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14 Cards in this Set

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d-Block elements

also called transition metals. exhibits significant horizontal and vertical similarities. located between group 2 and 13.

s-block elements

All s-block elements are metals. column 1 are alkali metals except hydrogen. These metals are very soft and have low melting points. column 2 are known as alkaline earth metals except helium.

Transition metals

Are very hard with high melting points and boiling points. High electrical conductivity, 5 d orbitals become more filled from left to right. Columns 3-12 on the periodic table.

Coordination Compounds

A product of a Lewis acid base reaction in which neutral molecules or anions bond to a central metal atom. Molecules that posses a metal center that is bound to ligands.

Non metallic element

Elements in group 14-16 of the periodic table. Are not able to conduct electricity or heat very well they are very brittle and cannot be rolled into wires. Exist in two of three states of matter gas or solids.

Organic compounds

are those that have carbon atoms.

Four important classes of organic molecules

Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nuclear acids

Lewis acid-base theory suggests

A base is any species with an unshared pair of electrons.

An acid is any species with an octet


High molecular weight materials formed from many small molecules called monomers

Four classifications of polymers

Plastic: materials that can be formed into shapes

Thermoplastic: materials that can be formed more than once.

Thermosetting plastic: materials that can only be formed once.

Elastomer: material that is elastic in some ways.

Polymer properties depend on

1. structure, orientation of chains

2. identity of side group

3. chain length

4. degree of cross linking


heat-resistant, nonmetallic, inorganic solids that are made up of compounds are formed from metallic and nonmetallic elements. corrosion resistant hard but brittle.

Composite material

made up by combining two or more materials. The materials work together to give the composite unique properties but can easily tell the different materials apart.

Liquid Crystals

Rod like molecular structure rigidness of the long axis, and strong dipoles