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36 Cards in this Set

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autistic disorder

a chronic disorder whose symptoms include failure to develop normal social relations with other people, impaired development of communicative ability, lack of imaginative ability, and repetitive, stereotyped movements.
a disorder characterized by uninhibited responses, lack of sustained attention, and hyperactivity, first shows itself in childhood.

a general, imprecise term that can refer to the feeling in response to a potentially threatening situation

fight or flight response

a species typical response preparatory for a threatening situation, thought to be responsible for some of the deleterious effects of stressful situations on health.


one of a group of hormones of the adrenal cortex that are important in protein and carbohydrate metabolism, secreted specially in times of stress

Example of a stress hormone is Cortisol

corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)

a hypothalamic hormone that stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to secrete ACTH

Secreted from paraventricular nucleus (PVN)

Also secreted as neurotransmitter in brain in regions of limbic system related to emotional response

adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

a hormone released by the anterior pituitary gland in response to CRH, stimulates the adrenal cortex to produce glucocorticoid

post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

a psychological disorder cause by exposure to a situation of extreme danger and stress, symptoms include recurrent dreams or recollections, can interfere with social activities and cause a feeling of hopelessness


a protein present on a microorganism that permits the immune system to recognize the microorganism as an invader.


a protein produced by a cell of the immune system that recognizes antigens present on invading microorganisms

negative reinforcement

the removal or reduction of an aversive stimulus that is contingent on a particular response, with an attendant increase in the frequency of that response


the fact that increasingly large doses of drugs must be taken to achieve a particular effect, caused by the compensatory mechanisms that oppose the effect of the drug.

withdrawal symptoms

the appearance of symptoms opposite to those produced by a drug when the drug is suddenly no longer takes, caused by the presence of the compensatory mechanisms.

Asperger's syndrome

Mildest form of autistic spectrum disorder, less severe than autistic disorder.

Symptoms do not include delay of language development or presence of cognitive deficits

Symptoms include social impairment and stereotyped behavior

Rett's disorder

Genetic neurological syndrome seen in girls that accompany arrest in normal brain development in infancy

Childhood disintegrative disorder

Disorder where child will show normal intellectual and social development, then severe regression into autism

Impaired social interactions, deficient communicative ability, stereotyped behavior

Diagnosis of autistic disorder requires presence of these three categories


Autism is strongly, moderately or weakly heritable?

Superior Temporal Sulcus (STS)

Plays important role in detection of stimuli that indicate actions of another

Shows decreased activation in people with autism


Hormone that facilitates pair bonding and increases trust and closeness to others

Autistic people have lower levels of this hormone


Most common treatment for ADHD, it inhibits the reuptake of dopamine

Prefrontal cortex

Damage or abnormalities of this area gives rise to symptoms pf ADHD

This area uses working memory to guide behavior and thoughts, regulate attention and organize future plans

Dopaminergic transmission

Research suggests that underactivity or abnormalities of ______ _____ plays a role in ADHD

Autonomic and Endocrine

Consistent action of these two response systems can have adverse effects on health

These two systems help mobilize body's energy resources when faced with threat

Paraventricular nucleus (PVN)

Area of hypothalamus that controls secretion of glucocorticoids


This antibody is the first line of defense against infectious microorganisms that enter nose or mouth

Associated with mood, if person is unhappy or depressed levels decrease


Feeling obliged to fulfill the demands of drug dependency


Drugs and natural reinforcers cause the release of this hormone in the nucleus accumbens

Nucleus accumbens

Dopamine is released in this brain area with the use of drugs and natural reinforcers


Simultaneous presence of two or more disorders in same person


Reinforcing effects of this type of drug are produced by activation of neurons of the mesolimbic system and release of dopamine in nucleus accumbens

Example: Heroin


This type of drug acts as a dopamine agonist.

Blocks the reuptake of dopamine.

Examples: Cocaine and amphetamine


Increases activity of dopaminergic neurons in mesolimbic system

Carcinogenic when combined with other substances in tobacco smoke


Class of chemical that represses neurotransmiter release in the brain


This drug produces mild euphoria and an escape from discomfort or anxiety

Produces both positive and negative reinforcement

Increases activity of dopaminergic neurons in mesolimbic system


Active ingredient in marijuana

Stimulating effect on dopaminergic neurons