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10 Cards in this Set

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Atomic Radii
the distance frm the center of an atom's nucleus to its outermost electron
Ionic Radii
the distance from the center of an ions nucleus to its outermost electron
ionization energy
the energy needed to remove one of the atoms electrons. It is also a measureof how strongly an atom holds onto its electrons. Atoms with high ionization energies hold the outermost electron very tightly.
Electron Affinity
the energy change that occurs when an atom gains an extra electron. If an atom has a negative electron affinity, it indicates that the atom required no energy to gain the electron.
the ability of an atom o attract electrons in a chemical bond
Trend of atomic radii
the atomic radius increases as you move down the periodic table and deacreases as you move across.
Trend for Ionic radii
Ionic radius increases as you move down the periodic table and decreases as you move across the tale
Trend for ionization energy
ionization energy of an atom decreases as you move down the table and increases as you move across the table
Trend for electron affinity
No general trend moving down the periodic table, increases as you moe across the periodic table.
trend for Electronegativity
Electronegativity increases as you move across toards fluorine. Ceksium (cs) is the least electronegative element.