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129 Cards in this Set

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occasion (n)
a time/place where something happens.
starve (v)
to die by not eating
proper (adj)
the right way
invent (v)
to make something never made by anyone before
afford (v)
have the money or time to be able to do something (i.e I can _____ to buy that watch.)
eagerly (adv)
to really want to do something
colossal (adj)
extremely big
scent (n)
the smell of something
delicate (adj)
will break very easily
factory (n)
where sth is made (ex. The computer is made in the computer _________.)
cement (n)
glues bricks together to build walls & buildings
recipe (n)
step-by-step instructions on how to make food (ex. I always read the ______ when I make cake.)
astonishment (n)
to be filled with sudden surprise or amazement
column (n)
a vertical line that goes from top to bottom
row (n)
a horizontal line that goes from left-right (or right-left)
chimney (n)
part of a house on the roof
machines (n)
sth man-made from a number of parts to do something
spy (v)
to work as a spy
spies (n)
sb who tries to learn the secrets of one country for the government of another
melt (v)
to go from a solid state --> a liquid one (Ex. Ice _____s in summer).
genius (n)
someone who is more intelligent than 99% of other people (Ex. Einstein was a _____.)
parade (n)
a large number of people playing music and dressed up to celebrate a special occasion (Ex. At Chinese New Year there are many ________s in Hong Kong.)
spoilt (adj)
good before then became bad or a girl or boy who acts badly because they are always given everything they wanted
ticket (n)
a piece of paper that shows you paid money to do/see something
scene (n)
a time or place where something happened (Ex. At the _____ of the fight
securely (adv)
imagine (v)
to create an image of sth in your head (mind) (Ex. I can't ________ you on a boat because you hate them so much.)
amidst (prep.)
in the middle of
nonsense (n)
spoil (v)
to cause sth to go from good to bad (become bad)
tremendous (adj)
creamy (adj)
tastes like cream
to make ready before hand (Ex. We always __________food before cooking)
an opportunity, a possibility that something good/bad will happen
peaceful, quiet, not making noise
to rip, pull apart one piece from the other
very thin
to stop someone from doing something (usually speaking)
extremely old, been around for many years
how hungry you are (Ex. My cat always has a large ________, so he is always hungry.)
won't do something (Ex. I __________ to do the homework because it is too difficult.)
to look for something thoroughly
pens, pencils, writing paper - all writing things (Ex. I can buy many things in a ________ shop.)
delicious, gorgeous, good to eat/look at
completely true, 100% accurate, no problems at all
the time after class (i.e. a break or going home time)
hopeless, in great need
you already know something about it, many people recognize it
damp (adj)
a little wet
bulged (adj)
sticks out a little (i.e because something inside is pushing outwards)
precious (adj)
special to you, something that is a lot of money
pillow (n)
where you put your head at night
wild (adj)
crazy, a lot of, not tame
miracle (n)
a wonderful or amazing thing (or event)
pure (adj)
100% true, only this kind, nothing else inside (Ex. My dad only wears **** cotton shirts.)
invitation (n)
a piece of paper inviting you to do something
instructions (n)
a list of sentences that tells you how to do (or make) something
deserve (v)
to be given something because you did something great or you are the best person to do.
gate (n)
a kind of door
energetic (adj)
having a lot of energy, active
corridor (n)
a long room with many doors on either side
overjoyed (adj)
more than happy
climate (n)
what the weather is like in one place
visitor (n)
someone who visits a place
mischievous (adj)
to make trouble, mischief, up to no good
shriek (v/n)
to cry loudly, or a loud, high yell
terrific (adj)
wonderful or great
immediately (adv)
to do something right away
instant (n)
a very short period of time
charming (adj)
very likable, nice, a handsome person
sparkling (adj)
to give off many rays of light
private (adj)
belonging only to you (or a group of people), not for everyone to use
row (v)
to move a boat forward by human power alone
yacht (n)
a small kind of boat
pipe (n)
something long and narrow that is used to move gas or liquid from one place to another
astonishment (n)
a feeling of surprise or amazement
tunnel (n)
an underground corridor that takes you from A to B
whip (n)
a long, thin stick used to hit something quickly many times
violet (adj)
a dark color between blue and purple
believe (v)
to accept what someone says is true - If I say the sky is red, do you ******* me?
dessert (n)
what you eat *after* dinner, usually sweet
satisfy (v)
to feel good about completing something well
fabulous (adj)
really great, wonderful, fantastic, superb
peculiar (adj)
strange, unusual, different to everything else
dumb (adj)
not able to talk properly, unintelligent
survive (v)
to continue to live in a dangerous place, to live in difficult places (Ex. The cactus ******** in the desert.)
jet (n)
something (a liquid or gas) that bursts out under great pressure
steam (n)
water after boiling, a gas
lick (v)
to taste something with your tongue
drunk (adj)
how you feel after drinking too much alcohol
mumble (v)
to speak low and not clearly
anxiously (adv)
to do something with an uneasy, worry or nervous feeling
rush (v)
in a hurry to do something
pay attention (v)
to look and listen to someone or something, to concentrate on what is being said
anxiously (adv)
nervously, to do something in a worried or anxious way
furious (adj)
really angry
down the drain (ph)
no reason for something, lost, (Ex. Buying video games and not playing them is money **** *** *****.)
an animal's foot (n)
taught how to behave or how to do something *very* well (v)
the *joints* between your fingers and the rest of your hand (n)
to shout at somebody for doing something bad (v)
to push down on something (Ex. a button) (v)
something small and round that does something when you press it (Ex. An elevator has ******s for each floor.) (n)
a piece of paper that tells you what is inside something (Ex. on a jar, can, clothing etc...) (n)
by the side of, near, beside, next to (prep)
a kind of small gun (n)
likes to talk a lot (adj)
right now, immediately, don't wait to do something (prep)
having a sharp slope - how difficult a mountain side is to walk up (adj)
having a gentle slope - easy to walk up (adj)
a sign/time on television that tries you sell you something you want (n)
commercial (advert)
a hat to keep your head safe (n)
something that happens because you did something. (EX. After the game the ****** was 3:1). (n)
an up and down line, not straight, a kind of pattern (adj)
a not nice name for a little person (not dwarf) (n)
a material that you can stretch easily to fit any shape (adj)
something you can eat to give you good health (EX. A,B,C,D,E) (n)
something not real, existing only in your imagination, a kind of book or movie (n)
the name for the part of your brain that let's you create ideas and crazy stories (n)
a feeling of wanting something badly (n)
to fly but stay in one place, don't move (v)
can't stand something anymore, don't want to hear/see something any longer (v)
to put pressure on something to get something from it (Ex. I always ****** an orange to make orange juice.) (v)
a plan you have made (n)
always likes to do something immediately without thinking about what will happen afterwards (adj)
to experience a deep sad feeling (v)
sure, it's 100% true, obvious, everyone knows this fact (ph)
of course
the name for the time when two or people argue (n)
the name for the remains of something ancient (very old) (n)