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99 Cards in this Set

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Ideal gas law
Compression Factor
Z = Vm / Vm ideal

Ideal gas when Z = 1 so Z = pVm/RT
Van der Waal's Equation
p = RT/Vm-nb - a/Vm^2

Ideal gas: a & b = 0
The van der Waals coefficient a depends on
strength of interactions

units -> Pa/mol^2/m^6
The van der Waals coefficient b depends on
size of molecules

units -> m^3/mol
Virial Equation of State
p = RT/Vm ( 1 + B/Vm + C/Vm^2 + ...)

Ideal gas: B & C = 0
Define Boyle Temperature
When attractive and repulsive forces compensate each other --> ideal gas
State the 1st law of Thermodynamics
energy cannot be created or destroyed. Energy is transferred.
Internal energy formula
delta U = q + w

= heat transfer + work
= surroundings + system
Define "diathermic"
allows heat transfer across a boundary between the system and surroundings
Define "adiabatic"
isolated system, q = 0

work done, but no heat transfer
Expansion formula
w = -p. delta V
When a gas expands into a vacuum, w =
w = 0
When expansion is reversible, w =
w = -nRT ln(Vfinal/Vinitial)
Define "isothermic"
constant temperature
Define "isobaric"
constant pressure
Define "isochoric"
constant volume
Define "isopleth"
constant composition
Define "state function"
depends only on current state of the system, independent of route taken
Define "heat capacity"
amount of heat required to raise 1 mole of a substance by 1 K

C = dq/dT
Heat Capacity identities
At constant volume, dq = dU
At constant pressure, dq = dH

Cp = Cv + nR
Define "standard enthalpy of formation"
formation of 1 mole of a compound from its constituent elements
Define "standard enthalpy of combustion"
complete oxidation of organic compounds to CO2 + H2O
Define "fusion"
solid --> liquid
Define "sublimation"
solid --> gas
Define "vaporisation"
liquid --> gas
State the 2nd law of Thermodynamics
total entropy increases in the course of a spontaneous change
Standard entropy of gases is approximately equal to

except water
State Le Chatelier's Principle
a system at equilibrium when subjected to a disturbance responds in a way that tends to minimise the effect of the disturbance
Define "constituent"
a chemical species present in the system
Define "component"
chemically independent constituent
Axis of a phase diagram
x axis --> temperature, T
y axis --> pressure, p
Graph to show temperature dependence on Gibb's free energy
x axis --> temperature, T
y axis --> molar Gibb's free energy, Gm

dGm/dT = -Sm

Phase with lowest Gm, is most stable
Graph to show pressure dependence on Gibb's free energy
x axis --> pressure, p
y axis --> molar Gibb's free energy, Gm

dGm/dp = Vm

Gases have large volume --> stable at high pressure
On a phase diagram, phase boundaries have which same property at any point (p,T)?
Gm, molar Gibb's free energy
Define "polymorphism"
occurence of different solid phases
Steps to measure enthalpy of vaporisation
Freeze liquid in flask
Evacuate air
Warm up solid and measure pressure of gas evolved
Varying T produces a data set of p
Plot ln(p) against 1/T to obtain enthalpy of vaporisation
Equation linking pressure, temperature and enthalpy of vaporisation
p = exp( -Hvap/R . 1/T + constant)
Composition Diagrams
x axis --> proportion in moles of substance a
y axis --> temperature, T

Phase region shows no sharp boiling point
When is there azeotropic behaviour?
when A-B interactions are very different from A-A and B-B behaviour
Boyle's law
p is proportional to 1/V
pressure =
Charles' Law
V = kT

extrapolation shows zero volume at zero Kelvin
Approximate volume of 1 mole of any ideal gas
22.414 dm^3

slight discrepancies are due to interactions of polar molecules
Assumptions of ideal gas
Gas particles are in ceaseless random motion
Volume occupied by gas molecules is negligible compared to volume of the gas
Molecules do not interact except for perfect, elastic collisions
Kinetic Energy =
T = 1/2 mv^2
Define "force"
The rate of change in momentum
mean square speed =
c^2 = 3RT/M
root mean square speed =
c = (3RT/M)^1/2
To calculate mean square speed
integrate x^2 . f(x) dx
On a Maxwell- Boltzmann distribution, as temperature increases
maximum speed increases
On a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, as atomic mass increases
most probable speed gets slower
To calculate most probable speed,
differentiate df/ds = 0
To calculate mean speed
integrate x . f(x) dx

= (8kT/pi . m)^1/2
c rel =
rt 2 . c
reduced mass =
Ma + Mb / MaMb
Collision frequency =
Z = sigma . c rel . N/V
Typical range of collision frequency
sigma = 0.2 - 1 nm^2
Mean free path =
lambda = c / Z

distance between collisions
Total number of collisions =
Zaa = Za (Na/2V)
Define "elementary reaction"
single step reaction
Define "molecularity"
no of molecules taking part in an elementary reaction
Assumptions of theoretical rate of reaction
Reactants must collide
Reactants must have energy more than or equal to the activation energy
Reactants collide in the correct orientation/are hard spheres
Boltzmann Distribution
x axis --> energy, E
y axis --> f(E)

integrate to find number of molecules with energy specified
Theoretical rate constant
k = (sigma . c rel . Na^2)/2 . exp(-epsilon/kT)
Arrhenius equation
k = A exp(-Ea/RT)
Steric factor =
P = Aexp / Atheory

usually, P < 1
Define "effusion"
the emergence of gas from a small hole in a container
Rate of effusion =
Zw . Ao

number of molecules hitting wall x area of hole
Define "flux"
transfer of momentum
Flux formula
J = -n . dv/dz
What does U(R) show?
the potential energy of interaction as a function of molecular separation, R
What do van der Waals interactions depend on?
Polarisability of molecules
Ionisation potential, I (control of electrons)
Separation, R
Lennard-Jones Potential =
U(R) = 4. epsilon ( sigma^12/R^12 - sigma^6/R^6 )
Total energy, E =
E = T + V

total = kinetic + potential
State Newton's first law of motion
F = 0, v = constant
State Newton's 2nd law of motion
F = ma, F = dp/dt
Potential energy of a simple harmonic oscillator
V(x) = 1/2 Dx^2

stronger spring --> larger D --> more energy required
When does a standing wave occur?
A standing wave occurs when a wave travelling left and a wave travelling right are superimposed. There is a node where the wave crosses the x axis.
Raleigh's graph of Black Body Radiation formula
p = 8 . pi. kT / lambda^4
Classical formula for heat capacity
C = 3R
Quantised formula for heat capacity
C = 3Rf^2

as T --> infinity, f--> 1
What is the photoelectric effect?
when a photon collides with a metal and an electron is emitted
de Broglie's principle
lambda = h/p

= h/mv
Bohr model
mvr = nh/2pi
Momentum operator, p^
p^ = hbar/i . d/dx
Examples of a free particle
Gas molecule in a large space
Electrons conducting in a metal
An electron beam
Potential energy of a free particle =
V = 0
Solutions to Schrodinger must obey
operator on function = constant x function
Example of a particle in a box
Atom in a small container
Electrons in a conjugated pi system
Electrons in a bond
Potential energy of a particle outside the box =
V = infinity
Potential energy of a particle inside the box =
V = 0
State the Born Interpretation
the probability of finding a particle in an infinitesimally small region of space between x and x+dx is proportional to the wave function squared
To normalise the wavefunction
multiply by its complex conjugate = 1
Define "quantum tunnelling"
regions where a particle can exist that are classically forbidden
Example of a particle on a ring
Rotating diatomic molecule
Angular momentum formula
J = pr = mvr
Moment of inertia formula
I = mr^2
Properties of a well-behaved wavefunction
Cannot take multiple values, e.g. sin can take more than one value