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86 Cards in this Set

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What is a ligand?
A signaling molecule required for cell communication.
What is a receptor protein?
Molecule to which a ligand binds.
Does glycolosis need oxygen to carry out its function?
No, It does not, glycolosis is anaerobic.
Where does glycolosis occur?
In the cytoplasm, not in any organelle
What is glycolosis?
Converts (breaks down) glucose into two 3-carbon molecules of pyruvate. Net total gain of ATP is 2. Net total gain of NADH is 2. all cells can do glycolosis.
What happens in the first step (priming) of glycolysis?
Transfers 2 phosphate from 2 ATP to the glucose molecule. Uses 2 atp.
An organism that feeds off organic compounds that autotrophs produce. 95 percent of organisms are autotrophs.
Substrate level phosphorylation
An enzyme transfers a phosphate group from an organic molecule (the substrate) to ADP, forming ATP.
Respiration occurs in three metabolic stages:
Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle, Electron Transport chain & Chemiosmosis.
How many ATP molecules are derived from one glucose molecule?
Ethanol Fermentation
Pyruvate is anaerobically converted via acetaldehyde into carbon dioxide and ethanol, this generates NAD+.
Lactate Fermentation.
Lactate is formed when there is inadequate oxygen present in a muscle cell undergoing contractions. For glycolysis to keep going, the NAD+ reduced in glycolysis needs to be replenished to repeat the cycle. The conversion of pyruvate to lactate regenerates and restores NAD+.
Is co2 produced during glycolysis?
Does glycolysis occur whether O2 is present or not?
Yes, While it is anaerobic meaning it does not utilize oxygen, it still occurs wether o2 is present or not.
Where does glycolysis occur?
the cell cytoplasm
What two steps might pyruvate continue on to if oxygen is not present? what is another function of these two.
Lactate fermentation and ethanol fermentation, this also recycles NADH into NAD+ so glycolosis can continue.
oxidation of glucose does what to molecules of NAD+?
reduces them to NADH. 2 molecules btw.
What is the next step for the two pyruvate molecules after glycolysis?
pyruvate moves to the Krebs cycle and the energy stored in NADH can be converted to ATP by the electron transport system and oxidative phosphorylation.
How much of the original energy in glucose is still present in two molecules of pyruvate.
more than three quarters.
Where does the krebs cycle take place?
How is pyruvate transformed in the mitochondria.
multienzyme complex modifies pyruvate into acetyl CoA as it enters the mitochondria.
What three steps take place in order to transform pyruvate into Acetyl CoA.
1.A carboxyl group is removed as Co2.
2. A pair of electrons is transferred to NAD+ to form NADH
3. The remainder combines with coenzyme A to form Acetyl-CoA
What are the major end products of one turn of the krebs cycle?
2 Co2 Released as waste, 3 NADH, 1 FADH2, 1 GTP which produces 1 ATP by substrate level phosphorylation.
How many turns of the krebs cycle are needed for each glucose molecule?
in glycolysis glucose breaks down into 2 pyruvate molecules so 2 turns of the krebs cycle occur.
How are the molecules broken down during the krebs cycle?
Oxidation takes place in the eight steps each step catalyzed by a distinct enzyme, NAD and FAD are reduced in redox reactions.
knowing that 2 pyruvate molecules are produced from one glucose molecule how many products are produced in the krebs cycle from ONE pyruvate?
4 NADH (1 from acetyl CoA conversion and 3 from Krebs cycle)
1 GTP (produces 1 ATP via substrate level phosphorylation)
3 CO2 (1 from acetyl CoA conversion and 2 from Krebs cycle
Per one molecule of glucose how many atp are produced at the end of the krebs cycle, and where does the remaining energy go?
only 4 out of the 38 total are derived from substrate level phosphorylation, the remaining majority is stored in electrons carried by NADH and FADH2, these are used to power atp synthesis via oxidative phosphorylation
chemiosmotic coupling
The linkage between Electron transport, ATP synthesis, proton pumping
uses energy stored in from of hydrogen ion gradient across a membrane to synthesize ATP, greatest amount of chemical energy being generated directly.
Electron Transport Chain
Present in many copies in inner mito membrane, consists of 4 main protein complexes, also called respiratory chain, Contains over 40 proteins, 15 involved in transport. Most in lipid bilayer, hard to study due to the fact that they function only in intact membrane.
Each respiratory complex:
couples energy released by electron transfer across it to pump protons from water in the mitochondrial matrix into intermembrane space
2. Creates electrochemical proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane
What is the first stop for the electrons carried by NADH in the ETC?
Flavoprotein it has a high affinity e acceptor
how is the ETC energetically favorable for electrons?
Each protein in the ETC has increasing affinity for electrons shuttling them along while releasing energy.
What is the final electron acceptor?
final electron acceptor is oxygen- combine with 2 H+ to produce water
(aerobic respiration)
Electron transport proteins are..
proteins containing iron-sulfur (Fe-S) centers
cytochrome proteins (Cyt-c) (contain iron atoms attached to protein heme groups)
One lipid carrier (ubiquinone- Q) that shuttles electrons along the lipid bilayer.
What are consequences of active pumping of protons?
Generates a gradient of proton (H+) concentrations (a pH gradient) across inner membrane

2. Generates membrane potential across inter membrane with the inside (matrix side) negative and outside positive due to outflow of protons (H+)
ATP synthase
1. As hydrogen ions flow down their gradient, they can only enter back into the matrix through the cylinder portion and attached rod of ATP synthase causing this portion to rotate.
2. The spinning rod causes a conformational change in the knob region, activating catalytic sites where ADP and inorganic phosphate combine to make ATP.
Why are positively charged protons attracted to the mitochondrial matrix?
the matrix is negative compared with the intermembrane space.
Regulation of pathways.
1. Rxns in each pathway are catalyzed by specific enzymes, many of which are controlled allosterically by feedback inhibition.
do proteins fats and carbs enter metabolic pathways at the same site?
No they enter at different sites.
What are proteins broken down into?
Amino Acids, then the amino groups are removed turning into molecules to be used in glycolysis and the krebs cycle.
Why are leaves green?
Chlorophyll molecules of chloroplast absorb violet blue and red light
These colors are most effective in driving photosynthesis
These colors reflect and transmit green light.
What is critical for converting light into energy
The thylakoids, flattened sacs, stacked into granum
Where do the light and dark reactions occur in the chloroplast?
Light rxns. occur in thylakoid and Calvin (dark) rxn. occurs in stroma
What are the reactants and products in photosynthesis?
6 C02 + 12 H2O + Light Energy converted to C6H12O6 (sugar) + 6 02.
Why is cell signaling necessary?
Cells need to interact with their environment. E.x. cell differentiation. Multicellular organisms need their cells to communicate to coordinate the functions of the organism as a whole.
signal transduction
conversion of an extracellular signal to an intracellular signal.
4 ways cells communicate?
direct contact, paracrine signaling, endocrine signaling, synaptic signaling.
Direct contact
two cells in direct contact send signals across gap junctions.
Paracrine signaling
local regulator/mediator (type of hormone) released by cells into EC fluid in their neighborhood that act locally. involved in cell differentiation.
Endocrine signaling
hormones produced in endocrine glands and secreted in blood stream to various parts of body, Long distance hormonal signaling as hormones travel through bloodstream.
Synaptic signaling
. Neuronal: Signal is transmitted along axons to remote target cells
AP stimulates release of neurotransmitter that stimulates opening of gated-ion channels of neighboring cell (nerve or muscle) to transmit an AP
Results in transmition of AP along a nerve cell or stimulation of a muscle contraction
Ezymes that add phosphate groups. The action is reversed by protein phosphate enzymes.
How does phosphorylation mess with proteins.
it alters protein conformation to activate or repress it. I.e phosphorylated=active, dephosphorylated=inactive.
Three stages in cell communication.
1. reception- a chemical signal binds to a cellular protein, typically at the cell’s surface.
2.transduction- binding leads to a change in the receptor that triggers a series of changes along a signal-transduction pathway.
3. response- 
the transduced 
signal triggers 
a specific 
3 types of cell receptors.
1.Chemically gated ion channels
2.Enzymatic receptors
3.G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR)
Cells respond to a limited set of signals by responding to the SAME signal in DIFFERENT ways via:

1. The various combination of receptors present on a given cell that can respond to extracellular cues.
2. The LEVEL of extracellular local signal present in the vicinity of a given cell (important in cell differentiation during development).
3. The various proteins within specific cell types
The response of a particular cell to a signal depends on what?
its particular collection of receptor proteins, relay proteins, and proteins needed to carry out the response.
the same signal molecule can induce different responses in different target cells depending on
Different receptors on cells, how the signal is interpreted internally.
the same signal molecule can induce different responses in different target cells depending on
Different receptors on cells, how the signal is interpreted internally.
Intracellular signaling molecules
a) small enough or hydrophobic enough to slip directly through PM
b) bind to receptors inside of the cell (generally t.f.)
Where do cell surface signaling molecules bind to ?
cell surface receptors
Where do cell surface signaling molecules bind to ?
cell surface receptors
Three large families of cell surface receptors?
ion-channel receptors, enzyme-linked receptors, G-Protein receptors.
ligand-gated ion channels
ion channel is closed, ligand binds, ion channel opens. ex. electrically excitable tissue (Nerves and Muscles).
ligand-gated ion channels
ion channel is closed, ligand binds, ion channel opens. ex. electrically excitable tissue (Nerves and Muscles).
This is made in light reactions of photosynthesis.
Calvin cycle
Builds sugar from carbon dioxide, occurs in stroma.
What are interphases 3 subphases?
G1(synthesized proteins centered growth)=>Synthesis(S)(Chromsosomes are copied=>G2(Preperation for cell division,
Takes place in gonads, yields four daughter cells, with half the chromosomes of parent. Reduces chromosomes 46 to 23. Fertilization fuses the gametes together and doubles the number of chromosome to 46 again.
prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase.
interphase G2
DNA replicates, centrioles replicate, cell prepares for division.
toot toot first stop we got chromosomes condensin and chromosomes appear as two sister chromatids held together at the centromere. Cytoskeleton is dissasembled: spindle begins to form. golgi and ER are dispersed. Nuclear envelope breaks down.
chromosome attach to microtubules at the kinetochores. chromosomes move to equator of the cell.
chromosomes are aligned at equator of the cell, called metaphase plate. chromosomes are under tension.
proteins holding centromeres are degraded freeing individual chromosomes
Chromosomes are pulled to
opposite poles (anaphase A)
• Spindle poles move apart
(anaphase B)
chromosomes are clustered at opposite poles and decondense, nuclear envelopes re-form around chromosomes, golgi complex and er re-form
in animal cells, cleavage furrow forms to divide the cells, in plant cells, cell plate forms to divide the cell.
Cell cycle control points are regulated by....
Enzyme linked receptors
1. Ligand binds to the receptor.
2. two receptors phosphorylate each other
3. Response proteins bind to phospho-
tyrosine on receptor. Receptor can
phosphorylate other response proteins
G-protein-linked receptors
Largest, Consists of a receptor protein on the cytoplasmic side, SEVEN alpha helices spanning the plasma membrane.
If GDP is bound the G protein is inactive or active?
inactive BITCH.
misregulation of G-proteins results in..
important things G-proteins do
important role in embryonic development, cell cycle control and sensory systems.
Ca2+ concentration in the cytosol vs outside the cell
concentration in the cytosol is MUCH lower.