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46 Cards in this Set

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George Washington
Washington was initially a military leader in the French and Indian War who pulled his small force back into Fort Necessity where he was overwhelmed by the French. He was the commander of Virginia’s frontier troops as a colonel. Later, he was Commander of the Continental Army during the American Revolution. His greatest achievements then were: (1) his surprise victory at Trenton, (2) holding the army together at Valley Forge, and (3) his major victory at Yorktown. He became the first president of the United States when he took office on Apr. 30, 1789 in New York City
German soldiers hired by George III to smash colonial rebellion. They proved good in a mechanical sense, but they were more concerned about booty than duty, meaning, they didn’t care which side really won the war
William Howe
Howe was English general who commanded the English forces at Bunker Hill. Howe did not relish the rigors of winter campaigning, and he found more agreeable the bedtime company of his mistress. At a time when it seemed obvious that he should join the forces in New York, he joined the main British army for an attack on Philadelphia
Nathanael Greene
Green was a colonial general who fought the English in the late eighteenth century. He used the fighting tactic of retreating and getting the English to pursue him for miles, biding his time and waiting for the chance to make a move. The significance was that he helped clear Georgia and South Carolina of British troops
Benedict Arnold
He was an American General during the Revolutionary War. He prevented the British from reaching Ticonderoga and thus delayed the British assault on New York. Later, in 1778, he tried to help the British take West Point and the Hudson River but he was found out and declared a traitor
John Burgoyne
He was a British general that submitted a plan for invading New York state from Canada. He was then given charge of the army. Though defeated, he advanced troops near Lake Champlain to the Albany area. Burgoyne surrendered at Saratoga on Oct. 17, 1777. This battle helped to bring France into the war as an ally for the United States. This has been called one of the decisive battles of history
Lord Charles Cornwallis
He was a British general who fought in the Seven Years War, was elected to the House of Commons in 1760, and lost battles to George Washington on December 26, 1776 and on January 3, 1777. Cornwallis made his mark on history, even though he could never ensure an overall British win over the Americans. He had many individual victories and losses against the Americans in the American Revolution and will always be remembered as a great and powerful general
Thomas Paine
Paine was a passionate and persuasive writer who published the bestseller, Common Sense in 1776. Paine had the radical idea that the colonies should set up America as an independent, democratic, republic away from England. Over 120,000 copies of his pamphlet were sold and this helped spark the colonists’ call for independence later that year
Barry St. Leger
Barry St. Leger was a British officer in the American Revolutionary War. He led a British advance into New York's Mohawk Valley in the summer of 1777. Hoping to join the British army of General John Burgoyne at Albany, St. Leger was halted by American militia at Fort Stanwix. His forces were nearly destroyed while repelling an American relief unit at Oriskany, and the approach of additional American troops forced St. Leger to retreat to Canada
George Rogers Clark
Clark was a frontiersman who led the seizing of 3 British forts in 1777 along the Ohio River. This later led to the British giving the region north of the Ohio River to the United States
Richard Henry Lee
He was a member of Philadelphia’s Continental Congress during the late 1770's. On June 7, 1776 he declared, "These United colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states." This resolution was the start of the Declaration of Independence and end to British relations
Horatio Gates
He started in the English army and worked his way up through the ranks. Later, during the 2 revolution, he turned sides and was appointed to take charge of the Continental army of the North. One of Gates’ accomplishments was his victory at Saratoga. His career in the army ended when he lost to General Charles Cornwallis in Camden, SC
John Paul Jones
The commander of one of America's ships. He was a daring, hard-fighting young Scotsman who helped destroy British merchant ships in 1777. He brought war into the water and surprisingly had success there against the British
Thomas Jefferson
He was a member of the House of Burgesses, wrote the Declaration of Independence, was ambassador to France, and was the third president of the United States of America. With his Declaration of Independence, he declared the colonies' freedom from England. While president, he bought the Louisiana Purchase and had Lewis and Clark explore it
Marquis de Lafayette
A wealthy French nobleman, nicknamed the "French Gamecock," he was made Major General of colonial army. He got commission on part of his family but nevertheless supplied America with invaluable help
Admiral de Grasse
Admiral de Grasse operated a powerful French fleet in the West Indies. He advised America that he was free to join with them in an assault on Cornwallis at Yorktown. Rochambeau's French army defended the British by land and Admiral de Grasse blockaded them by sea. This resulted in Cornwallis's surrender on October 19, 1781
Patrick Henry
He was a fiery lawyer during Revolutionary War times. Supporting a break from Great Britain, he is famous for the words, "...give me liberty, or give me death!" which concluded a speech given to the Virginia Assembly in 1775. This quote is a symbol of American patriotism still today. After the American Revolution, Henry served two terms as governor of Virginia and was also instrumental in the development of the Bill of Rights
Comte de Rochambeau
He commanded a powerful French army of 6,000 troops in the summer of 1780 and arrived in Newport, Rhode Island. They were planning a Franco-American attack on New York
John Jay
John Jay was the First Chief Justice of the United States, and also an American statesman and jurist. Elected to the Continental Congress, he also helped negotiate the Treaty of Paris with Great Britain, ending the American Revolution. Serving as governor of New York state from 1795 to 1801, he was an advocate of a strong national government. Appointed by Washington, Jay negotiated a settlement with Britain to settle the threat of war. This became known as Jay's Treaty. He was also known for helping Alexander Hamilton and James Madison write the series of articles known as "The Federalist Papers"
A mercenary is a person hired for service in the army of a foreign country. For example, in the late 1760's George III hired German soldiers (Hessians) to fight in the British army against Americans
Natural Rights theory
The theory that people are born with certain "natural rights," rights which cannot be taken away. Jefferson, in the Declaration of Independence, said these included the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
Privateers were privately owned armed ships specifically authorized by Congress to prey on enemy shipping and smuggle in needed supplies. There were over a thousand American privateers who responded to the call of patriotism and profit. The privateers brought in urgently needed gold, harassed the enemy, and raised American morale
2nd Continental Congress
The congress met in Philadelphia on May 10, 1775. Three delegates added to the Congress were Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and John Hancock. The Congress took on governmental duties and united all the colonies for the war effort. They selected George Washington as commander of the army. They encouraged the colonies to set themselves up as states. On July 4, 1776 they adopted the Declaration of Independence. The Congress ended March 1, 1781 when a Congress authorized by the Articles of Confederation took over
Common Sense
A pamphlet written in 1776 that was one of the most potent publications ever. It called for the colonists to realize their mistreatment and push for independence from England. The author, Thomas Paine, introduced ideas such as the fact that nowhere in the universe was a smaller heavenly 3 body control a larger. For this reason there was no reason for England to have control over the vast lands of America. The pamphlet was high-class journalism as well as propaganda and sold a total of 120,000 copies within a few months
Declaration of Independence
This was formally approved by the Congress on July 4, 1776. This "shout heard round the world" has been a source of inspiration to countless revolutionary movements against arbitrary authority. The document sharply separated Loyalists from Patriots and helped to start the revolution by allowing England to hear of the colonists’ disagreements with British authority
These were the names given to the party of patriots of the new land resisting England prior to the Declaration of Independence
Treaty of Paris of 1783
The British recognized the independence of the United States. It granted boundaries, which stretched from the Mississippi River on the west, to the Great Lakes on the north, and to Spanish Florida on the south. The Yankees retained a share of Newfoundland for fishing, which greatly upset the Canadians
Battle of Bunker Hill (June 1755)
Fought on the outskirts of Boston, on Breed’s Hill, the battle ended in the colonial militia’s retreat, though at a heavy cost to the British
Olive Brach Petition (July 1755)
Conciliatory measure adopted by the Continental Congress, professing American loyalty and seeking an end to hostilities; King George rejected the petition and proclaimed the colonies in rebellion
Declaration of the Rights of Man (1789)
Declaration of rights adopted during the French Revolution; modeled after the American Declaration of Independence
American colonists who opposed the Revolution and maintained their loyalty to the king; sometimes referred to as “Tories”
Colonists who supported the American Revolution; they were also known as “Whigs”
Battle of Long Island (August 1776)
Battle for the control of New York; British troops overwhelmed the colonial militias and retained control of the city for most of the war
Battle of Trenton (December 1776)
George Washington surprised and captured a garrison of sleeping German Hessians, raising the morale of his crestfallen army and setting the stage for his victory at Princeton a week later
Battle of Saratoga (October 1777)
Decisive colonial victory in upstate New York, which helped secure French support for the Revolutionary cause
Model Treaty (1776)
Sample treaty drafted by the Continental Congress as a guide for American diplomats; reflected the American’s desire to foster commercial partnerships rather than political or military entanglements
Armed Neutrality (1780)
Loose alliance of nonbelligerent naval powers, organized by Russia’s Catherine the Great, to protect neutral trading rights during the war for American independence
Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1784)
Treaty signed by the US and the pro-British Iroquois granting Ohio country to the Americans
Privately owned armed ships authorized by Congress to prey on enemy shipping during the Revolutionary War; more numerous than the tiny American navy, privateers inflicted heavy damage on British shippers
Battle of Yorktown (October 1781)
George Washington with the aid of the French army, besieged Cornwallis at Yorktown, while the French naval fleet prevented British reinforcements from coming ashore; Cornwallis surrendered, dealing a heavy blow to the British war effort and paving the way for an eventual peace
Treaty of Paris (1783)
Peace treaty signed by Britain and the US ending the Revolutionary War; the British formally recognized American independence and ceded territory east of the Mississippi, while the Americans, in turn, promised to restore Loyalist property and repay debts to British creditors
Benjamin Franklin
American printer, inventor, statesman, and revolutionary; first established himself in 4 Philadelphia as a leading newspaper printer, inventor and author of Poor Richard’s Almanac; later became a leading revolutionary and signatory of the Declaration of Independence; during the Revolutionary War, Franklin served as commissioner to France, securing that nation’s support to the American cause
Joseph Brandt
.Mohawk chief and Anglican convert who sided with the British during the Revolutionary War, believing that only a British victory could halt American westward expansion
Ethan Allen
Revolutionary War officer who, along with Benedict Arnold, fought British and Indian forces in frontier New York and Vermont
Richard Montgomery
Irish-born British army veteran who served as a general in the Continental army during the Revolution; joined Benedict Arnold in a failed attempt to seize Quebec
Abigail Adams
Wife of President John Adams, had her own opinions about the course of the American Revolution and urged her husband to take the needs and rights of women into consideration in the construction of the new government