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100 Cards in this Set

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Recite prefixes
Giga, Mega, Kilo, Deci, centi, Milli, Micro, Nano, Pico, Femto
multiple reactants, 1 product
Combination Reaction
1 reactant, multiple products
decomposition reaction
reaction with oxygen (products are CO2 and H2O)
Combustion Reaction
Strong Electrolytes
completely dissociate in water
reaction that forms solid
precipitation reaction
reaction that generates water
Acid-Base Reaction
reaction that forms new ions
Oxidation reduction reactions
Name the strong acids
HCl, HBr, HI, H2SO4, HNO3, HClO4, HClO3
Strong Bases
everything but ammonia
What does the reaction between an acid and a base form?
a salt and water
avogadros number
6.022 x 10^23
When a species gives up an electron in a reaction it is said to be ...
When a species gains an electron in a reaction it is said to be ...
Atoms in elements have oxidation numbers of ...
the oxidation number of monatomic ions is just its ...
The sum of oxidation numbers of atoms equals...
the charge of the species
Kinetic energy due to motion equals...
Potential Energy equals...
mgh where g equals -9.8
Light equation c equals..
wavelength x frequency
Light equation Energy equals....
h x frequency
Light equation Energy equals...
h c / frequency
Debroglie's Equation
wavelength equals h/p where p equals momentum which equals mass x velocity
Quantum number n
Light equation Energy equals....
h x frequency
Quantum number l
orbital where l must be smaller than n
Light equation Energy equals...
h c / frequency
Quantum number ml
Debroglie's Equation
wavelength equals h/p where p equals momentum which equals mass x velocity
Quantum number ms
Quantum number n
Ionization Potential
energy to remove the highest energy electron
Quantum number l
orbital where l must be smaller than n
Light equation Energy equals....
h x frequency
Quantum number ml
Light equation Energy equals...
h c / frequency
Formal Charge equals...
the number of valence electrons - the number of electrons in lone pairs + the number of bonds
Quantum number ms
energy and matter can be transferred between the system and its surroundings
open system
Debroglie's Equation
wavelength equals h/p where p equals momentum which equals mass x velocity
Ionization Potential
energy to remove the highest energy electron
Quantum number n
Quantum number l
orbital where l must be smaller than n
Formal Charge equals...
the number of valence electrons - the number of electrons in lone pairs + the number of bonds
energy and matter can be transferred between the system and its surroundings
open system
Quantum number ml
Quantum number ms
Ionization Potential
energy to remove the highest energy electron
Formal Charge equals...
the number of valence electrons - the number of electrons in lone pairs + the number of bonds
Light equation Energy equals....
h x frequency
energy and matter can be transferred between the system and its surroundings
open system
Light equation Energy equals...
h c / frequency
Debroglie's Equation
wavelength equals h/p where p equals momentum which equals mass x velocity
Quantum number n
Quantum number l
orbital where l must be smaller than n
Quantum number ml
Quantum number ms
Ionization Potential
energy to remove the highest energy electron
Light equation Energy equals....
h x frequency
Formal Charge equals...
the number of valence electrons - the number of electrons in lone pairs + the number of bonds
Light equation Energy equals...
h c / frequency
Light equation Energy equals....
h x frequency
Light equation Energy equals....
h x frequency
energy and matter can be transferred between the system and its surroundings
open system
Debroglie's Equation
wavelength equals h/p where p equals momentum which equals mass x velocity
Light equation Energy equals...
h c / frequency
Light equation Energy equals...
h c / frequency
Debroglie's Equation
wavelength equals h/p where p equals momentum which equals mass x velocity
Debroglie's Equation
wavelength equals h/p where p equals momentum which equals mass x velocity
Quantum number n
Quantum number l
orbital where l must be smaller than n
Quantum number n
Quantum number n
Quantum number l
orbital where l must be smaller than n
Quantum number l
orbital where l must be smaller than n
Quantum number ml
Quantum number ml
Quantum number ms
Quantum number ml
Quantum number ms
Ionization Potential
energy to remove the highest energy electron
Quantum number ms
Formal Charge equals...
the number of valence electrons - the number of electrons in lone pairs + the number of bonds
Ionization Potential
energy to remove the highest energy electron
Ionization Potential
energy to remove the highest energy electron
What does the reaction between an acid and a base form?
a salt and water
Formal Charge equals...
the number of valence electrons - the number of electrons in lone pairs + the number of bonds
energy and matter can be transferred between the system and its surroundings
open system
Formal Charge equals...
the number of valence electrons - the number of electrons in lone pairs + the number of bonds
avogadros number
6.022 x 10^23
energy and matter can be transferred between the system and its surroundings
open system
energy and matter can be transferred between the system and its surroundings
open system
When a species gives up an electron in a reaction it is said to be ...
When a species gains an electron in a reaction it is said to be ...
Atoms in elements have oxidation numbers of ...
the oxidation number of monatomic ions is just its ...
The sum of oxidation numbers of atoms equals...
the charge of the species
Kinetic energy due to motion equals...
Potential Energy equals...
mgh where g equals -9.8
Light equation c equals..
wavelength x frequency