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68 Cards in this Set

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Sedition Act of 1798 expired what year?


When was the Judiciary Act and the "midnight judges" ?


Undeclared Tripolitan War began what year?


Alien Act of 1798 expired what year?


Year of Marbury v. Madison


Year of Louisiana Purchase


Year Alexander Hamilton was killed in duel with Aaron Burr.


Lewis and Clark Expedition took place when?


U.S.S. Chesapeake Incident occurred what year?


What year was the Embargo Act?


The year "War Hawks" elected to Congress from the South and the West.


What year did The War of 1812 begin against Britain?


Seriously, dumb-A?

When was the Battle of Lake Erie?


What year was Tecumseh killed in Battle of the Thames?


The year British invaded Washington, D.C.


The year Francis Scott Key wrote "The Star-Spangled Banner."


What year was the Treaty of Ghent signed?


When was the Hartford Convention?


What year was the Battle of New Orleans?


The first president to be inaugurated in Washington, D.C.

Thomas Jefferson

2 dolla dolla bill ya'll!

The day that Thomas Jefferson was inaugurated.

March 4, 1801

Kind of like Cinco de Mayo! Except... so not. Think the M month before May and the day before Cinco! ;)

Who said, "We are all Republicans; We are all Federalists." ?

Thomas Jefferson

He was alll for limited government.

What were the changes made in the Jefferson Administration?

- the military budget was slashed; army cut in half & navy by 2/3's

- abolition of all federal internal taxes (including whiskey excise tax)

The Secretary of the Treasury during Jefferson's term.

Albert Gallatin

He substantially reduced debt. Like GALLANS of debt were reduced.

What were the two sources of revenue left for the federal government after Jefferson's changes.

- tariffs collected on foreign imports

- sale of western lands

What party was Thomas Jefferson a part of?

Democratic - Republicans

NOT Federalists

Two acts originally passed by the Federalist Congress under President John Adams in 1798.

Alien & Sedition Acts

Jefferson & DR's did not budge in their opposition to them.

What was TJ's response to the Alien & Sedition acts when he took office?

He quickly pardoned everyone serving a sentence under the acts.

They were supposed to strengthen national security.. (really an attempt to suppress voters who disagreed with the federalist party.)

What year did the DR's allow the Sedition act to expire?


What year did the Alien Act expire?


What Act, which required a period of 14 years as a resident of the US before eligibility for citizenship, did Congress repeal?

The Naturalization Act of 1798

What act passed requiring a residency in the US of five years before eligibility for citizenship?

The Naturalization Act of 1802

What party supported a strong, independent judiciary?

The Federalists

What party viewed the prospect of encroachment of the federal courts on states' rights with alarm?

The Democratic-Republicans

What act caused controversy creating sixteen new federal judge positions?

The Judiciary Act of 1801

The Federalist Congress passed this act a month before Jefferson was inaugurated.

What act, because of the timing, was really designed to pack the judicial branch with Federalist judges as a check on Democratic-Republican power, even though it was a justifiable change to keep up with the growing number of legal cases?

The Judiciary Act of 1801

The Federalists were determined to maintain some kind of influence during DR times after losing the election in 1800.

The DR's saw the Judiciary Act of 1801 as a power grab, and dubbed the new judges with what name?

The midnight judges

Some were not even appointed until the night before Adams was set to leave office.

What year did Congress repeal the Judiciary Act of 1801?


They removed the sixteen midnight judges by deleting their positions altogether.

Democratic-Republicans attempted to impeach Federalist judges who did what?

Refused to stop prosecuting under the Sedition Act.

What Federalist judge was impeached in 1805 because he refused to stop prosecuting under the Sedition Act?

John Pickering (New Hampshire)

He was also an alcoholic and involved in bizarre conduct.

In early 1804, who did the House of Representatives vote to impeach on alleged grounds of judicial misconduct?

Samuel Chase (Supreme Court Justice)

He was a loud supporter of the Sedition Act.

The Judiciary Act also reduced the number of Supreme Court judges to what?

From six to five.

This meant Jefferson couldn't appoint anyone to the Court until two vacancies occurred.

Who did Adams appoint to the Court as the six member right before the Judiciary Act reduced the number?

John Marshall

He was appointed as the Chief Justice. (Late 1800s)

After he was impeached by the House, whose case was then sent to the Senate, but not convicted much to the DR's dismay? What year?

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase; 1805

DR's could not garner the required 2/3s majority needed for conviction. His acquittal establish the precedent that the impeachment process shouldn't be used to settle political differences.

Who was the chief justice during Jefferson's term?

John Marshall

He used his force of personality to help fashion a strong, independent judicial branch.

Who was the Secretary of State while Jefferson was president?

James Madison

Who was named one of the justices of the peace by "midnight appointment"?

William Marbury

Marshall failed to deliver certain commission paperwork to the appointed individuals resulting in a lawsuit between what two people?

William Marbury and James Madison

Madison refused to deliver the commission to Marbury so Jefferson could appoint a DR.

In the 1803 Marbury vs. Madison issue, who declared that while Marbury had a right to the position, the Supreme Court didn't have the authority to order the government to give him the commission finalizing his placement as a justice of the peace?

John Marshall, Chief Justice

In making this judgement, the Court was declaring that the portion in the Judiciary Act of 1789 authorizing the Court to issue such orders was unconstitutional.

What set a precedent for the eventual acceptance of the principle of judicial review?

Marshall's decision in Marbury vs. Madison

Who had been harassing shipping in the Mediterranean Sea since the days of the Crusades?

Barbary Pirates

They lived along the Barbary coast, particularly in Tripoli.

What was negotiated in 1796 that was supposed to end the Barbary Pirate's practice of extortion?

The Treaty of Tripoli

When did the pasha of Tripoli demand a greater share of tribute & cut down the flagpole of the American consulate office?


This action amounted to an unofficial declaration of war.

What war continued off and on until a peace treaty was signed in June 1805?

The Tripolitan War

In exchange for $60,000, Tripoli ended it's harassment on shipping. (And released American prisoners.)

After the peace treaty of 1805, most Barbary nations continued to exact tribute until the total end of threat to Mediterranean shipping, in what year?


As a result of the Tripolitan War, the size of the U.S. Navy increased, and Jefferson put 200 gunboats into service. "Mosquito Fleet"

When France lost the Seven Years' War (French and Indian War) Spain acquired what in the 1763 Treaty of Paris?


In what treaty was Spain forced to cede its claim to Louisiana back to France?

Treaty of Ildefonso

October 1800, after the Napoleonic Wars in 1799 when Napoleon Bonaparte dreamed of reasserting French power in North America.

What year did the Jefferson Administration learn of the plan to transfer Louisiana back to France?


The same year that Spain closed New Orleans to American use. (October) - in violation of Pinckney's Treaty (1795)

In April of 1803, who did Jefferson send to Paris, France to negotiate for New Orleans and as much territory east as possible?

James Monroe (Virginia Governor)

He was sent to assist Robert R. Livingston, the American ambassador to France.

Monroe and Livingston were officially told to spend up to $2 million in exchange for New Orleans & the Louisiana area, but Jefferson told them what amount privately?

$10 million

They were to use this amount if necessary.

Name three reasons Napoleon was eager to sell all of Louisiana to the Americans.

- He was discouraged by his failed attempts to reestablish French power in the Western Hemisphere.

- He was short on cash to resume his Napoleonic Wars

- He hoped that America would eventually become a major power to counter British influence.

What were some of the failures of Napoleon's attempts to establish power in the west?

He wanted to retake the Caribbean Island, but a major revolt of the island's ex-slaves led by Toussaint L'Ouverture, and yellow fever drove him to focus his schemes on Europe.

The Caribbeans were a rich source of sugar cane, and Louisiana would serve as the source for the inhabitant's other food.

Livingston and Monroe pledged how much for the ENTIRE Louisiana Territory?

$15 million

It doubled the size of the US without war, and for only 3 cents an acre.

When was the nations largest land purchase ever?

April 30, 1803

The Louisiana Territory

What was Jefferson's eagerness to know more about the west centered around?

Finding a water route all the way to the Pacific. "The Northwest Passage"

He felt it would bring prosperity, establish trade with Indian tribes, and thwart potential domination from Britain.

Who did Jefferson appoint in 1803 to head up a major expedition to the north of Louisiana Territory & the Pacific?

Meriweather Lewis

Former army officer and J's personal secretary.

Whom did Lewis request to co-lead the expedition to Louisiana/Pacific with him?

William Clark

A soldier who had experience with Indians, and the younger brother of General George Rogers Clark, Revolutionary War hero.

How old were Lewis & Clark upon conducting the expedition?

Late 20s/early 30s