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16 Cards in this Set

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Social Impact Theory

the theory that social influence depends on the strength, immediacy, and number of source persons relative to target persons

Public Conformity

a superficial change in overt behavior without a corresponding change of opinion that is produced by a real or imagined group pressure

Private Conformity

the change in beliefs that occurs when a person privately accepts the position taken by others

Informational Influence

influence that produces conformity when a person believes others are correct in their judgements

Normative Influence

influence that produces conformity when a person fears the negative social consequences of appearing deviant


a two-step compliance technique in which an influencer sets the stage for the real request by first getting a person to comply with a much smaller request


a two-step compliance technique where the influencer begins with an inflated request, then decreases it's apparent size by offering a discount or bonus


a two-step compliance technique where the influencer prefaces the real request with one that is so large it is rejected


a two-step compliance technique where the influencer secures agreement with a request but then increases the size of that request by revealing hidden cost


conformity, line test - see if participant would conform with confederates even when their answers were clearly wrong


obedience, shock test - people will be obedient when told what to do by a person of higher authority


conformity - autokinetic, light, people will look to others for answers when put in an ambiguous situation


changes in behavior that are elicited by direct requests


a cultural orientation in which independence, autonomy, and self-reliance take priority over group allegiances


the tendency to change our perceptions, opinions, or behavior in ways that are consistent with group norms


behavior change produced by the commands of authority