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23 Cards in this Set

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Qualitative Data

textual and visual

goal- to understand the analysis

ongoing and interactive

employs member checking

inductive in nature

quantitative Data


goal- to qualify magnitude of variables and relationships

guided entirely by the researcher

member checking

asking key informants to read the researcher's report to verify that the analysis is accurate

three step process of analysis

-data reduction

-data display

-conclusion drawing/verification


placing portions of transcripts into similar groups based on their content

Data Reduction

the categorization and coding of data that is part of the theory development process in qualitative data analysis

code sheet

lists the different themes or categories for a particular study


labels or numbers that are used to track categories in a qualitative study


developing and refining theory and constructs by analyzing the diffrences and similarities in passages, themes, or types of participants


moving from the identification of themes and categories to the development of theory


a relationship in which a variable can both cause and be caused by the same variable

selective coding

building a storyline around one core category or theme; the other categories will be related to or subsumed to this central overarching category


working through the data several times in order to modify early ideas


writing down thoughts as soon as possible after each interview, focus group, or site visit

negative case analysis

deli beratly looking for cases and instances that contradict the ideas and thoeries that reseachers have been developing

emic validity

affirms that key members within a culture or subculture agree with the findings of a research report

cross- research reliability

the degree of similarity in the coding of the same data by different researchers


the degree of rigor, believability, and trustworthiness established by qualitative research


addressing the analysis from multiple perspectives


data collection and analysis

multi data sets

multi researchers

multi time periods

different kinds of relevant research informants


the technique most often associated with credibility in qualitative research

Threats to Drawing Credible Conclusions

- salience of first impressions or of observation of highly concrete or dramatic incidents

- selectivity which leads to overconfidence in some data

- co-occurrences taken as correlation even as causal relationship

- not taking in the fact that source may not be reliable

peer review

a process in which external qualitative methodologies or topic area specialists are asked to review the research analysis


quotes from research participants that are used in research reports