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61 Cards in this Set

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What is Chemistry?
The study of matter and it's properties, the changes that matter undergoes, and the energy associated with those changes.
What is the Composition of matter?
The types and ammounts of simpler substances that make up a sample.
What is a substance?
Matter that has a defined and fixed composition throughout.
What are properties?
Characteristics that give each substance its unique identity.
What are Physical Properties?
Those that a substance shows by itself, without changing into or interacting with another substance.
Name 4 Physical Properties.
Color, melting point, electrical conductivity, density.
What is a Physical Change?
When a substance alters it's physical form, not its composition. (same substance before and after change)
What is a Chemical Property?
Those that a substance shows as it changes into or interacts with another substance
Name 3 Chemical Properites.
Flamability, Corrosivemess, Reactivity with acids.
What is a Chemical Change?
When a substance is converted into a different substance. Different substances before and after.
What defines a substance?
It's own unique set of physical and chemical properties.
What are the 3 states of matter?
Solid, Liquid, Gas
What is a Solid?
Has a fixed shape that does not conform to the container shape.
What is a Liquid?
Conforms to the container shape but fills the container only to the extent of teh liquid's own volume.
What is a gas?
Conforms to the container shape and fills the entire container.
What is Energy?
The ability to do work.
What is the total energy of an object?
The sum of the Potential and Kinetic Energy.
What is Potential Energy?
The energy due to the position of the object.
What is Kinetic Energy?
The energy due to the motion of the object.
Is energy conserved?
Can energy be converted from one form to the other?
Can energy be destroyed?
In nature, are lower energy situations favored over those of higher energy?
What are electrostatic forces?
Opposite charges attract eachother and like charges repel eachother.
What does chemical potential engergy of a substance result from?
The relative positions and the attractions and repulsions among all it's particles.
What is combustion?
The process of burning.
What is the scientific method?
A flexible process of creative thinking and testing aimed at objective, verifiable discoveries of how nature works.
What are observations?
Facts that our ideas must explain.
What is data?
Quantitative information
What is a Hypothesis?
A testable proposal made to explain an observation.
What is an Experiment?
A clear set of procedural steps that tests a hypothesis.
What is a Variable?
Quantities that can have more than a single value.
What is a Conversion Factor?
Ratios used to express a measured quantity in a different form.
What are SI units?
The International System of Units
What is the SI unit for length?
What is the SI unit for volume?
How many mL are in a cm^3?
How many quartz are in a Liter?
What is mass?
Quantity of matter it contains
What is the SI Unit for mass?
Kilogram (kg)
Is the mass of a given quantity of matter constant?
What does weight depend on?
The object's mass and the strength of the local gravitational field pulling on it.
What is Density?
Mass divided by Volume kg/cm^3
Is Density a physical property?
What is an Extensive Property?
Those dependent on the amount of substance present? (Mass and Volume)
What is an Intensive Property?
One tat is independent of the amount of substance present.(Density)
What is Temperature?
A measure of how hot or cold a substance is
What is Heat?
the energy that flows between objects that are of different temperatures.
How do you convert from Celsious to Kelvin scale?
How do you convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit scale?
What are the 3 steps to counting significant figures?
1. Make sure that the measured quantity has a decimal point.

2. Start at the left of the number and move right until you reach the first nonzero digit.

3. Count that digit and every digit to its right as significant.
What is Precision?
How close the measurements in a series are to eac other
What is Accuracy?
How close a measurement is to the real value.
What is systematic error?
Values that are either all higher or lower than the actual value.
What is Random Error?
Values that are higher AND some that are lower than the actual value.
What is Calibration?
Comparing it with a known standard.
What is an Element?
The simplest type of matter with unique physical and chemical properties.
How many types of atoms does and eliment consist of?
What is a pure substance?
a type of matter whose composition is fixed.
What is a Molecule?
An independent structural unit consisting of 2 or more chemically bonded atoms
What is a Diatomic molecule?
A molecule consisting of 2 atoms.