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51 Cards in this Set

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a type of nuclear division that is important in sexual reproduction
Meiosis serves two major functions:
reproducing the chromosome number and shuffling the chromosomes and genes to produce genetically different gametes, called sperm in males and eggs in females
With random Fertilization of the egg
by a single sperm even more shuffling occurs--at the end each child has its own unique genetic code
are chromosomes that are pictures they appear in pairs both male and females have 23 pairs
22 pair of these are called
autosomes they are the same in both males and females
1 pair
are called the sex chromosomes because they contain the genes that determine gender The larger gene of this pair is the X the smaller the Y
Twenty-three pairs of chromosomes or 46 all together
constitute the diploid(2n) number of chromosomes in humans
Half this number is the
hapliod (N) number
The members of a chromosome pair are called
homologous chromosomes or homologues because they have the same size, shape, and location of the cetromere
Alternate versions of a gene for a particular trait are called
alleles --alleles occur at the same location on each homologue
The term life cycle is sexually reproducing organisms refers to
all the reproductive events that occur from one generation to the next
The human life cycle involves two types of nuclear division
mitosis (regular cell division) and meiosis (sexual Cell division)
During development and after birth
mitosis is involved in the continued growth of the child and repair of tussiues at any time as a result of mitosis each somatic (body) cell had a diploid number of chromosomes
During sexual reproduction,
meiosis reduces the chromosome number from the diploid to the hasploid number in such a way that6 that gametes have one chromosome from each pair
In males meiosis is part of
spermatogenesis which occurs in the testes and produces sperm
In females meiosis is part of
oogenesis which occurs in the ovaries and produces eggs
After sperm and egg joijn during fertilization
the resulting cell is called a zygote it now had homologous pairs of chromosomes--and now under goes mitosis
Meiosis results in four daughter cells because it consists of two divisions
Meiosis I and Meiosis II before meiosis I begins each chromosome has duplicated and consists of two sis chromatids During Meiosis I the homologous chromosomes of each pair come together and line up side by side
In an event called synapsis
synapsis results in a tetrad an association of four choromatids
the chromosomes of a titrad stay close together until they seperate
when they separate no rules restrict which chromosome goes to which daughter nucleus--therefore all possible combinations of choromsomes may occur within the gametes
No duplication of chromosomes is needed between
meiosis I and Meiosis II
Following meiosis I the daughter nuclei each have half the number of chromosomes
but the chromosomes are still duplicated-- the chromosomes are called dyads because each on is composed of two sister chrimatids
During Meiosis II the sister chromatids of each dyad
separate and become daughter chromosomes the result is four daughter cells have the haploid number
The non sister chromatids
may exchange genetic material, an event called crossing over this happens in the tetrad--this leads to different alleles shuffling between sister chromatids
The importance of Meiosis
1 helps keep the chromosome number constant makeing hapoid daughter cells
2. it introduce genetic variations because 1 crossing over 2 every possible combination of chromosomes
Meiosis I
four phases: Prophase I
Metaphase I
Anaphase I
Telophase I
Prophase I
tetrads form and crossing over occurs as chromosomes condense the nuclear envelope fragments
Metaphase I
tetrads aligh at the spindle equator. either homologue can face either pole
Anaphase I
homologues separate and dyads move to poles
Telephase I
Daughter nuclei are hapoid having recieved one duplicated chromosome from each homologous pair
No replication of DNA occurs between meiosis I and Meiosis II
a period called interkinesis
Phases of Meiosis II
Prophase II
Metaphase II
Anaphase II
Telophase II
Prophase II
Chromosomes condense and the nuclear envelope fragments
Metaphase II
the dyads align at the spindle equator
Anaphase II
sister chromatids separate, becoming daughter chromosomes that move to the poles
Telophase II
four hapliod daughter cells are genetically different from each other and from the parent cell
Meiosis I compared to Mitosis
Prophase I pairing of homologous chromosomes crossing over
Prophase No pairing of chromosomes no crossing over
Meiosis I compared to Mitosis
Mataphase I Tetrads at spindle equator

Metaphase Dyads at spindle equator
Meiosis I compared to Mitosis
Anaphase I Homologues of each tetrad sperate, and dyads move to poles
Anaphase sister chromatids separate becoming daughter chromosome that move to the poles
Meiosis I compared to Mitosis
Telophase I Two haploid daughter cells not identical to parent cell
Telophase two diploid daughter cells identical to the parent cell
Meiosis II compared with Mitosis
Porphase II no pairing of choromosomes
Prophase no pairing of chromosomes
Meiosis II compared with Mitosis
Metaphase II haploid number of dyads at spindle equator
Metaphase Diploid number of dyads at spindle equator
Meiosis II compared with Mitosis
Anaphase II Sister chomatids separate becoming daughter chromosomes that move to poles
Anaphase Sister chromatids separate becoming daughter chromosomes that move to the poles
Meiosis II compared with Mitosis
Telophase II four haploid daughter cells, different from each other genetically and from the parent cell
Telophase Two diploid daughter cells genetically identical to the parent cell
The normal number of chromosomes in a human cell is 46
but once in a while humans are born with an abnormal number of chromosomes because they failed to separate correctly called nondisjuntion
If an egg ends up with 24 chromosomes and it is fertilized with a normal sperm this is called
trisomy there will be three chromosome of that type in the cell
If an egg ends up with 22 chromosomes and is fertilized by a normal sperm this is called
monosomy because one type of chromosome is present in a single copy
Down Syndrome is trisomy 21
the individual has 3 copies of chromosome 21
Normal females have only one functioning X chromosome just like males
the other is inactive mass and called a Barr Body
Turner Syndrome
(45 XO) is a female the O represents a missing chromosome females with this syndrome have broad chests and webbed necks
Klinefelter syndrome
(47, XXY) is a male. in this man the testes and the prostrate gland are under developed--generally the affected have large hands and feet