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44 Cards in this Set

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What is Weiber's definition of power?
the ability to realize your will even if it is against the will of others
2 types of power according to Weiber
Legitimate and Illigitimate (coercive)
the generally recognized right to exert power rests in custom or tradition
Traditional power/authority
type of power that rests in the characteristics of individuals
Charismatic power/authority
power that rests in a legal system or bureaucracy
Rational/legal power
The south was overwhelmingly democrat prior to the 1960's
led a group of white supremacists in the south called the dixie ticket. He got very few votes, but this was the harbinger of what was to come in the south.
Strom Thurman
The most targeted the political group.
suburuban minority
typically democratic in the past, but since there is more social conservatism in the church, they are now more likely to be republican
Mexicans are most likely to be _________ and cubans are __________

split politically
i. Both Italian sociologists who began from the premise that elites are inevitable.
Paredo and Mosca

Power Elite Theory
comprised of individual with the highest ability within their particular spheres of activity.
Elites according to Paredo and Mosca
What are the two types of elites according to the power elite theory?
Ruling and non-ruling elite
What is the circulation between the ruling and non ruling elite driven by?
The needs of society at that time. (Foxes and Lions)
Is there circulation between the elite and non-elite according to Paredo and Mosca?
Sometimes, there is deterioration of members of the elite, and they fall, and non-elites rise to be elite
Under his theory, power is defined by position.
C. Wright Mills
Began from the premise that there is clearly a power elite in American society.
Power Elite Theory: C. Wright Mills
How is Mill's power elite theory structured?
ii. Power Elite consists of individuals at the top of three different individual domains: think of them as three pyramids right next to each other. The people at the top of these three pyramids control the power elite. They do not offset each other's power, they coordinate in their ruling.
What are the three pyramids of Mills's theory?


What defines an elite according to Mills?
Their power allows them to make decisions that are at least of national consequence.
According to Mills, there is a buffer zone right underneath the elite. Those that appear to have power, but really aren't running things.
This theory states: We have different domains that compete and check each other's power. Has roots in the functionalist view of society
Pluralist theory
i. Campaign Finance Reform: PAC's allow only _______ dollars per candidate per organizations.
How can PAC's be circumvented?
1) PAC's can be circumvented by giving money to coalitions or committees that are pro whoever, as long as they are not on the candidate's campaign.
Pluralist theorist who believed that the U.S. has become so fragmented that no one can effectively lead. Wrote the book, The Lonely Crowd.
Multinational Corporations are extraordinarily powerful. A lot of these corporations are more powerful than many governments.
Global Power Theory
Americans common bond among all citizens that transcends class lines, carry this ideal when voting, believe government is a vehicle for promoting the common good.
American Exceptionalism
Although largest number of eligible voters are in the lower economic brackets, voters in the upper brackets are more likely to get to the polls and vote.
Blacks gained the right to vote after the passage of the __ amendment after the civil war
This ethnic group has gained most new attention from political parties in recent years
are the fastest growing minority in the U.S.
were brought into Roosevelt's New Deal and have largely remained with the Democratic Party
These voters voters are more likely than men to support government programs intended to benefit education and females and gender-based affirmative action and are more likely to be drawn to Democratic candidates.
are more likely to support Republican or third-party candidates
working-class men
appealed directly to female and black voters
Clinton Administration
Most of these people remain confined to secondary positions in business and government
In the 1990's the majority of voters were __________. There are more voters here than rural areas and central cities combined.
this group is largely white, predominately middle-class and above and concerned about security and continued prosperity, most have accumulated wealth in mutual funds or other assets tied to the stock market
suburban contingent
this group is most targeted by campaigns of all types
suburban contingent
urban areas have undergone a major loss of power
What is Paul Sweezy's argument?
disputes the idea that the military is an important power base, he says that government is under corporate control in making major economic decisions. He says that there is a power elite but that it is rooted in the ruling class (conflict perspective)
contends that the controlling elites do have a common agenda, even if it is only that of preserving their hold on power and privilege through interlocking directorates.

Wrote, Who Rules America?
prominent executives and financiers sit on the boards of multiple corporations
interlocking directorates
contributions that have been made not to a particular candidate but to parties or coalitions that may run advertisements on issues
soft money