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48 Cards in this Set

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The basic structural unit of an element and the smallest particle of an element that retains the chemical properties of that element.
What three primary particles are atoms composed of?
The protons, neutrons, and electrons.
Atoms are composed of how many distinct regions?
two: the nucleus and the region outside of the nucleus
Nucleus, protons, and neutrons
The nucleus is a small, dense, positively charged region in the center of the atom. The nucleus is composed of positively charged protons and uncharged neutrons.
Surrounds the nucleus in a different region of negative charge electrons.
atomic number
Number of protons in the atom.
mass number
The sum of the number of protons and neutrons.
The number of electrons is equal to the amount of (in a neutral atom)=
Atoms of the sames element having different masses because they contain different numbers of neutrons. Isotopes have different mass numbers.
Electrically charged particles that result from a gain of one or more electrons by the parent atom (forming negative ions, or anions) or a loss of one or more electrons from the parent atom (forming positive ions, or cations).
Periodic law
If the elements are arranged according to their atomic numbers, there is a regular variation of their physical & chemcial properties.
Mendeleev orginal periodic table as arrange...
in order of increasing atomic mass with elements with similar properties grouped together in what was the first periodic table. Same way we do it today!!!
Modern periodic law
The physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers.
In the periodic table the horizontal rows are called __________.
metals vs nonmetals
A metal is a subtance that tend to lose electrons during chemical change, forming positive ions. A nonmetal, on the other hand, is a substance whose atom may gain electrons forming negative ions.
-metals are shinny, are malleable; are ductile, are good conductors of heat and electricity; and most are solids at room temp.
-nonmetals are NOT shiny, are NOT malleable; are NOT good conductors of heat and electricity; and several are gases at room temp.
electron configuration
The arrangement of electrons around a nucleus of an atom, ion, or a collection of nuclei of a molecule.
Valence electrons
The outermost electrons in an atom, which are involved, or have the potential to become involed in the bonding process.
In the periodic table the vertical rows are called
group or familes.
Sub level
Set of equal-energy orbitals within a particular energy level.
Octet rule
metals vs nonmetals with octet rule
-Element usually react in such a way as to attain the electron configuration of the noble gas closest to them in the periodic table.
-Metal, having a small number of valence electrons, tend to lose their valence electrons forming cations.
-Nonmetals, having a large number of valence electrons, tend to react with metals by gaining enough electrons to reach the noble gas electron configuration or 8 valence electrons, forming anions.
-Sometimes nonmetals will share valence electrons with other nonmetals to attain the noble gas electron configuration.
The nucleus is __________ smaller than the atom as a whole.
10,000 times
The representation of an element using symbol is usually in order of:
Symbol in the midder. To the left side is mass number on top, and atomic number on the bottom. To the right is the charge on the top.
Dalton's Atomic Theory
1)All matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms.
2)An atom can not change, divided, destroy or convert to any other type of atom.
3)All atoms of an element are identical in every way.
4)Atoms of different elements have different properties.
5)Atoms of different elements can combine in simple whole-number ratios, to form compounds.
6)A chemical change occurs when atoms joined, separated, or rearranged.
Which of Dalton's Theory is still consisder true?
1,4,5,6 are still consider true.
What eveidence is there of subatomic particles?
J.J. Thompson:cathode ray tubes; electrons, and Rutherford:gold foil experiment; nucleus.
The distance frome the beginning of a wave to the beginning of another wave or the distance from crest to crest. the upside down v symbol
Radiowave: Frequecy
Is the number of waves passing a point in a given amount of time. the v symbol
speed of light
Is the product of wavelength and the fequency, is a constant; c=3.00 x 10 to the 8th m/s
-the energy, E, of the speed of light is found by...
multiplying the frequency by Planck's constant, h
h=6.63x10 to the -34 Js
Electromagnetic Spectrum high energy to low energy list:
Gamma rays, X-ray, ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared light, microwaves, radio waves
Elements that border the zigzag line, they have properties intermediate between metals and nonmetals, except aluminum which is classified as a metal.
What is the only nonmetal element to the left of the zigzag line on the periodic table?
Ion size
-Decrease in size from Left to right.
-Increase in size from top to bottom.
-Some exceptions exist.
ionization energy
The energy required to remove an electron from an isolated atom.
-Reading down a group, the ionization energy decreases, because of the atom's size increases. The outermost electron is progressively farther from the nuclear charge, hence easier to remove.
-Reading across a period, the ionization energy increase, note that atomic size decreases, because the outer most electrons are close to the nucleus, thus harder to remove.
electron affinity
The energy released when a single electron is added to an isolated atom.
-Electrons affinities generally decrease down a group.
=Electrons affinities generally increase across a period.
Filling order for electrons
2s 2p
3s 3p 3d
4s 4 p 4d 4f

Amount of orbitals
Where are Alkali metals located?
Group IA
Where are Alkaline earth metals located?
Group IIA
Where are Noble gases located?
Where are Halogens located?
Group VIIA
Groups A
Representative elements
Groups B
Transition elements
Period 6 and 7
Inner Transition elements
What is the shape of the s orbital?
What is the shape of the p orbital?
dumb bell
Ion size-Cations
-Cations are smaller than their parent atom. Since they have less electrons remaining they are pulled closer to the nucleus. Many times cations lose their outer shell causing a decrease in radius.
Ion size-Anions
-Anions are larger than their parent atom. Since they have more electrons than protons, electron "pull" is reduced resulting in a larger anion radius in contrast to the neutral atom.
Atoms, ions, and molecules containing the same number of electrons.