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44 Cards in this Set

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Describe Rutherford's gold foil experiment and how Rutherford, Bohr, and Heisenberg contributed to the model of the atom
Rutherford shot fast-moving alpha, positive, particles through a piece of gold foil. Most particles went through, but a few were reflected back towards him because of what he later discovered, the nucleus. Bohr-energy levels and quantum #s. Heisenberg-you cannot know the exact position and momentum of an electron
What is the charge, mass, and location of the proton, neutron, and electron? What is the atomic mass and mass number?
proton-positive, heavy, inside nucleus
neutron-neutral, heavy, inside nucleus
electron-negative, VERY light, cloud AROUND nucleus
atomic #-# of protons and electrons
mass #-sum of the protons plus electrons
What are the outermost electrons called?
valence electrons
The principal quantum number represents the energy levels, what does n equal?
n= principal quantum number (energy level 1,2,3,...)
l= angular momentum (s-0, p-1, d-2,f-3)
m=mag.(2p-(-1), 2p-(0), 2p-(+1))
s= spin (^+1/2,-1/2)
What is a cation? Do metals or nonmetals form cations? Are electrons lost or gained?
A positive ion, formed by the loss of one or more electrons, and leads to a decrease in radius; metals form cations
If there are two isotopes of carbon, what numbers and particles will be the same and what numbers and particles will be different?
isotope-an atom that has the same number of protons, but has a different number of electrons, thus a different mass number
How many electrons in Al+3? How many protons in Al+3?
10; 13
How many electrons in S-2? What is the atomic number for S-2?
Does the atomic radii trend increase or decrease going down a group?
atomic radii increases going down a group, energy levels are added
Does the atomic radii trend increase or decrease across the period?
atomic radii decreases across the period, the number of protons increases and attracts the electrons
Is the trend for electronegativity the same as atomic radii?
No, opposite-decreases down the group and increases across the period
Is the trend for ionization energy the same as atomic radii?
No, opposite-decreases down group and increases across period
What is ionization energy?
the energy required to remove one electron from an atokm of an element
What is the name of Group 1 elements?
Alkali Metals
What is the name of Group 2 elements?
Alkaline-earth Metals
What is the name of Group 17 elements?
How many atoms of each element in Ca3(PO4)2?
What types of elements form ionic bonds?
metals and nonmetals
metals and polyatomic ions
What happens to the electrons when an ionic bond is formed?
the electrons are transfered from one element to another, therefore they are either lost or gained
What happens to the electrons in a covalent bond?
the electrons are shared between elements
What types of element form covalent bonds?
2 nonmetals
List the prefixes and define them. Name CCl4.
mono-1, di-2, tri-3, tetra-4, penta-5, hexa-6, hepta-7, octa-8, nona-9, deca-10; carbon tetrachloride
When do you use a roman numeral for the metal? Write the formula for copper II nitrate and name Fe2(SO4)3.
Use a roman numeral when there are multiple charges for one element; Cu(NO3)2 and Iron (III) Sulfate
How many dots do elements in group 18 have?
How many dots do elements in group 16 have?
If you have a configuration with 2p3, what does the 2 represent? What does the p represent? What does the 3 mean?
2=the energy level
p=the orbital level
3 electrons in that orbital
What shape is the s orbital? What shape are the p and d orbitals?
s = sphere
p = dumbell
d = lobed
What does the general configuration for ns2np3 mean?
means there are 2 electrons in the nth s level and 3 electrons in the nth p level
What ion concentration increases when an acid is added to water?
H30+ (hydronium)
What ion concentration increases when a base is added to water?
What is the definition of a traditional acid?
a chemical compound that contains hydrogen and ionizes in aqueous solution to form hydronium ions
What is the definition of a traditional base?
substances that contain hydroxide ions and dissociate to give hydroxide ions in aqueous solution
Define pH and what values of pH represents an acid solution
pH-the negative of the common logarithm of the hydronium ion concentration; 1-6 acid
Which state of matter has the fastest moving particles?
What is sublimation?
changing state from a solid straight to a gas
What state change occurs during condensation?
gas -> liquid
What state change occurs during sublimation?
solid -> gas
What is the formula for the Ideal Gas Law? What is the formula for the combined Gas Law?
Ideal- PV=nRT
Combined- P V T =P V T
1 1 2 2 2 1
What temperature and pressure represent STP?
1 atm and 0C/273K
What is the relationship between pressure and volume?
the volume and pressure of a sample of gas at constant temp. are inversely proportional to each other
What is the relationship between temp. and volume of a gas?
at constant pressure, the volume of a fixed amount of gas is directly proportional to its kelvin temp.
What is an empirical formula?
consists of symbols for the elements combined with subscripts showing the smallest whole-number ration of the atoms
What law explains why the total mass of the reactant must equal the total mass of the products?
Law of Conservation of Mass
At STP 1 mole = _____ liters