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109 Cards in this Set

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The most common risk factor associated with stroke is:
A. old age
B. migraine headaches
C. hypertension
D. smoking
C. Hypertension.
A 69 year old man complains of acute onset of left sided facial pain. You observe that he has difficulty closing the L eye, which is tearing. He also has pain in his left ear. These sx have developed over the past 8 hours. He has been previously healthy, has not had this condition before and is not taking any medication. The most likely Dx is:
A. Multiple Sclerosis
B. Bell's Palsy
C. Temporal arteritis
D. Meningitis
B. Bell's Palsy
The hormone AVP is synthesized in the:
A. thyroid gland
B. hypothalamus
C. anterior pituitary
D. renal arteries
B. Hypothalamus. AVP aka ADH antidiuretic hormone, is produced in the Hypothalamus and is secreted in the anterior pituitary.
A 19 yo woman who has been diagnosed with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is experiencing fever, vomiting and abdominal pain. The pathogen commonly associated with PID is:
A. Giardia
B. Chlamydia trachomatis
C. Candida albicans
D. Human papilloma virus
B. Chlamydia trachomatis
A client with "moderate micro-albuminuria" is likely to have:
A. No disease
B. Urinary tract infection
C. A vegetarian diet
D. Diabetes mellitus
D. Diabetes mellitus
A 54 year old man tells you that he has experienced repeated episodes of abdominal pain and that his urine has been brownish-colored for 2 or 3 weeks. The last episode of pain was several days ago, and presently he is in no distress. What is your most appropriate response?
A. Advise that he seek medical evaluation within the next few days.
B. Tell him that the pain and urine coloration can safely be ignored.
C. Send him immediately to an emergency medical facility.
D. Advise him to drink 2 glasses of wine nightly for medicinal purposes.
A. Advise that he seek medical evaluation within the next few days.
A 31 year old woman has experienced some hair loss since the delivery of her baby several weeks ago. The pregnancy, delivery and gynecologic follow-up were all unremarkable. She adds that she has experienced panic attacks on occasion, and desires homeopathic treatment. What is your most appropriate course of action?
A. Refer her immediately to an emergency medical facility.
B. Advise her that she needs to see a physician within the next few days.
C. Proceed with homeopathic management.
D. Advise her to ignore the problems.
C. Proceed with homeopathic management..
The hypochondriac region lies where:
A. Upper abdomen, below the ribs
B. Around the umbilicus
C. Over the stomach
D. Over the appendix
A. Upper abdomen, below the ribs
A mother brings her five year old daughter to see you because of itching for several days. You observe that the child has red bumps, crust, and pustules all over her body, including the head. What would you advise the mother?
A. The chilld will probably recover in a day.
B. The child may have a terminal illness.
C. The child may have ingested a poison.
D. The child may be contagious.
D. The child may be contagious.
An elderly woman calls you because her husband just passed a "large amount" of blood with a bowel movement. He then fainted and was unconscious for "a few minutes." Presently he is conscious but seems very weak. What would you advise the lady?
A. Call for emergency medical help.
B. Bring him to your office at her convenience.
C. Take him to his physician within a day or two.
D. Abstain from food and drink until he is feeling better
A. Call for emergency medical help.
You observe that a seventy year old woman in no distress has shaking of her hands and arms, which are resting in her lap. What would you conclude?
A. She may have Parkinson's disease.
B. She may be anemic.
C. She may need to have an EKG.
D. She may have osteoporosis.
A. She may have Parkinson's disease.
The term "early repolarization" on an EKG (electrocardiogram) report refers to
A. an arrhythmia
B. heart enlargment
C. possible artery blockage
D. a normal physiologic process
D. a normal physiologic process.
A 72 year old man tells you that his BP on the gorcery store machine was 220 over 135. He rechecked it at two more stores and found it to be about the same. He feels okay except for a mild headache. What is your best response?
A. Tell him to take a brisk walk, then recheck the BP.
B. Advise him to seek medical care without delay.
C. Have him set up an appointment to see you in a week.
D. Ask him to recheck the BP at a couple more stores
B. Advise him to seek medical care without delay.
A 21 year old woamn takes off her shoes to show you her feet. One side of her left great toenail is red and swollen with slight exudate. What would you conclude?
A. She probably needs a tetanus booster.
B. Her problem should resolve quickly.
C. She has an ingrown toenail
D. Her feet probably stay moist.
C. She has an ingrown toenail.
Which of the following is a parasitic infection of the skin?
A. Wart.
B. Poison Ivy
C. Ringworm
D. Pediculosis
D. Pediculosis (Lice)
An x-ray report of a right lower lung field "calcified granuloma" is indicative of
A. possible active TB
B. steroid use
C. old lung infection
D. smoking
C. Old lung infection.
A 46 year old man has been under your homeopathic care for 8 months because of abdominal pain and weight loss. The pain has been mild but has not lessened, and the weight loss has continued despite treatment; he has lost 25 pounds since you first saw him, from 190 to 165. What is your best approach at this point?
A. Advise him that a change in remedy is needed.
B. Advise him to seek emergency medical care.
C. Advise him to increase unsaturated fat in his diet.
D. Advise him to seek non-emergency medical evaluation.
D. Advise him to seek non-emergency medical evaluation.
A client tells you that her "Pap test" was normal. What might you tell her?
A. The Pap test is an effective screen for cervical, uterine, and ovarian cancer.
B. The Pap test in an effective screen for uterine and ovarian, but not cervical cancer.
C. The Pap test is an effective screen for cervical and ovarian, but not urerine cancer.
D. The Pap test in an effective screen for cervical, but not uterine or ovarian cancer.
D. The Pap test is an effective screen for cervical, but not uterine or ovarian cancer.
A 51 year old man remarks that he is just back from a vacation in Hawaii. He has experienced some sharp chest pain, worse on breathing, but adds that it is not severe. His main concern is the soreness in his right leg. It is a bit tender to the touch, and even swollen somewhat, he says. What is your best course of action?
A. Advise him to remain off the leg for a week and apply cold packs.
B. Advise him that he may have a serious condition requiring urgent medical care.
C. Advise hime to begin increasing his fluid intake and increase daily walking.
D. Advise him that the symptoms will likely resolve with his next remedy.
B. Advise him that he may have a serious condition requiring urgent medical care.
Likely symptoms of a black widow spider bite include:
A. muscle cramps and spasm.
B. skin rash
C. bull's eye lesion at site of the bite
D. feverl
A. muscle cramps and spasm.
A 42 year old woman complains of pain in the right upper quadrant of her abdomen which feels crampy. This pain occurs 1-2 hours after meals, and is worse when eating fats. She otherwise is healthy She is 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighs 165 pounds. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. ovarian cyst.
B. Cholelthiasis
C. esophageal reflux.
D. peptic ulcer.
B. Cholelthiasis
A client tells you that her "liver enzymes" on a blood screen were normal. You conclude:
A. She might have hepatitis B.
B. She probably has normal cholesterol.
C. She does not have hepatitis.
D. She needs to be checked for diabetes.
A. She might have hepatitis B. B and D have nothing to do with the question. C is not true, because it is possible to have normal liver enzymes despite having Hepatitis.
A 35 year old woman sees you because she has had diarrhea for over 3 weeks. She has noticed blood and mucus in the stool. She has occasional abdominal cramps, but is otherwise feeling well. What would you do?
A. Advise her that she should avoid dairy products.
B. Advise her to seek emergency medical evaluation.
C. Advise her that the blood is of no serious consequence.
D. Advise her that she may need medical evaluation in the near future.
D. Advise her that she may need medical evaluation in the near future. She is in no immediate distress, so emergency referral is not indicated (CHC answer).
A. may help but there are better answers. The long term nature plus the presence of blood makes ulcerative colitis more likely, which makes medical evaluation necessary. C is not a useful answer.
24. A client whom you have been treating for thyroiditis initially had a low TSH blood test, which is now
normal. What would you conclude?

A. The normal TSH is likely a result of your treatment.
B. The TSH needs to be repeated because it will likely drop again.
C. Normalization of the low TSH is a natural phase of thyroiditis.
D. The TSH blood test has no bearing on her condition.
C. Normalization of the low TSH is a natural phase of thyroiditis. This is a difficult question in the catagory of "condition needing non-emergency medical referral." In the initial phase of a thyroiditis the TSH may be low because the thyroid gland is dumpting excess thyroid hormone into the blood stream. Subsequently the TSH may normalize, then increase because the inflamed thyroid gland cannot produce enough thyroid hormone. If you do not realize this, you might conclude that the homepathic treatment was responsible for the change. This is an example where knowledge of the natural history of an illness is important to know.
GLANDS: List the Secretions of the Anterior Pituitary:
Follicle stimulating hormone
Luteinizing hormone
ACTH Adrenocortictropic hormone
TSH Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
GH Growth hormone
GLAND: List the scretions of the Posterior Pituitary Gland
These are produced in the Hypothalamus, but released by the Posterior Pituitary:
AVP or ADH: antidiuretic hormone. governs reabsorption of water from urine. in Diabetes Insipidus, there is hyposecretion of AVP.
Oxytocin: induces or increases labor. Releases milk to the milk ducts. Social memory
GLAND: List the hormones of the Hypothalmus. What does this gland do?
Produces AVP antidiuretic hormone, and Oxytocin.
The hypothalmus deals with homeopastasis. It regulates body temperature, appetite and thirst.
GLAND: List the hormones secreted by the Thyroid
T3. Thyroxine
T4. Triiodothyronine
The thytoid stores its hormone. Calcitonin maintains homeostasis of blood calcium, it reduces calcium in the blood.
GLANDS: List the hormones of the parathyroids
PTH, parathyroid hormone, it increases calcium in the blood.
GLANDS: List the hormones of the Adrenal Cortex:
1. Aldosterone. This hormone signals the kidneys to retain sodium, excrete potasium and retain water to increase water volume which increases BP.
2. Glucocorticoids (like cortisol)
3. Sex hormones resembling testosterone.
GLANDS: What are the hormones of the Adrenal medulla?
The Adrenal medulla secretes
Epinephrine: prepares the body for fight or flight.
Norepinephrine. maintains normal body activity plus prepares the body for emergencies.
GLANDS: What is cretinism? What Gland is involved?
Cretinism can result from hyposecretion of thyroid hormones during childhood. It is characterized by low metabolic rate, retarded growth and sexual develpment and often, mental retardation.
GLANDS: What is Myxedema? What Gland is involved?
Myxedema can result from hyposecretion of thyroid hormones during adulthood. It results in low metabolic rate, weight gain, loss of hair, low energy, edema around the eyes and face.
GLANDS: What is a goiter?
A goiter is an enlarged thyroid gland that appears as a swelling of the neck. It results from a low intake of iodine and can be improved by increasing iodine in the diet. The thyroid gland enlarges in an attempt to compensate for the lack of iodine in the diet.
GLANDS: What is hyperthyroidism? What is Graves disease?
Hypertyroidism is oversecretion of thyroid hormones, resulting in weight loss, increased appetite, and nervous irritability. There may be protruding eyes, called exophthalmos. Hyperthyroid with bulging eyes, is characteristic of Graves Disease.
GLANDS: What is Hypothyroidism?
Hypothyroidism is undersecretion of thyroid hormones. It results in weight gain, fatigue, low metabolic rate.
GLANDS: What is Cushings?
Cushings involves oversecretion of the adrenal glands, of glucocorticoids. Symptoms include a moon face and buffalo hump. It results from a tumor that stimulates secretion of glucocorticoids.
GLANDS: What is a virilizing tumor?
A virilizing tumor of the adrenal cortex causes the hypersecretion of androgens, which result in masculinizing effects.
GLANDS: What is Addison disease?
Prsident Kennedy suffered from this. Hypo adrenal cortex. Causes muscle weakness, reduced blood sugar, nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss.
What cancer is a very common disease, caused by HPV which also causes warts?
Cervical cancer. Can be found early using the Pap Smear. Very inexpensive, has caused the incidence to CC to plummet.
PID or Gonorrhea, can cause scarring of the fallopian tubes that later can lead to an ectopic pregnancy. Can be life threatening. True or false?
Breasts are modified sweat glands, called apocrine glands. True or false?
More women will die of lung cancer than from breast cancer. True or False?
True. This is due to smoking.
What is the microalbumin test?
An early indicator of kidney failure. Albumin is a protein that is produced in the liver. When the kidneys are functioning properly, virtually no albumin is allowed to leak into the urine. If a person't kidneys become damaged, they lose their ability to filter proteins out of the urine. This is seen in diabetes and high BP, with increasing amts of protein in the urine reflecting increasing kidney failure. It is one of the first proteins to be detected in the urine with kidney damage. Can lead to K failure and cardiovascular disease.
When is a medical condition, a medical emergency?
American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) offers a list:

Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath
SUSPECTED HEART ATTACK:Chest or upper abdominal pain or pressure
Fainting, sudden dizziness, weakness
Changes in vision
Confusion or changes in mental status
Any sudden or severe pain
Uncontrolled bleeding
Severe or persistent vomiting or diarrhea
Coughing or vomiting blood
Suicidal feelings
Difficulty speaking
Unusual abdominal pain
What symptoms require a trip to the ER by Ambulance?
Chest pain and or other symptoms of a Heart Attack. These include aching pain, constricting band sensation, crushing discomfort, pain in jaw, neck or upper back, Clammy, Nausea and/or vomiting, sense of impending doom.
Difficulty breathing.
Severe Bleeding.
Unconsciousness or reduced consciousness .
What symptoms require a trip to the ER by Ambulance? (List 2)
• Sudden collapse
• Chest pain
• Breathing difficulty
• Motor vehicle/cycle accident
• Fractured bones
• Uncontrollable bleeding
Your 30 year old client is nauseaus and has dark urine and yellow discoloration of the eyes.
A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. Non-emergency medical care, i. He may have hepatitis, which needs to be treated to avoid liver damage.
Your client has cold and flu symptoms with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. You recommend: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
A. Homeopathic care. Client may have viral gastroenteritis (stomach flu).
Your 44 year old male client has pain in the middle or lower right side of abdomen and has lost his appetite. He is very nauseaus. Do you recommend: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
C. Emergency. Your client may have Appendicitis or a bowel obstruction. An infected appendix could rupture within 24 hours if left untreated.
Your 20 year old client is nauseaus, has a stiff neck (or headache) and normal light hurts his eyes - it usually does not. Do you recommend: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
C. Emergency. Your young client may have meningitis, a serious infection of the membranes around the brain. Delay could result in serious injury or death.
Your 45 year old female client has nausea and pain in the upper right abdomen. Greasy food makes the pain worse. Do you recommend: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend she see her doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately.
B. Your client may have gallstones or cholecystitis, an infection of the gallbladder. This may also be due to pancreatitis.
Your 55 year old client became nauseaus and began vomiting shortly after eating. Do you recommend: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
A. Proceed with homeopathic treatment. Client likely has food poisoning caused by a toxin or bacteria from contaminated food. If symptoms are severe, call the doctor.
Your client has a burning abdominal pain between the breastbone and navel, and is nauseaus. Do you recommend: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
A. or B. This is not an emergency. Likely, this is a gastritis or an ulcer caused by a bacterial infection of H-Pylori.
Client has vomited blood and client has had black, tarry stool. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. or C. Client should seek medical care immediately. Client may have a bleeding ulcer or a condition such as cancer.
Your 40 year old female client has nausea, a burning feeling in her lower chest and a sour taste in her throat and mouth after eating. Do you:
A. Proceed with homeopathic treatment. This likely is heartburn.
Client is 15 years old. He recently hit his head and now has a headache, blurred vision, numbness and tingling. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
C. Emergency. Client may have a serious head injury.
Your 36 year old client thinks she may be pregnant. She reports that she has severe lower abdominal pain. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
C. Emergency. This may be an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage
Your client reports having acute abdominal pain plus ANY of the following: (1) stomach is very tender to touch; (2) bloody diarrhea or black and tarry stool; (3) Vomiting blood; (4) fever. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately.
C. Any of these can be emergencies.
Your client has pain that begins in the upper middle abdomen and shifts to the back. It is aggravated by fatty food. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. This is not an emergency. Still, client may have gallstones or an infection of the GB.
Client complains of a sudden sharp pain that starts in the back near the ribs and moves down toward the groin. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. or C. emergency. Pain may be from a kidney stone or tumor. If there is fever, client may also have a bladder infection, and this should be treated as an emergency. If pain is severe, this should be treated as an emergency.
Your client has pain in the lower right abdomen and has blood and mucus in her stool. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. Non-emergency medical care. These may be signs of ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease, inflammatory diseases of the colon or large intestine.
Your client is a 33 year old female with constant pain in the lower abdomen along with a vaginal discharge. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. Non-emergency medical referral. A dull, constant pain with vaginal discharge may be a sign of PID, pelvic Inflammatory disease. Doctor likely will give an antibiotic.
Your client feels pressure in her upper abdomen that gets worse when she bends over. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
A. or B. Client may have a Hiatal Hernia. Referral to a practitioner who can "adjust" this would be beneficial. Sometimes, this can be corrected surgically.
Your client has abdominal pain the gets worse when under stress and that altenates beween loose and hard stool What do you recommend? A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
A. The pain may be from IBS, Irritable Bowel Syndropm. Increase dietary fiber, reduce stress, increase exercise.
Your 48 year old client has recurrent bouts of pain in the lower left side of her abdomen with fever. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. Schedule a next day appointment. Client may have diverticulosis, an infection of small pockets in the colon. Any infection of the abomen can be serious - call doctor right away.
Your client reports that she has bright red, bloody stools. She thinks she has bleeding hemorrhoids. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately.
B. So long as client is comfortable, this is not an ER issue. Still, even though the blooding might be from a hemorrhoid or bleeding polyp, they can be a sign of cancer. Client should see her doctor in the next few days.
Your client's skin and eyes are yellow and the urine color is dark. Do you:
A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. See your doctor. The client my have viral hepatitis.
Your client has abdominal bloating and pain that is made worse by eating milk or wheat. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
A. Proceed with homeopathic treatment and have client avoid the foods and beverages that cause the symptoms.
Your client reports that her stool is yellow and greasy and that it floats. Do you:
A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend she see her doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately.
A or B. This is not an emergency. This may be Pancreatic Insufficiency, where the pancreas does not produce enough enzymes for proper digestion.
Your client reports that he has very smelly gas with loose stool. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
A. or B. Client may have Giardia.
Your 65 year old client has
Crushing pain or uncomfortable pressure in the middle of your chest that lasts more than a few minutes
Squeezing pain in the chest or left upper arm
Sweating and nausea
Severe shortness of breath. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
C. Emergency. This may be a heart attack or MI. Call an ambulance now.
The client reports that crushing or squeezing chest pain comes upon him, but only when he eats or swallows. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately.
A. This may be gastritis, esophagitis or a hiatal hernia.
Your client's chest aches along the edges of his breastbone. the pain is worse with coughing or taking a deep breath. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
A. Proceed with homeopathic treatment. He may have Costochondritis, an inflammation of the joints in the chest.
Your client tells you that physical exertion, emotional stress or extreme temperatures causes a feeling of pressure under the breastbone. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. Non-emergency medical treatment. The pain may be from Angina. It is a sign that he has a higher risk of serious heart problems, such as heart attack.
Your client has a fever and is coughing up bloody mucus. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. The client may have an infectious illness such as TB or a fungal infection. Or, Lung cancer could be the cause. Go immediately to the doctor.
Your client is very short of breath and is coughing up pink, frothy mucus. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
C. Emergency. Client must go immediately to the nearest ER. This may be Pulmonary edema, a very serious condition.
Your client has a cough with shortness of breath and wheezing. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. Sending the client to a physician is the better choice, even though this may be well-treated with homeopathy. These symptoms may be a sign of asthma, a constriction of the airways. It can be dangerous and should be diagnosed by the doctor.
Your client has been coughing. He has leg swelling, shortness of breath when active or after lying down and has had heart issues. Do you? A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. This is not an emergency, but the client should see the physician within the next few days. Persistent coughing can be caused by Congestive Heart Failure, CHF, especially when there is a buildup of fluid in the lungs.
Your client recently started having sharp chest pain, rapid hearbeat, swelling of the legs and sudden shortness of breath. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
C. Emergency. This may be a pulmonary embolism. Bloody mucus with these symptoms may nean that a blood clot has moved from the leg to the lungs - a pulmonary embolism. Go immediately to the doctor or ER.
Your coughing client has night sweats and chest pain when he coughs or takes a deep breath. Do you:A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. Non-emergency. These symptoms may be caused by Tuberculosis or another type of infection.
Your client is coughing and has unintentionally lost weight. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. Non-emergency. This may be a sign of a serious illness, such as Lung Cancer.
Your client has persistent severe abdominal cramps, gas and watery diarrhea followed by greasy stools. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. Call the doctor promptly. The client may have Giardia or a form of bacerial diarrhea. Advise him to drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration and to avoid caffeine.
Your client has diarrhea, fever, and is experiencing pain in the middle or upper abdomen that radiates to the back. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. Non-emergency. Call doctor - these may be symptoms of Gallbladder disease or pancreatitis.
Your client has diarrhea, is bloated and is experiencing severe lower abdominal pain or cramping. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately.
C. Emergency. Have client go to the nearest emergency room. These could be symptoms of an Intestinal Obstruction or Blockage.
Your client has diarrhea and currently is taking a new medication. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. Client needs to speak with the doctor about the medication but should not discontinue without medical guidance.
Your client has diarrhea with gas, bloating and stomach pain every time she eats certain foods. Do you:
A. Recommend that the client avoid foods that make her sick and proceed with homeopathic treatment.
Your client has had chronic constipation but suddenly is experiencing watery diarrhea that leaks out. Your client has not been sick and nothing else has changed. Do you:A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. Non-emergency. Client should see his doctor - he may have a fecal impaction, a large mass of dry, hard stool that is trapped in the rectum.
Your client has itching around the anus even when not having a bowel movement. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
A. Proceed with homeopathy treatment. Rectal itching may be a sign of a yeast infection. allergy to toilet paper or pinworms.
Your client reports that her bowel movements are gray or white. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. or C. This requires medical care - the client may have a blockage in or near the gallbladder or may have liver disease or liver infection.
Your client has recently injured her eye and is experiencing floaters or flashes of light or partial loss of vision. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. This is urgent, see eye doctor today. This may be a serious and urgent problem such as a detached retina.
Your client has a red and very painful eye, or her vision suddenly has decreased or become cloudy. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. This is urgent, see the eye doctor today. These symptoms may be from acute glaucoma, a condition caused by a rise in eye pressure that can cause permanent vision damage or blindness.
Your female 50 year old client has a most unusual headache at her temple - she has never had it before, and is experiencing flu-like symptoms such as fever, fatigue, and muscle aches. Do you:
B. Have the client see her physician immediately. These symptoms may be a sign of a serious inflammatory condition called Temporal arteritis, which can result in a total loss of vision.
Your client's eye is swollen and tender to the touch. She also has a fever. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B/C. See doctor today. These may be signs of a serious eye infection called periorbial cellulitis.
Your client's lips and eyes are swollen, she has a rash and her throat has become tight. Do you:
C. emergency. If client is having trouble breathing, her throat becomes tight, or the swelling becomes severe, go to the emergency room.
Your client has had a fever for weeks along with tiredness and a sore throat. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. Client should go to her physician. She may have Mononucleosis.
Your client has fever, stomach pain, nausea and/or vomiting. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
A. or B., with the facts as written, this may be simple stomach flu. but, this could be C. Emergency. Your client may have a severe medical problem, such as appendicitis, diverticulitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, or colitis. BUT, Additional signs, such as jaundice, greasy stools, severe pain, would point this towards an emergency.
Your client has a rash that's red, tender and warm, with a red streak on the arm or leg. Do you:
B. Non-emergency, but see doctor today. Client may have an infection of the skin or lymph system, such as cellulitis or lymphangitis.
Your client has fever and is experiencing pain or burning when he urinates. Do you:A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. Non-emergency, but see doctor right away. Client may have Pyelonephritis, a kidney infection.
Your client has a severe headache, stiff neck, drowsiness, vomiting and his eyes are sensitive to light. Do you:A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
C. Emergency. Client may have Meningitis.
Client has been outside in extremely hot weather, is hot but not sweating, and is confused. Do you:
C. Emergency. These are signs of heatstroke. Client must get out of the sun and go somewhere shady or cooler.
Your client has a painful, itchy rash or small red bumps, blisters or sores on his penis. What might this be?
Client may have a yeast infection, herpes or another infection. Sores on the penis may be a symptom of cancer.
Your client has a painless sore on the penis. What might this be?
Client may have genital warts, syphilis or a form of cancer.
Your client's entire penile tip is tender and swollen. What is this and what should he do?
This may be Balanitis, a bacterial or fungal infection of the head of the penis. He needs to see his doctor. Meanwhile, keep the area clean and dry, avoid skin lotions.
Your client reports that he has blood in his urine (or semen). Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. Non-emergency. Your client may have prostatitis, and infection of the prostate gland or an infection of the seminal vesicle.
Your client reports that he has pain with ejaculation. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. Non-emergency. Your client may have prostatitis, and infection of the prostate gland or an infection of the seminal vesicle.
Your client reports that his scrotum is very tender although no injury has occured. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
C. Emergency. Your client may have a severe form of infection, such as epididymitis or testicular torsion, a condition in which the blood supply to the testicle is cut off.
Your client reports that he has a hard, painless knot on one testicle. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately.
B. Non-emergency. This could be a spermatocele, a noncancerous cyst, but it could be testicular cancer.
Your client reports that he has soft swelling above his testicle that gets worse with activity, lifting or coughing. Do you: A. Proceed with homeopathic care.
B. Recommend he see his doctor within the next day or so.
C. Emergency. Go to ER or physician immediately?
B. Non-emergency. This could be an inguinal hernia, a loop of the bowel that protrudes into the scrotum. If it is large and painful, the doctor may recommend surgery.