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35 Cards in this Set

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What is chemistry?
The study of the composition, properties, and transformations of matter.
What is a (scientific) theory?
A consistent explanation of known observations
What is accuracy?
How close to a true value a given measurement is
What are actinides?
14 inner-transition metals starting with actinium in the periodic table
What are alkali metals?
Elements in group 1A of the periodic table
What are alkaline earth metals?
Elements in group 2A of the periodic table
What is a chemical property?
A characteristic that results in a change in the chemical makeup of a sample
What is a conversion factor?
An expression that describes the relationship between different units
What is density?
An intensive physical property that relates the mass of an object to its volume
What is dimensional-analysis?
A method of problem solving whereby problems are set up so that unwanted units cancel
What is an element?
A fundamental substance that can't be chemically changed or broken down into anything simpler
What is energy?
The capacity to do work or supply heat
What is an extensive property?
A property whose value depends on the sample size
What is a group?
A column of elements in the periodic table
What are halogens?
Elements in group 7A of the periodic table
What are inner transition metal elements?
Elements in the 14 groups shown separately at the bottom of the periodic table
What are intensive properties?
Properties whose value does not depend on the sample size
What is the International System of Units (SI)?
The seven base units, along with others derived from them, used for all scientific measurements
What is kinetic energy (Ek)?
The energy of motion
Ek = (1/2) mv squared
What are lanthanides?
The 14 inner transition metals starting with lanthanum in the periodic table
What is LD (subscript)50?
The amount of a substance that is lethal to 50% of test animals
What is matter?
A term used to describe anything that has mass
What is a metal?
An element on the left side of the periodic table, bounded on the right by a zigzag line running from boron to astatine
What are the noble gases?
Elements in group 8A of the periodic table
What are the nonmetals?
Hydrogen plus elements on the right side of the periodic table, bounded on the left by a zigzag line running from boron to astatine
What is a period?
A row of elements in the periodic table
What is the periodic table?
A chart of the elements arranged by increasing atomic number so that elements in a given group have similar chemical properties
What are physical properties?
Characteristics that can be determined without changing the chemical makeup of a sample
What is potential energy
(E (subscript)p)?
Energy that is stored, either in an object because of its position or in a molecule because of its chemical composition
What is precision?
How well a number of independent measurements agree with one another
What is a property?
Any characteristic that can be used to describe or identify matter
What are the semimetals (metalloids)?
Elements adjacent to the zigzag boundary between metals and nonmetals
What are significant figures?
The total number of digits in a measurement
What are transition metal elements?
Elements in the 10 groups in the middle of the periodic table
What is volume?
The amount of space occupied by an object