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15 Cards in this Set

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Any species that grows higher than the wires

Name five tree species that would NOT be appropriate for planting under utility wires.


_______ is the ability of a tree to withstand low temperatures & winter stresses in a given site.


True/False - Although a tree may be considered hardy in a given area, it may decline or die if the roots are unprotected.

Growing Space

Light Conditions

Soil Conditions


Functional Requirements

Name three site characteristics that must be considered in tree selection:

Growth Habits (Growth Forms)

Upright, pyramidal & weeping are three examples of tree _______ _______ that are important in selection.


If a particular disease is known to be a problem, a tree species or cultivar should be selected that is _______ to that disease.


Attractiveness to Birds

Fall Color

Exfoliating Bark

Growth Habit

Name three plant characteristics that may make a tree aesthetically desirable.


_______ is the gradual process by which a tree adapts to changes in its environment.


True/False - A tree listed as adaptable to wet soil conditions will always thrive if planted in those conditions.

Plentiful Light-Colored Healthy Roots

Solid Root Mass

Good Twig Extension Growth in Previous Years

No Major Scars or Injuries

No Insect or Disease Problems

Good Branch Structure

Name five characteristics to look for when selecting a tree in the nursery.


The climatic factor that determines hardiness zones is:

a.) north-south location

b.) temperature, rainfall & winds

c.) east-west location

d.) low temperature extremes


Trees to be planted under utility lines should be:

a.) tolerant of heavy top pruning

b.) low-growing to remain below the lines

c.) vase-shaped or overarching to clear conductors

d.) all of the above


Some trees acclimate to shade conditions by:

a.) developing larger leaves

b.) developing thinner leaves

c.) variegated foliage losing variegation or colored foliage tending to be greener

d.) any or all of the above


Fastigiate trees have a growth form that is:

a.) upright

b.) weeping

c.) overarching

d.) vase-shaped


Which of the following is a true statement?

a.) Flood plain species will always grow well in wet soils.

b.) Forest understory plants tend to make good street trees because they don't grow tall.

c.) Some tree species are adapted to hot, dry or bright light conditions with small, thick foliage & sunken stomata.

d.) Most evergreen conifers are very shade tolerant & tend to scorch in full sunlight.