... is matter that has uniform and definite composition.
A solid has a definite ....... and ........
A liquid has a definite volume, but takes the ....... of its container.
A ....... takes on both the shape and volume of its container.
Matter is anything that has ....... and occupies ........
Chemistry is the study of the ..... of matter and the ....... that matter undergoes.
Chemistry had traditionally been divided into ........ areas of study.
Organic chemistry is the study of chemicals that contain ........, while inorganic chemistry is primarily the study of chemicals that do not contain ........
Biochemistry is the study of the processes that take place in .........
......... is focused on the composition of matter, while ....... deals with the mechanism, the rate, and the .......... that occurs when matter undergoes a change.
Analytical Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Energy transfer
A chemist is likely to be working in .......... areas of chemistry at the same time.
Before there were chemist, ........ were studying matter.
They developed ........ and ........ for working with chemicals.
Lavoisier helped make chemistry a science of .........
A logical, ........ approach is the best way to solve a difficult problem.
One logical approach to solving scientific problems is the ........
Scientific Method
This method may begin with an observation, followed by ......., or a proposed explanation for what is observed.
A hypothesis
You can conduct an ........ to test a hypothesis.
If a hypothesis meets the test of repeated experimentation, it may become a ........., which is a well-tested explanation for a broad set of observations.
A .......... is a concise statement that summarizes the results of many observations and experiments.
Scientific Law
What two processes practiced by scientist increase the likelihood of a successful outcome in science?
Collaboration and Communication