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28 Cards in this Set

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Any form of communication that involves symbols,displacement,and productivity.


A feature of language based on symbols or on the arbitrary association of sounds with meaning.


Ability to join sounds and words in theoretically infinite meaningful combinations


ability to communicate about something that is not happening at the moment

call systems ( signal systems)

animal communicating systems that consist of a relatively small number of sounds to express moods and sensations, like fear, delight, contentment, anger, or pain.`


study of sound systems in language, including phonetics and phonemics


study of the articulation and production of human speech sounds


Analysis of the use of sounds to differentiate the meanings of words.


a minimal unit of sound that differentiates meaning in a particular language.


The study of the internal structure of words and the combination of meaningful units within the words


A unit of sound and meaning, either a separate word or a meaningful part of a word.


The rules that generate the combination of words to form phrases and sentences.

universal grammer

abstract rules that underlie the structure of phrases and sentences in all languages, generally thought to be an innate capacity of human thought


Study of systems of meaning in language.

Nonverbal Communication

Communicating through Gestures, facial expressions, body posture, use of space, and touch


nonverbal actions with specific meanings that substitute for spoken words

Body Language

The meanings people communicate through their posture, stance, movements, expressions, gestures,and proximity to other communicants.

intercultural communication

the communication of meanings between people of different languages and cultures


Study of the impacts of socioeconomic and cultural factors, such as gender and class, on language and communication within a society.

Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

the assertion that the form and content of language influence speakers' behaviors, thought processes and worldview.

linguistic relativity

the concept that people perceive objects, events, and relationships in time and space based on the grammatical forms provided by their language.


A variety of a language spoken by a particular group of people, based on regional differences such as gender, class, race, or ethnicity

African American Vernacular English (AAVE)

A dialect of English spoken by some, but not all, Americans of African descent.


Another name for African American Vernacular English.

Standard English

Dialect of English chosen as normative, a reflection of the social, economic, and political standing of its speakers.


Study of culture through people's use of language to categorize and classify people, objects, activities, and experiences.


specialized or technical words and expressions spoken be people who share a particular occupation or interest.

Componential Analysis

A technique of analyzing the similarities and contrasts among words in a particular category, such as kinship terms or animal