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75 Cards in this Set

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An example of an extensive property of matter is _______.

mass and volume

Which of the following are considered physical properties of a substance?

colo, odor, melting and boiling point, malleability, and hardness

Which state of matter has a definite volume and takes the shape of its container


Which state of matter expands when heated and is easy to compress


Which of the following is a heterogeneous mixture

oil and water

oil and vinegar

The expression of 5008 km in scientific notation is _______.

5.008 x 10^3

The chief advantage of the metric system over other system of measurements is that _______.

in multiples of 10

Which temperature scale has no negative temperatures


What is the quantity 0.0075 meters expressed in centimeters

0.75 cm

Density is found by dividing ________.


The smallest particle of an element that retains the properties of that element is an ________.


The comparison of the number of atoms in a copper coin the size of a penny with the number of people on Earth is made to illustrate which of the following?

to show how small atoms are

Which of the following is true about subatomic particles

the mass of neutrons nearly equals mass of protons

All atoms are ______.

neutral with number of protons equaling the number of electrons

The particles that are found in the nucleus of an atom are _______.

protons and neutrons

The sum of the protons and neutrons in an atom equals the _______.

mass number

isotopes of the same element have different _______.

number of neutrons

in which of the following is the number of neutrons correctly represents

49 protons and 49 electrons

U 238 = 146 neutrons

In Bohr's model of the atom, where are the electrons and protons located

electrons outside nucleus in electron cloud and protons in center (nucleus)

What is the maximum number or orbitals in the p sub level


If the spin of one electron in an orbital is clockwise, what is the spin of the other electron in that orbital


What is the electron configuration of potassium

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1

Stable electron configurations are likely to contain _______.

filled energy sub levels

What are quanta of light called


Which of the following elements is in the same period as phosphorus


Who arranged the elements according to atomic mass and used the arrangement to predict the properties of missing elements

Dmitri Mendeleev

Which of the following categories includes the majority of the elements


Of the elements Pt, V, Li, and Kr, which is a nonmetal


which of the following is true about the electron configuration of the noble gases

highest occupied s and p sub level

completely full

which subatomic particle plays the greatest part in determining the properties of an element


which of the following elements in a transition metal



what is the charge of a cation


which of the following statements is true about ions

when cations form, more electrons are transferred to it

which of the following statements correctly compares the relative size of an ion to its neutral atom

the radius of an anion is greater than the radius of its neutral atom

how many valance electrons are in an atom of phosphorus


what is the name given to the electrons in the highest occupied energy level of atom

valance electrons

how does calcium obey the octet rule when reacting to form compounds

gives up 2 electrons

what is the electron configuration of the calcium ion (a 2+ ion)

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6

the octet rule states that, in chemical compounds, atoms tend to have _____.

eight electrons in their principal energy level

(nobel gas configuration)

how many electrons does nitrogen gain in order to achieve a noble gas electron configuration


how does oxygen obey the octet rule when reacting to form compounds

Gains electrons

what is the charge on the cation in the ionic compound sodium sulfide


what is the net charge of the ionic compound calcium fluoride


How many valance electrons does the calcium atom give up to iodine in the formation of the compound calcium iodine


which of the following is true about the melting temperature of potassium chloride, an ionic compound

the melting temperature is relatively high

which of these elements does not exist as a diatomic molecule

neon (Ne)

nobel gas

why do atoms share electrons in covalent bonds

to attain nobel gas electron configuration

which of the following is the name given to the pairs of valance electrons that DO NOT participate in bonding in diatomic oxygen molecules

unshared pair

when one atom contributes both bonding electrons in a single covalent bond, the bond is called a _______.

ordinate covalent bond

how many electrons can occupy a single molecular orbital


a bond that is not symmetrical along the axis between two atomic nuclei is an _____.

pi bond

the shape of the methane molecule is called ____.


which of the forces of molecular attraction is the weakest


what causes dipole interaction

attraction between polar molecules

what causes hydrogen bonding

bonding of a covalently bonded hydrogen atom with an unshared electron pair

which type of solid has the highest melting point

network solid

what is the correct name for the N 3- ion

nitride ion

when naming a transition metal ion that can have more than one common ionic charge, the numerical value of the charge is indicated by a ____.

roman numerical following the name

how are chemical formulas of binary ionic compounds generally written

cation on left, anion on right

molecular compounds are usually ______.

composed of 2 or more nonmetallic elements

the nonmetals in group 6A and 7A _____.

have a numerical charge that is found by subtracting 8

which of the following is NOT a cation


an -ate or -ite at the end of a compound name usually indicates that the compound contains ____.

a polyatomic ion


which of the following compounds contains the Mn 3+ ion


which of the following is true about the composition ionic compound

they are composed of anions and cations

which of the following correctly represents an ion pair and the ionic compound the ion form

Ca 2-, F-, CaF 2

What SI unit is used to measure the number of representative particles in a substance


how many hydrogen atoms are in 5 molecules of isopropyl alcohol , C3 H7 O


Avogadro's number of representative particles is equal to one _____.


the atomic masses of any two elements contain the same number of ______.


the mass of a mole of NaCl is the ____.

molar mass

the volume of one mole of a substance is 22.4 L at STP for all _______.


which combination of temperature and pressure correctly describes standard temperature and pressure, STP

0 C

101.3 kPa

the lowest whole number ratio of the elements in a compound is called the _______.

empirical formula

which scientist developed the quantum mechanical model of the atom

Erwin Schrodinger