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25 Cards in this Set

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the smallest particle of an element that retains its identity in a chemical reaction
a sustance that contains 2 or ore elements combined in a fixed porportion
a negativly charged subtomic particles
cathode ray
a stream of electrons produced at the negative cathode of a tube containing gas at low pressure
a possitivly charged subtomic particle found in the nucleus of an atom
a subtomic particle with no charge and a mass of one atom, composed of protons and electrons
the tiny dense central portion of an atom copsed of protons and neutrons
atomic number
the number of protons in the nucleus
mass number
the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom
atoms with the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom
average atomic mass
the weighted average of the isotopes in an element
atomic mass unit
one twelfth the mass of carbonatom having six protons and six neutrons
atomic emission spectrum
frequencys of light emitted by an element
number of wave cycles passing a point per unit of time
package of energy
aufbau principle
tendency of electrons to enter orbitals of lowest energy first
pauli exlusion principle
each orbital has at the most two electrons
heisenburg uncertainty priciple
fill the orbitals before you finish
ground state
an electrons lowest state
electron configuration
arrangement of electrons around the nucleus
periodic law
a repetition of properties occurs when elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number
in the bohr mode3l of the atom, an electron in an orbit has a fixed ----
what is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom in the gaseous state
why did jj thomson reason that electrons must be part of the atoms of all elements
charge to mass ratio of electrons was the same, regardless of the gased used
which of the following is correct concerning subtomic particles
the neutrons dicovered by chadwick 1932