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32 Cards in this Set

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How did the Battle of Bull Run affect the beginning of the Civil War?

It gave the South an exaggerated sense of confidence

Union general George McClellan is best remembered for his

Slowness to act

The outcome of the Peninsula Campaign to take Richmond in 1862 is significant because it

prolonged the war and began to attach slavery to the cause

What was NOT apart of Union military strategy against the South?

Grind the Confederacy to dust by sending troops through Maryland and Virginia

The battle at Antietam is considered a decisive moment in the Civil War for many reasons EXCEPT that

it marked the advent of iron-clad ships

The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863

was a symbolic statement of justice

How did Southerners manage their slave population during the Civil War?

They established home guards to protect against insurrection and flight.

The 1863 Battle of Gettysburg

was considered the "high tide of the Confederacy."

Which of these battles proved to be General Grant's greatest showing in the war?


General William Tecumseh Sherman is most remembered for his

march to sea

Initially in doubt, Lincoln's reelection was ultimately secured as voting day neared in 1864 by

a series of Union military victories

What was the Wilderness Campaign?

Grant's combat strategy focusing on man-to-man confrontations in the Virginia countryside

Before the war actually ended, initial attempts for a negotiated peace broke down because

the South wanted to retain its Independence

What was NOT an outcome of the Civil War?

Relationships with Britain and France were stressed.

Many parties opposed the Lincoln administration during the Civil War and the election of 1864 EXCEPT:

the Union party

The Gettysburg Address and the Declaration of Independence followed a similar line of reasoning because both

relied on the idea that all men are created equal.

Slaves responded to emancipation during the war years in many ways EXCEPT by:

marrying former mistresses

Who were the Exodusters?

A mass migration of blacks from various Southern states in the late 1870s into Kansas

The Freedmen's Bureau

was established by Congress to provide food, education, and other social services to freedmen.

Before becoming president, Andrew Johnson had been a

champion of poor farmers

What was NOT a feature of Presidential Reconstruction of the Union?

The 50 percent Reconstruction plan

The Black Codes

restrictive Southern statutes passed to regulate newly freed slaves

What single outcome of the war had Northern congressmen wondering who really won?

The end of the three-fifths compromise

To secure the gains of the 1866 Civil Rights Bill, Congress sought to pass the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution with many terms EXCEPT:

the right to vote

What was the central difference between radical and moderate Republican notions of Reconstruction?

Moderates wanted to limit federal intervention in the South

Many things were tenets of Reconstruction as adopted by Congress EXCEPT

state-sponsored education and land grants to former slaves

The problem of the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution was that it

did not enfranchise women

Who were the so-called scalawags and carpetbaggers?

Scalawags were pro-Union Southerners who participated in radical Reconstruction; carpetbaggers were Northerners who moved south seeking profit and power.

White southerners resisted the increased empowerment of blacks in many ways EXCEPT through

the enactment of the Force Acts of 1870 and 1871

What was the justification for impeachment of President Andrew Johnson?

He allegedly violated the Tenure of Office Act

Which of the following illustrates an accurate cause-and-effect relationship?

Former Confederates regain political power; radical Republicans exert more influence over Reconstruction

The initial success of the Reconstruction Act, dividing the South into military districts, faded because

Democrats eventually regained power, leading to an era of "Redemption"