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98 Cards in this Set

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Chemicals that can form hydrogen ions in water to give a solution of pH less than 7
Activation Energy
Minimum enerfy that particles must have to react
Base that dissolves in water to form hydroxide ions and give a solution if pH greater than 7
Alkali Metals
Elements in group 1 of the periodic table
NH3, a compound used to make fertilisers
Ammonium Salt
Salts formed when ammonia solution reacts with acid
Crystals that do not contain any water
Particle with no electric charge containing protons, neutrons and electrons. The smallest part of a chemical element
Atom Economy (atom utilisation)
The percentage of the mass of the products of the reaction that is the desired product
Atomic Number
Number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
Backwards Reaction
The reverse of a chemical reaction as shown by the symbol equation
Base (chemistry)
Substance that reacts with an acid
Apparatus used to measure volumes of lipids
Sybstance that speeds up a chemical reaction, but is not itself used up
Collision Theory
Theory that all particles must collide with enough energy to react
Burning a substance
Substance made from different elements chemically joined together
Large amount of solute dissolved in a solvent such as water
Measure of how much solute is dissolved in a solvent such as water
Covalent Bond
A pair of electrons shared between two atoms
Formation of crystals from a solution
Small amounts of solute dissolved in a solvent such as water
Dynamic Equilibrium
Equilibrium wherethe forward reaction and backwards reaction are both occuring at the same rate
Decomposition of an ionic compound using electricity
A particle inside atoms with a negative electric charge
Electrostatic Attraction
The attraction between positive and negative electric charge
Substance containing only one type of atom
Empirical Formula
Shows the simplest ratio of atoms of each element in a substance
Chemical reaction that takes in heat energy
End Point
The point in a titration where the acid and alkali have exactly reacted together
Energy Level
Orbit in which electrons electrons move around the nucleus inside atoms (aso called a shell)
Chemical reaction in which the forwards and backwards reactions occur at the same time
Chemical reaction that gives out heat energy
Forward Reaction
Chemical reaction as shown by the symbol equation
Giant Covalent Structure
Structure containing billions of atoms in a network linked together by covalent bonds (also called macromolecular)
Giant Structure
Regular, continuous structure of atoms or ions
Haber Process
Industrial process used to make ammonia
Half Equation
Blanced equation showing what happens at an electrode during electrolysis
Elements in Group of the periodic table
Crystals that contain water
Hydrogen Ions
H+ ions are formed when an acid dissolves in water
Hydroxide Ions
OH- ions found in all alkaline solutions
Chemical that changes colour at the end point
Inorganic Fertilisers
Manufactured chemicals containing nitrogen, which are added to the soil to increase crop yield
Substance that does not dissolve in a liquid such as water
Intermolecular Forces
Weak attractive forces between molecules
Electricly charged particle containing a different number of protons and electrons
Ionic Bonding
Attraction between positive and negative ions
Ionic Compound
Substance made up from positive and negative ions
Ionic Equation
Equation that shows what happens to the ions in a reaction
Ionic Structure
Substance made up of positive and negative ions
Atoms of the same element with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons (the same atomic number but a different mass number)
A regular, continuous structure of atoms or ions
Macromolecular Structure
Giant covalent structure
Mass Number
Number of protons + the number of neutrons in an atom
Substance that is a metal
Metallic Bonding
Attraction between positive metal ions and delocalised electrons
Molar Volume
Volume of 1 mole of gas at room temperature and pressure. It is 24 dm3
620 204 500 000 000 000 000 000 of anything
Molecular Formula
Shows the number of atoms of each element in one molecule
Particle made of atoms joined to each other by covalent bonds
Subtance made up of lots of individual atoms
Substances made of particles that are between 1 and 100 nanomaterials in size
Particles that are between 1 and 100 nm in size
The study of structures that are between 1 and 100 nm in size
Reaction of an acid with a base
A particle inside the nucleus of an atom with no electric charge
Noble Gases
Elements in group zero of the periodic table
Nucleus (chemistry)
The centre of an atom containing protons and neutrons
Gain of oxygen (in terms of oxygen); loss of electrons (in terms of electrons)
Percentage Yield
Mass of product obtained from a reaction expressed as a percentage of the theoretical maximum mass
pH Scale
Scale used to measure the strength of acids and alkalis
Apparatus used to measure the exact volumes of liquid
Precipitation Reaction
Reaction in which two solutions mix and form an insolube salt
Substances formed during a chemical reaction
A particle with a positive charge found in the nucleus of an atom
Proton Number
Number of protons in an atom (atomic number)
Rate of Reaction
Speed of a reaction expressed as the amount of reactant used up or amount of product formed over time
Substances that react together in a chemical reaction
Loss of oxygen (in terms of oxygen); Gain of electrons (in terms of electrons)
Relative Atomic Mass (Ar)
Average mass of an atom relative to 1/12 in the mass of a 12C atom
Relative Formula Mass (Mr)
Some of all the relative atomic masses of the atoms in a formula, the average mass of all the atoms in a formula relative to 1/12 of the mass of a 12C atom
Relative Mass
Mass of a particle relative to 1/12 the mass of a 12C atom
Reversible Reaction
Chemical reaction that can go in either direction
Shell (chemistry)
Orbit in which electrons move around the nucleus inside atoms (alkso called an energy level)
Simple Molecular Structure
Substance made up of lots of seperate molecules
Smart Materials
Materials which have one or more properties that change in different conditions
Substance that dissolves in a liquid such as water
Solid that dissolves in a solvent to make a solution
Solute dissolved in as liquid such as water
Specific (about a catalyst)
The fact that most catalysts work for one reaction only
Strong Acid
Acid which forms lots of hydrogen ions when added to water
Strong Alkali
Alkali which forms lots of hydroxide ions when added to water
Thermal Decomposition
Splitting up a compound by the action of heat
Method of finding volumes of solutions that just react together
Weak Acid
Acid that does not form many H+ ions in water
Weak Alkali
Alkali that does not form many OH- ions in water
Yield (chemistry)
Mass of a substance made in a chemical reaction