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141 Cards in this Set

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The three major types of substances from which we obtain energy are...

Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

The Process of synthesizing the molecules to make cell structures within a living cell is called...


The overall set of chemical reactions that keep cells alive is called...


A monosaccharide with a ketone group is called...

c. ketose

An aldose is a monosacccharide....

with an aldehyde group.

When most monosaccharides dissolve in water, they form....

c. ring structures.

The two monosaccharide units that make up a lactose molecule are...

d. glucose and galactose

Which of these polysaccharide molecules consists of branched chains of glucose units?

d. amylopectin and glycogen

Carbohydrates are stored in the liver and muscle tissue as...

d. glycogen

Fats are defined by their....

d. degree of unsaturation

Which are saturated fatty acids?

a. S: CH3(CH2)10COOH and T: CH3(CH2)16COOH or Lauric Acid from palm kernel oil and stearic acid from beef tallow

Which is a monounsaturated fatty acid?

c. U: CH3(CH2)7CH==CH(CH2)7COOH or oleic acid from Olive oil

Which is a polyunsaturated fatty acid?

d. V: CH3CH2(CH==CHCH2)3(CH2)6COOH or Linolenic Acid from Fish oils

Saturated fats often have a high proportion of...

a. S: CH3(CH2)10COOH and T: CH3(CH2)16COOH or Lauric Acid from palm kernel oil and stearic acid from beef tallow

Polyunsaturated fats (oils) often have a high proportion of...

d. V: CH3CH2(CH==CHCH2)3(CH2)6COOH or Linolenic Acid from Fish oils

The iodine number of a fat or oil expresses its...

degree of unsaturation

In general, animal fats differ from vegetable oils in that the oil molecules....

d. have more C==C bonds

Peptides are polymers of...

a. amino acids

The 20 common amino acids that make up proteins differ mainly in their...

d. side chains

Which of the following is not an alpha amino acid?


Which of the following is a zwitterion?


In a dipeptide, two amino acids are joined through an....

a. amide linkage

The N-terminal amino acid and the C-terminal amino acid of the peptide Met-Ile-Val-Glu-Cys-Tyr-Gln-Trp-Ile are, respectively,

c. Met and Ile

How many different tripeptides can be formed from alanine, valin, and lysine, when each appears on once in each product?

c. 6

The tripeptides represented as Ala-Val-Lys and Lys-Val-Ala are....

d. two different peptides

Hydrogen bonds from between the N---H group of one amino acid and the C===O group of another, giving a protein molecule the form of an alpha helix or a beta pleated sheet. What level of protein structure do those forms represent?

c. secondary

Which level of protein structure is maintained in part by dispersion forces?

d. tertiary structure

The arrangement of several protein subunits into a specific pattern, as in hemoglobin, is an example of....

b. Quaternary structure

Which level of protein structure is maintained in part by dispersion forces?

b. Disulfide linkages

An acidic side chain of an amino-acid unit on a protein chain reacts with the basic side chain of an amino-acid unit on another chain or at some distance away on the same chain to form a...

d. salt bridge

When nonpolar side chains of amino-acid units in a protein chain interact with other nonpolar side chains of amino-acid units on another chain or at some distance away on the same chain, the interactions are...

a. dispersion forces

The molecule on which an enzyme acts is called the enyme's

d. substrate

According to the induced-fit model of enzyme action, the...

d. shape of the active site can change somewhat to fit a substrate

An inorganic metal ion working with an enzyme molecule is call a.....

a. cofactor

An Enzyme is a catalyst, or substance that...

d. increases reaction rate

The pure protein part on an enzyme is called an....

a. apoenzyme

The monomer units of nucleic acids are...

d. nucleotides

An RNA nucleotide could not contain...

a. A, Pi, and ribose

A possible base pair in DNA is..

b. A-T

A possible base pair in RNA is...

c. A-U

Nucleic acid base pairs are joined by...

d. hydrogen bonds

Replication of a DNA molecule involves breaking bonds between the...

a. base pairs

The second step of DNA replication involves...

a. Bonding of free nuleotides in the correct sequence

The conversion of mRNA to a sequence of amino acids in a protein is called...

d. translation

The anticodon base triplet is found on the

d. tRNA

How many amino acids and how many codons are involved in the genetic code?

b. 20 amino acids and 64 codons

Each amino acid except tryptophan and methionine is coded for by more than one codon, indicating that the genetic code has...

b. redundancy

Refer to table 16.5; the codon UGA...

c. signals "stop" only

Recombiant DNA cloning involves...

a. combining DNA from two different organisms to make a single new organism.

In producing recombinant DNA, the DNA from the two sources is cut with...

c. restriction enzymes

Gene therapy is a process where scientists...

b. insert a functioning gene in place of a defective one

Some geneticists suggest transferring some genes that direct photosynthesis from an efficient crop plant to a less efficient one, thus producing a more productive plant variety. This project wold most likely involve...

b. genetic engineering

About ______ people in the world are hungry today.

b. 1 in 7

The monomer units that make up cellulose and starch, respectively are...

c. ß- glucose and a-glucose

examples of monosccharides are...

c. glucose and fructose

People who have lactose intolerance are deficient in the....

a. enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of lactose to galactose and glucose

Ordinary corn syrup...

b. consists mainly of glucose

Small quantities of carbohydrates are stored in liver and muscle tissue as

d. glycogen

Humans cannot digest cellulose because they lack enzymes for the hydrolysis of....

c. ß-glucose linkages

Fats are...

b. esters of glycerol and fatty acids

Among lipoproteins, LDLs are...

a. bad because they can block arteries

Which is a monosaturated fatty acid?

b. CH3(CH2)CH==CH(CH2)7COOH or Oleic acid from olive oil

Which is an omega 3 fatty acid?

d. CH3(CH2CH==CH)3(CH2)7COOH

Which is a saturated fatty acid?

a. CH3(CH2)16COOH or stearic acid from beef tallow

The general shape of trans fatty acid molecules is similar to...

d. saturated fatty acids

According to most health professionals, what percentage of total calories should the daily intake of fat and of saturated fat, respectively, not exceed?

c. 30, 10

Gram for gram, protein foods provide the same number of kilocalories as...

d. carbohydrates

Proteins are copolymers of

a. amino acids

An essential amino acid is one that....

d. must be included in the diet

Which of the following foods do NOT furnish complete protein?

c. peanuts

The daily protein requirement for a 65kg female is....

b. 52g

One can get complete protein by eating whole wheat bread with

c. peanut butter

Strict vegetarian diets are often deficient in...

c. vitamin B12 and iron

About what percentage of our body weight is minerals?

b. 4%

Vitamins are...

c. specific organic compounds required in the diet to prevent diseases

A deficiency of iodine may be remedied by...

a. including a greater percentage of seafood in the diet

Iron in red blood cells is part of the...

b. Hemoglobin

Iron is swiftly depleted from the body by

d. blood loss

Most of the calcium and phosphorus in the body is in the...

b. bones and teeth

People with high blood pressure are usually told to restrict intake of...

c. Na+

the fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins A, D, E, and...

d. vitamin K

Eating foods high in fiber...

c. helps fill you up

During a fasting or starvation, glycogen stores are depleted in about...

b. one day

After glycogen stores are depleted, the body draws on its reserves of

b. Fat

When fat reserves have been used up, the body uses for its energy source

d. structural proteins

The average family in the United States spends what portion of its food budget on fresh fruits and vegetables, meats, and dairy products?

a. 10%

Compounds that taste sweet to most people include all the following except

d. MSG

Artificial vanilla...

a. contains exactly the same vanillin molecule as in natural vanilla

Organic molecules called esters are...

c. Unique molecules found in highly aromatic and unique plant seeds or bark

Artificial sweeteners include all of the following except...

b. Stevia


b. is the sodium salt of an amino acid.

To use a new food additive, a company must....

provide the FDA with evidence that the additive is safe for the intended use...

The food additive that inhibits reproduction of botulism-causing bacteria in processed meats, such as bologna, ham and bacon

d. sodium nitrite

Calcium propionate is added to bread to

c. inhibit mold growth


d. trap free radicals

Which of the following is an antioxidant used to prevent rancidity

b. BHT

The number of colors that have been accepted as safe to use in foods is

b. 7

Vitamin C, vitamin E, BHA, BHT and propyl gallate are,

b. antioxidants

Aflatoxins are

b. carcinogens

About how many people die from food poisoning in the united states each year?

c. 3,000

The major problem with the food supply is contamination by..

c. microorganisms

The two major requirements for good health and fitness are

c. good nutrition and exercise

Which of the following has been shown to extend the life span of mice?

c. undereating

Which of the following is not a source of "good" fats?

d. lard

What is the max amount of fat that a diet providing 2200 kcal per day should include?

b. 86g

What is the max amount of saturated fat that a diet providing 2000kcal per day should include?

b. 22g

Statins are a class of drugs that are designed to

b. reduce cholesterol buildup

Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) are nutrient based reference values that are...

c. useful for planning and assessing diets

About how much protein does a 66kg athlete require per day?

c. 53g

Which of the following cannot be synthesized by the body and therefore must be included in the diet?

d. vitamins

Which of the following is a precursor of vitamin A?


For which of the following are large doses most likely to be harmful?

c. Vitamin A

Which of the following vitamins provides the most benefit to bone health and development?

a. Vitamin D

Vitamin E is a...

b. fat-soluble antioxidant

The major electrolytes in body fluids are....

c. Na+, K+, and Cl-

The best replacement for water lost except in prolonged exercise is...

c. plain water

What is the minimal percentage of body weight lost in fluids can cause heat exhaustion?

c. 5%

How many kilocalories of energy are stored in 1 lb of adipose tissue?

c 3500 kcal

To lose 1lb per week, how many more kilocalories must you burn each day than you take in?

c. 500

Which of the following hormones acts as an appetite suppressant?

d. PYY

Blood glucose levels are lowered by the hormone...

c. insulin

Which of the following seems to prevent weight loss in humans during times when the body cannot get food?

c. leptin

About how much glycogen can the adult body store?

b. 1lb

Crash diets....

b. depend on glycogen depletion for quick weight loss

BMI is calculated as...

d. weight (Kg) / [height (m)]^2

A person with a BMI of 22 is...

c. quite fit

The maximum amount of oxygen used in a minute of exercise is the

d. Vo2 max

Which of the following is a molecule used by the cells to energize the ATP molecule?

d. glucose

When muscle contraction begins, glycogen is converted to..

d pyruvic acid

During aerobic exercise, pyruvic acid is converted to...

a. CO2 and H2O

During anaerobic exercise, pyruvic acid is convertedd to...

c. lactic acid

When produced during exercise, which of the following results in oxygen debt?

c. lactic acid

Slow-twitch muscle fiber is classified as...

a. type I

The reddish color of slow-twitch muscle fibers is due to the presence of...

c. myoglobin

Which of the following, as used by athletes, is used to reduce swelling in joints?

c. cortisone

Caffeine is thought to aid endurance athletes by...

d. stimulating the release of fatty acids.

Anabolic steroids...

c. help build larger muscles

Endorphins are...

a. chemicals produced by the body that are similar to morphine

Exercise is thought to help the brain work better by...

c. increasing levels of neurotrophins

The chemical in cigarette smoke that makes breathing less efficient is...

a. CO

What is the addictive substance inhaled by those who use e-cigs?

d. nicotine.