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34 Cards in this Set

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What element did Humphrey Davy discover?


What force did Humphrey Davy use to discover Potassium?

Electrical current

What is everything made of and how many of them are there currently?

Elements - 92

What is an element?

A substance that cannot be broken down into anything small by chemical means.

What were the Greek elements?

Earth, air, water and fire.

16th Century alchemists were trying to do what?

Turn base metals into gold; discover Immortality.

What was Paracelsus' idea?

He was not afraid to challenge the ideas of the day. Created a cure, became a radical. Discovered salt, sulfur and mercury, core ingredients to make metals and medicines.

Mercury facts:

14 x heavier than water; toxic; floats a steel bolt (much denser than steel); silvery and mirror-like; rarely found in its natural form; poisoned milliners; pushes your hand up when immersed.

The pursuit of gold let to what idea?

The first major breakthrough to learning the elements.

Brandt used urine to discover what element?


Phosphorus facts:

White, crystalline, fiery; composes parts of our bones, tissue every cell and DNA; smokes in air; burns cold; shines when burned; 7K grains = 1 lb.

Uses of phosphorus and phosphates:

Food supplement; found in toothpaste; part of drugs to treat osteoporosis; fatal in large doses (fingertip full); used in the bomb dropped on Hamburg (Brandt's hometown); combusts when mixed with sulfur = matches

What was Boyle's experiment?

Phosphorus + Sulfur = FIRE (matches)

What did Boyle do to Alchemy?

Evolved it into Chemistry; divulged secrets; brought alchemy out of the shadows.

1667 - The Blind Alley - flogiston, explain what their idea was?

Flogiston was an odorless, tasteless, weightless substance that caused combustion. Ex: ash + flogiston = wood. This paralyzed the ability to map chemicals.

Describe Cavendish's experiment with "airs". It led to what discovery?

Added zinc to acid, the invisible bubbles were collected, set light to it to create "a new kind of air" which was hydrogen.

What is the most abundant element IN THE UNIVERSE?


What was the Hindenburg and what happened to it?

A hydrogen filled blimp used for flight in 1957, burst into flames due to the flammability of hydrogen, killing 36.

In the mid 1700's there were 19 elements that had been discovered, what were the three "airs"?

1) Common air or dephlogisticated air = Oxygen

2) Inflammable air = Hydrogen

3) Fixed air = Carbon Dioxide

Who investigated carbon dioxide (or "fixed" air) and what does it do to a flame?

Priestly and it puts out the flame.

In 1774, mercuric oxide was heated to create what gas?


Oxygen facts:

3rd most abundant element ON EARTH; 1/2 the weight of the human body; steel production uses 1/2 the produced O in the world; used in rocket fuel; 20% of air is O.

Lavoisier used a quantitative approach to investigate. What did he do?

Weighed & reweighed, measured & remeasured every experiment. Repeated Priestley's experiment in reverse, weighed tin, heated it, weighed it again, 4g more.

Who is known as the Father of Chemistry?

Anton Lavoisier.

Lavoisier destroyed the flogiston myth and discovered the significance of what element (thereby crushing the idea of the 3 Greek elements)?


What was Lavoisier's definition of an element?

A substance that cannot be decomposed by existing chemical means.

How many elements did Lavoisier list?

33 elements in gases, metals, non-metals and earth metals.

What did Lavoisier rename iron oxide?

Astringent Mars Saffron

What happened to Lavoisier?

He was found guilty of conspiracy against France, and beheaded in May 1794.

How did Humphrey Davy break down potash?

With electrical current

How did the narrator create electrical current? How does relate to our recent labs?

He used a copper coin and a zinc washer connected by copper wire with wine glasses filled with salt water to create and electric current.

Describe the experiment that Davy did as reproduced onscreen.

Potash was melted with flame; (Potash can cause instant blindness, can disfigure); used a 12V battery for electric current; caused a chemical reaction that created a caustic pink flame; Ate the electrodes; produced potassium.

Potassium facts:

Soft, silvery metal, cuts like cheese, tarnishes in air, essential for life - muscles (impulses), kidneys. And overdose of K could cause a heart attack. K + H = potash.

How many elements had been discovered at the time of Davy's death?