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106 Cards in this Set

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if im heating liquid water?

q = mc delta t


How much energy is needed to convert water into a gas?

q = m delta h

heat of vaporization

What are the differences between the conditions for a solid and for a gas?

Low temperatures and high pressures = solid.

High temperatures and low pressures = gas

In a phase diagram what variables am i looking at?

The effect of temperature and pressure of substance.

What is the relationship between gas and solid?

Sublimation is solid to gas
Deposition is gas to solid

How can i relate solids and liquids phases?

When a solid melts it becomes a liquid.

When a liquid freezes it becomes a solid.

What is the relationship between liquids and gases?

When a liquid vaporizes it becomes a gas, when a gas condensates it becomes a liquid.

if i want to figure out what amount of energy is needed to change a substance for a solid to a liquid what equation would be used?

heat of fusion

When is the liquid and gas phase un seperable

critical point

At what point are the phases solid, liquid, and gas indistinguishable?

triple point

tres, count it up.

What is the amplitude of a wave?

Max displacement of a wave from horizontal axis (time).

What is the period measured in?


How do I know a period has occured?

The time it takes for a air molecule to complete one cycle. So basically crest to crest of a wave.

Displacement Vs. Time

How are pitch and period related?

higher pitch means air molecules oscillated faster = decreased period.

What is the difference between frequency and period?

period is how long a oscillation is, frequency is how many oscillations in one second.

When you see hertz you should think of?




What is the units of period?



This is a period. A higher frequency means a lower period. A lower frequency means a longer period.

A high note would have a low or high frequency?

high frequency, it oscillates quickly. this also means a high pitch.

What is the difference between wavelength and period?

The distance traveled in one period is wavelength, the time for one cycle is the period.

Units of wavelength


difference between transverse wave and longitudinal wave?

Longitudinal travels parallel to the oscillations in the medium. transverse go perpendicular.

What type of wave is sound?

Longitudinal Wave

How do we find the speed of a wave?

Wavelength over a period

think distance/time

A wave goes how many wavelengths per period?


When you see Watt you should think?


explain the relationship between power intensity and area.

Intensity is the power transferred per unit area.

I = Power /Area

Watts/ meters^2

What is the relationship between power and energy?

Amount of energy consumed per unit time.

Relate power, work, and time.

(Joules / second) = Watt


Units of work / Units of time.

How is work related to energy

work is a measurement of energy.

What is the charge of a photon and how would it function in a magnetic field?

Photons have no charge. they would not function in a magnetic field.

What is the difference between beta plus and beta minus decay?

In beta minus a neutron becomes a proton. In beta plus a proton becomes a neutron.

mi-(N)us. (mi Neutron gawn)

(P)lus. mi Proton loss.

What is released in alpha decay?

a helium atom.

Explain what happens to the mass number and atomic number during alpha decay?

the atomic number goes down by 2 and the mass number goes down by four.

Which electron carrier has higher affinity FADH2 or NADH?

FADH2. NADH gives up electrons first.

Which carrier does FADH2 give electrons to?

Coenzyme Q.

What is the difference in location of the krebs cycle and the ETC?

ETC happens in the inner mitochondrial matrix. krebs happens in the mitochondrial matrix for eukaryotes. in the cytoplasm for pros.

Where does glycolysis occur?


How is the bile acid activated in the small intestine?

Pancreas secretes bases that deprotonates bile acid.

small intestine has a higher ph than normal.

Role of pancreas in digestion?

It secretes bases into the duodenum. Also secretes insulin.

Order of the small intestine?

duodenum, jejunum, illeum.


What is the difference between the role of duodenum and jejunum/illeum in digestive system

Duodenum digest chyme with help of pancreas secretion.
jejunum/illeum absorb nutrients.

When you see salt what chemical property should you think?

Charged, thus hydrophillic.

What conditions favor deprotonation thinking about pka and ph.

ph above pka.
high ph.

Explain the relationship between wavelength and energy of emitted photon.

longer wavelength = lower energy of photon emitted.


When you see imine what relationship between carbon and nitrogen should come to mind?

a carbon nitrogen double bond.

what is the difference between a amide and amine functional group?

amide = carbonyl with a nitrogen attached.
amine = NR3

amide - peptide bond.

For a concave mirror, as the object gets closer to the mirror from the focal point the image does what?

Gets smaller till it is the same size as the object.

What is the difference in the amount of atoms in the ring for a furanose vs a pyranose sugar?

Furanose has 5 atoms, pyranose has 6.

I assign D or L based on the configuration of what stereocenter?

The last one.

DR - Dominican Republic

LS - Line sister

Which configuration at the last stereocenter will give me a D sugar and which will give me a L sugar?

R - D sugar

S- L sugar

What is the difference between alpha and beta anomers

OH down in alpha
OH up in beta

Throw UP the big Bs.

How do lipases relate to fats?

They hydrolyze lipids

What is the correlation of lipases with the pancreas, stomach, and mouth?


In the mouth how does amylase and lipase aid digestion?

Amylase breaks down carbs, lipase breaks down fats.

When you see a oxygen with 2 R groups think


What is the difference between electron affinity and electronegativity?

Electronegativity is the tendency of a atom to attract electrons in a covalent bond. Electron affinity is amount of energy released when an electron is added.

The energy required to remove an electron from a neutral atom is?

Ionization energy

What is the units of rate and moles ?

rate always have units moles per second.

For first order reaction, the rate is based upon the concentration of what?

rate of the reaction is proportional to the concentration of the reacting substance.

What is the rate of a 0 order reaction based on?

nothing, its constant.

The concentration of what influences the rate of a second order reaction?

square of reactant OR two different reactants.

How does concentration relate to the rate of a third order reaction.

rate based on three reacting molecules

rate = k x A ^ 0

zero order

rate = k x A

first order

rate = k x [A] ^ 2
rate = k [A] [B]

second order

rate = k [A] ^ 3
rate = k [A] ^ 2 [B]

rate = k [A] [B] [C]

third order reaction
3 different reactants

What is the concentration when thinking of rate laws?

moles per liter

When will the -log of x be negative?

If numerator greater than the denominator

If x is > 1

When will the - log of x be positive?

When the denominator is greater than the numerator.

If x is < 1

When will the - log of x be 0

When x is 1.

What is a weak base expected to do?

Does not fully ionize in solution

Bases are expected to create what ions in a solution?


If you create more OH in a solution are you a weaker or stronger base?


What is the relation between Kb and strength of a base?

Higher Kb means stronger base

A + H2O -> OH + HA

Kb = [OH] [HA]



What is the relationship between acid/base strength and ionization?

Strength refers to the extent of the ionization.

When I see ionization what are ions of interest for bases and acids?

Acids - H (H30) created

Bases - OH created

Higher Ka means?

More dissociation, ionization. Stronger acid.

What is the relation between Ka and pka.

Larger Ka = lower pka.

Strength of base in relation to pkB

low Pkb means stronger base.

lower pkb means higher kb. higher kb is more OH ions.

How do I find the rate of binding if given rate of dissociation?

Take the reciprocal.

What does a western blot tell you ?

If a protein is present.

What does a PCR tell you?

makes copies of DNA or genes. tells you what genes are expressed.

How does reverse transcriptase relate to MRNA strands and expression in regards to a sample?

You need a MRNA transcript. It tells you what transcripts are expressed.

How does cDNA relate to RT-PCR.

mRNA converted to cDNA. cDNA amplified by PCR.

In terms of circuits, when you see current think?

I (amps)

When you see Ohms think?


What is the relationship between the pharynx and larynx?

Food goes from pharynx to larynx to esophagus

When breathing what is the pathway after the pharynx?

Pharynx Larynx Trachea Bronchiole tubes

For series, how do we know the current difference?

Current through series circuit is constant

How do we know the total voltage drop across a series circuit?

It is the sum of the voltage drops through resistors.

What is the total resistance of a series circuit?

Equal to all of the resistors added together.

Explain the direction in terms of terminal that electrons flow.

How does flow of electrons and current in a circuit differ?

Electrons flow from negative terminal to positive terminal. Current flows from positive to negative terminal.

If you see amperes or coloumbs/sec you should think of?


Flow of electric charge per unit time

How does area affect resistance

increased area decreases resistance.

How does length affect resistance?

Increased length increases resistance

What will the voltage tell me?

The electrical potential difference between two points.

In a parallel circuit, Current can choose a path based on resistivity so what is the total current of the system?

Add I1 + I2 + I3..

In a parallel circuit what is the relationship between more resistors and equivalent resistance?

Equivalent resistance drops

How is the total current changed as equivalent resistance decreases?

Total current increases.

Why is the total voltage drop equal across the entire parallel circuit?

charge can only choose one resistor to flow through.

Explain the relationship between resistance and current?

The resistor with the greatest resistance will experience the lowest current.

What is going to be the voltage drop at each resistor?

The voltage supplied by the battery. At each resistor it will drop this amount. Evidence is ohms law.

What is the voltage drop of a 12 V battery in a parallel circuit?

12 V at each resistor.

What is electric potential?

electric potential energy per unit charge

If you see Joules/Columb you should think of?

electric potential energy aka voltage.