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14 Cards in this Set

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Why is it important to work in teams?

- Ideas and energies of individuals can produce more when combined than alone

- Maximises productivity

What are the three types of team-working models?

- Consensus Model

- Delegation Model

- Collaboration Model

Describe the consensus model

- Everyone workstogether on everything in the project until there is consensus, or agreement

- This method takesmore time, and there’s potential for major disagreement, which leads tointerruption or breakdown of the work process

Describe the delegation model

Whencompany or organization has someone they can employ or designate to do theresearch

- Overall writer isresponsible for outcome, but it’s a collaborative process

- Can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications since the peoplewho want it done are not writing it

Describe the collaboration model

For this methodto work well, members need to be selected carefully for work style, skills, andabilities, and every aspect needs to be documents at the start so everyoneknows what they doing

What is the difference between primary readers and secondary readers?

Primary Readers: Boss, manager,his or her boss or manager, or leaders of other departments etc.

Secondary Readers: Other Managers,supervisors, outside readers, people the primary readers share it with etc.

What are the starting points for teamwork projects?

- Plan from thebeginning to avoid dysfunction

- Get to know whois on your team and conduct a SWOT analysis

- Write a teamcontract

In preparing to write your team-work project, one must

- Research

- Communicateregularly

- Meet frequently

- Review theresearch

- Fill informationgaps

The team must have proper citations because without them, it can damage the teams credibility.

True or False?


In organizing the information and writing, the format should

- Review the project's objective

- Review how each section contributes and relates to the whole/other sections

- Make sure everyone is clear on their part

- Have a final editor

- Agree on general tone or style

- Avoid jargon

The 7-step process of checking your work in a team project consists of

1. Review thecontent

2. Read and rereadthe document

3. Double checkdocumentation of sources

4. Revise as needed

5. Do acomprehensive copy edit

6. Review thedocument for appearance

7. Print and thendouble-check everything

Regarding oral presentation of team projects, one must

- Address who will take what role

- Choose best speaker to do most of thetalking, however every team member is required to participate

- Rehearse individually and as a group

- Have someone view rehearsals to tell you strengths and weaknesses

- Make sure suitable for and sensitive to the needs of theaudience

What is document cycling?

People called upon to review the documentbefore it is endorsed or accepted by company or organization

What is the review chain?

People who are formally included in the review of the report or proposal