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89 Cards in this Set

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anything that has mass and occupies space
the study of the composition of matter and the changes that matter undergoes
organic chemistry
the study of all chemicals containing carbon
inorganic chemistry
the study of all chemicals that do not contain carbon
the study of the processes that take place in organisms
analytical chemistry
the area of study that focuses on the comosition of matter
physical chemistry
the area that deals with the mechanism, the rate, and the energy transfer that occurs when matter undergoes change
pure chemistry
the pursuit of chemical knowledge for its own sake
applied chemistry
reasearch that is directed toward a practical goal or application
the means by which a society provides its members with those things needed and desired
the world of objects that are large enough to see with the unaided eye
the world of objects that can be seen only under magnification
applies science to the production of biological products or processes. it uses techniques that can alter the DNA in living organisms
a material found in the air, water, or soil that is harmful to humans or other oganisms
scientific method
a logical, systematic approach to the solution of a scientific problem
when you use your senses to obtain information
a proposed explanination for an observation.
a procedure that is used to test a hypothesis
manipulated variable
independent variable, the variable that you change during an experiment
responding variable
dependant bariable, the variable that is observed during the experiment
a well tested explanation fro a broad sed of observations
scientific law
a concise statemnt that summarizes the results of many observations and experiments
a measure of the amount of matter the object contains
a measure of the space occupied by the object
extensive property
a property that depends on the amount of matter in a sample
intensive property
a property that depends on the type of matter in a sample, not the amount of matter
matter that has a uniform and definite composition
physical property
a quality or condition of a substance that can be observed or measured without changing the substance's compostition
a form of matter that has a definite shape and volume and is not easily compressed
a form of matter that has an indefinite shape, flows, yet has a fixed folume, and is not easily compressed but tends to expand slightly when heated
a form of matter that takes both the shape and volume of its container and is easily compressed
physical change
when some properties of a material change but the compositon of the material doesn't change
describes the gaseous state of a substance that is generally a liquid or solid at room temperature, as in water vapor
a physical blend of two or more components
heterogeneous mixture
a mixture in which the compositsion isn't uniform throughout
homogeneous mixture
a mixture in which the composistion is unifor throught
another name for a homogenous mixture. many are liqueds but some are gasses
describes any part of a sample with uniform composition and properties. homogeneuous=1phase
the process that seperates solid from liquid in a heterogeneuous mixture
when a liquid is bolied to produce a vapor that is then condensed into a liquid
the simplest form of matter that has a unique set of properties
a substance that contains two or more elements chemically combined in a fixed proportion
chemical symbol
2 letters, represents an element
chemical property
the ability of a substance to undergo a specific chemical change
chemical reaction
when one or more substances change into one or more new substances
a substance present at the start fo the reaction
a subsance produce in the reaction
a solid that form and settles out of a liquid mixture
law of conservation of mass
states that in any physical change or chemical reacton, mass is conserved. Mass is neither created nor destroyed
a quantity tht has both a number and a unit
scientific notation
when a given number is writted as the product of 2 numbers: a coefficient and 10 raised to a power
a measure fo how close a measurment comes to the actual or true value of whatever is measured
a measure of how close a series of measuremnts are to one another
accepted value
the correct value based on reliabel references
experimental value
the value measured in the lab
the difference between the accepted value and the experimental value
percent error
the absolute value of the error divided by the accepted value multiplied by 100%
significant figures
a measuremnt that includes all of the digits that are known, plus a last digit that is estimated
International systor fo Units (SI)
a revised version of the metric system
the SI basic unit of length
unit of volume= m^3
basic SI unit of mass
1/1000 of a kilogram
a force that measures the pull on a given mass by gravity; a measure of force DIFFERENT THAN MASS
a measure of how hot or cold an object is
celcius scale
sets the freezing point of water at 0 and the boiling point at 100
kelvin scale
the freezing point fo water is 273.15 K and th the boiling point is 373.15 K. add or subtact 273 to get celcius
absolute zero
the zero pint o n the kelvin scale
the capacity to do work or to produce heat
the SI unit of energy
the quantity of heat that raises the temperature of 1g of pure water by 1 c
conversion factor
a ration of equivalent measurements
dimensional anaylysis
a way to analyze and solve probles using the units, or dimensions, of the measurements
the ratio of the mass of an object to its volume
the smallest particle of an elemetn that retains its identity in a chemical rection
Dalton's atomic theory
1. all elements are composed of atoms
2. atoms of the same element are identical, and different from the atoms of another element
3. atoms of different elements can physically mix together or chemiclaly combine to form substances
4. chemical reactions occur when atoms ar seperated, joined, or rearranged. atoms fo one element are never changed into atoms of another element as a result of a chemical reaciton
negatively charged subatomic particles
cathode ray
a glowing beam
positively charged subatomic particals. mass is about 1840x electrons
subatomic particals with no charge. nearly equal mass to protons
the tiny central core of an atom and is composed of protons and neutrons
atomic number
the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of that element
mass number
the total number of protons and neutrons in an atom
atoms that have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons
atomic mass unit (amu)
one twelfth of the mass of a standard is carbon -12 atom. way to compare relative masses of atoms using a reference isotope as standard. one twelfth of the mass of a standard is carbon -12 atom.
atomic mass
a weighted average mass of the atoms in a naturally occuring sample of the element. reflects both the mass and the relative abundance of th isotopes as they occur in nature
horizontal row in periodic table
also called family. vertical column in periodic table. have similar chemical and physical properties
periodic table
an arrangement of elements in which the elements are seperated into groups based on a set fo repeating properties