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116 Cards in this Set

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The purposes of the cardiovascular system are the following
1. The transport of ______ to tissues and removal of wastes
2. The transport of ______ to tissues
3. The regulation of body ___________.
To meet the increased oxygen demands of muscle during exercise, two major adjustments of blood flow must be made..
1. an increased ______ ______ (increased amount of blood pumped per minute by the heart).
2. a redistribution of blood flow from inactive organs to the active skeletal ______.
cardiac output
Blood travels away from the heart in _______ and returns to the heart in ____.
The system is considered "closed" because arteries and veins are continuous with each other through smaller _______.
Arteries branch until they become microscopic in the form of ___________, which eventually develop into "beds" of much smaller vessels called __________.
_________ are the smallest and must numerous of all blood vessels; all exchanges of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nutrients between tissues and the circulatory system occur across __________ beds.
Blood passes from capillary beds to small venous vessels called _______.
As venules move back toward the heart, they increase in size and become _____.
The mixture of venous blood from both the upper and lower body that accumulates in the right side of the heart is termed _________ ________ _______.
mixed venous blood
The heart is divided into four chambers and is often considered to be two pumps in one. The ______ _____ and _____ ______ form the right pump, and the ______ ______ and _____ _____ combine to make the left pump.
right atrium
right ventricle
left atrium
left ventricle
The right side of the heart is separated from the left side by a muscular wall called the ______________ _______. This septum prevents the mixing of blood from the two sides of the heart.
interventricular septum
From the superior and inferior _____ ____, blood inters the right atrium.
vena cava
Then through the right ___ (________) valve which has chordae tendineae, the blood flows through the right ventricle.
AV (tricuspid)
Through the _________ _________ valve, blood goes to the right and left __________ arteries.
pulmonary semilunar
The blood then goes to the lungs and _______ is loaded and blood comes back through the right and left _________ veins.
After going through the veins and entering the left atrium the blood flows through the ______ (_______) ___valve to the left ventricle.
Left (bicuspid) AV
The blood then enters the aorta through the _______ __________ valve. The aorta branches off into arteries to the arms and legs.
aortic semilunar
At the lungs, ______ is loaded into the blood and _____ _______ is released.
carbon dioxide
The wall of the heart is composed of three layers (1) the outer layer called the _________ (2) a muscular inner layer, the _________ (3) an inner layer known as the ___________.
The _________ is responsible for contracting and forcing blood out of the heart and receives its blood supply from left and right coronary arteries
When coronary blood flow is disrupted for more than several minutes, permanent damage to the heart occurs. This type of injury results in the death of _______ muscle cells and is commonly called a heart attack or _________ _________.
myocardial infarction
heart muscle differs from skeletal muscle in several ways. First, cardiac muscle fibers are _______ than skeletal muscle fibers and are connected in a tight series. Further, cardiac muscles are tightly _______ whereas skeletal muscle fibers are elongated and do not _________.
Another difference between cardiac fibers and skeletal muscle fibers is that, unlike skeletal muscle fibers, heart muscle fibers are all connected through ___________ _____. These intercellular connections permit the transmission of electrical impulses from one fiber to another and are nothing more than leaky membranes that allow ions to cross from one fiber to another.
intercollated discs
When one heart fiber is depolarized to contract, all connecting heart fibers also become excited and contract as one unit. This arrangement is called a _________ syncytium.
True/False The atria contract at the same time as the ventricles.
Is the heart muscle more similar to the type I fibers or type II fibers?
type I
Because the heart is more similar to type I fibers it is more (aerobic/anaerobic) and it contains large numbers of mitochondria.
True/False The heart muscle is striated and contains actin and myosin filaments as well as calcium for contraction.
The contraction phase is called ________ and the relaxation phase is called _______.
Atrial contraction occurs during ____________ relaxation.
At rest, contraction of the ventricles during systole ejects about _____ -______ of the blood in the ventricles, leaving about one-third in the ventricles.
At rest a healthy female heart beats about ___ beats per minute. During heavy exercise the heart beats about ____ beats per minute.
In general, systole is ________ (shorter/longer) than diastole.
Approximately 70% of the blood entering the atria during diastole flows directly into the ventricles through the ___ valves before the atria contract.
Upon atrial contraction, atrial pressure _____ and forces most of the remaining 30% of the atrial blood into the ventricles.
Pressure is ___ (low/high) in the ventricles when blood is filling, but when the atria contract, the ventricular pressure increases slightly.
Then, as the ventricles contract, the pressure rises sharply, which close the ___ valves and prevents backflow into the atria.
The occurrence of two heart sounds are produced by the closing of the ___ valves (first heart sound) and the closing of the _____ and _________ valves.
_______ _________ is the force exerted by blood against the arterial walls and is determined by how much blood is pumped and the resistance to blood flow.
Blood pressure
The lower number in the blood pressure ratio (120/80 would be 80) is the _________ pressure.
The higher number in the blood pressure ratio is the ________ pressure.
______ blood pressure is the pressure generated as blood is ejected from the heart during ventricular systole.
During ventricular relaxation, the arterial blood pressure decreases and represents _______ blood pressure.
The difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure is called the ______ pressure.
The average pressure during a cardiac cycle is called the ______ ________ ________ and is important because it determines the rate of blood flow through the systemic circuit.
mean arterial pressure
____________ is defined as blood pressure in excess of the normal range for the person's age and sex.
Hypertension increase the workload on the _____ ventricle resulting in an adaptive increase in the muscle mass of the left heart (called left ventricular hypertrophy.
Arterial blood pressure is determined by ______ _______, the amount of blood pumped from the heart and ______ __________ _________, the sum of resistance to blood flow provided by all systemic blood vessels.
cardiac output
total vascular resistance
Acute regulation of blood pressure is achieved by the _________ nervous system, whereas long-term regulation of blood pressure is primarily a function of the _______.
Pressure receptors (called __________) in the carotid artery and the aorta are sensitive to changes in arterial blood pressure. An increase in arterial blood pressure triggers these receptors to send impulses to the cardiovascular control center i, which responds by ________ (increasing/decreasing) sympathetic activity.
Action potentials generate in the ___ node (pacemaker) and travel across the wall of the atrium from the SA node to the ___ node.
Action potentials pass through the AV node, and along the ___ _______, which extends from the AV node, through the fibrous skeleton, into the ___________ ________.
AV bundle
interventricular septum
The AV bundle divides into right and left ______ ________ and action potentials descend to the apex of each ventricle along the bundle branches.
bundle branches
Action potentials are carried by the _______ ______ from the bundle branches to the ventricular walls.
purkinje fibers
When the SA node reaches the __________ threshold and "fires", the wave of depolarization spreads over the atria, resulting in atria _________.
The wave of atrial depolarization cannot directly cross into the ventricles but must be transported by way of specialized conductive tissue. This specialized conductive tissue radiates from the small mass of muscle tissue called the ___ _____.
AV node
This node, located in the floor of the right atrium, connects the atria with the ventricles by a pair of conductive pathways called ____ and ____ __bundle branches.
Upon reaching the ventricles, these conductive pathways branch into smaller fibers called ________ ______.
Purkinje fibers
The Purkinje fibers then spread the wave of depolarization throughout the ________.
A recording of the electrical changes that occur in the myocardium during the cardiac cycle is called an ____________.
The first deflection on the ECg is called the P wave and represents the ___________ of the atria.
The second wave, the QRS complex, represents the depolarization of the ________ and occurs approximately ___ seconds after the P wave.
The final deflection, the T wave, is the result of _________ ___________.
ventricular repolarization
Atrial repolarization occurs during the ____ complex.
The QRS complex occurs at the beginning of _______ (systole/diastole), where as the T wave occurs at the beginning of (systole/diastole)
The rise in intraventricular pressure at the beginning of ______ results in the first heart sound due to closure of ___ valves and the fall in intraventricular pressure at the end of systole results in the second heart sound due to close of the ______ and __________ semilunar valves.
During ventricular depolarization, depolarization begins at the _____ and progresses superiorly as atria repolarize.
During the P wave, _____ contract.
During the QRS complex, ________ contract as _______ relax
The __-__ segment indicates there is a problem in ventricular areas and are primary concern because they do 75-85% of the work.
_______ ________ can be increased by one or all of the following factors:
a. Increase in blood volume
b. Increase in heart rate
c. Increased blood viscosity
d. Increase in stroke volume
e. Increased peripheral resistance
Blood pressure
______ ______ is defined as the amount of blood pumped by the heart each minute.
Cardiac output
Cardiac output is a product of ___ and ___.
HR and SV
heart rate and stroke volume
Because the ___ node controls heart rate, changes in heart rate often involve factors that influence the SA node. The two most important factors that influence heart rate are the ______________ and ____________ nervous systems.
The parasympathetic fibers that supply the heart arise from neurons in the cardiovascular control center in the medulla oblongata and make up a portion of the ____ nerve.
Upon reaching the heart, these fibers make contact with both the SA node and the AV node. When stimulated, these nerve endings release ____________, which causes a (decrease/increase) in the activity of both the SA and AV nodes due to _____________, slowing heart rate.
Even at rest, the vagus nerves carry impulses to the SA and AV nodes. This is often referred to as ___________ _____.
parasympathetic tone
At higher work rates, stimulation of the SA and AV nodes by the sympathetic nervous system is responsible for increases in heart rate. Sympathetic fibers reach the heart by means of ______ __________ nerves, which innervate both the SA node and ventricles.
cardiac accelerator
Endings of the cardiac accelerator nerves release _____________ upon stimulation, which act on beta receptors in the heart and cause an increase in both heart rate and the force of myocardial contraction.
One variable that effects stroke volume is the ___-_______ ________ , which is the volume of blood in the ventricles at the end of diastole ("pre-load" for systole).
end-diastolic volume
Frank and Starling demonstrated that the strength of ventricular contraction (increased/descreased) with an enlargement of end-diastolic volume.
The principle variable that influences EDV is the rate of _____ return to the heart.
The factors that influence venous return to the heart and EDV are constriction of the veins (______________), pumping action of _______ muscle (called the muscle pump), and the pumping action of the __________ system (respiratory pump)
Another variable that affects stroke volume is the _____ ________ blood pressure and is the pressure the heart must pump against to eject blood, also known as mean arterial pressure.
average aortic
In order to eject blood, the pressure generated by the left ventricle must exceed the pressure in the ______. Therefore, aortic pressure or mean arterial pressure (called afterload) represents a barrier to the ejection of blood from the ventricles.
An increase in aortic pressure produces a (decrease/increase) in stroke volume.
The final factor that influences stroke volume is the effect of circulating __________-___________ and direct sympathetic stimulation of the heart by cardiac accelerator nerves.
Venoconstriction is regulated by the parasympathetic or sympathetic with regard to EDV?
Skeletal muscle pump causes rhythmic skeletal muscle contractions to force blood in the extremeties _______ the heart with regard to EDV
The respiratory pump causes changes in ________ pressure which pulls blood towards the heart with respect to EDV.
True/False The skeletal muscle pump closes valves so that the blood will circulate towards the heart.
Blood is composed of
1. ______: the liquid portion of blood that contains ions, proteins, and hormones.
2. ____ ______ _____: contain hemoglobin to carry oxygen
3. _____ ______ _____: important in preventing infection
4. _________: important in blood clotting
red blood cells
white blood cells
A ________ is the percentage of blood composed of cells.
The average hematocrit of a normal college-age male is ___% and the hematocrit of a normal college-age female is ___%
Blood flow is _____ proportional to the pressure difference between two ends of the system.
Blood flow is _______ proportional to resistance.
Resistance to blood flow is directly proportional to the length of the ______ and the _______ of the blood.
If you increased the diameter of a blood vessel would it decrease or increase resistance?
Resistance depends on:
______ of blood vessel
______ of the blood
______ of the vessel
Blood can be diverted from one organ system to another by varying degrees of vaso_______ and vaso________. This principle is used during heavy exercise to divert blood toward contracting muscles and away from less-active tissue.
The greatest vascular resistance occurs in
a. venules
b. arteries
c. veins
d. arterioles
e. capillaries
d. arterioles
Oxygen demand by muscles during exercise is ___-___x greater than at rest
Increased oxygen delivery is accomplished by:
1. increased ________ _______
2. redistribution of ______ ______ from inactive organs to working skeletal muscle
cardiac output
blood flow
The vO2 difference represents the amount of oxygen that is taken up from ____ mL of blood by the tissues during one trip around the ________ circuit. This is the change in the arterial mixed venous oxygen difference that occurs during exercise.
The relationship between cardiac output (Q) a - v-O2, and oxygen uptake is given by the Fick equation. Write the Fick equation.
VO2 = Q x (a-v-O2 diff)
To meet the increased needs of the skeletal muscle during exercise, it is necessary to increase muscle blood flow while reducing blood flow to less active organs of the gastrointestinal region. The increase in muscle blood flow during exercise and the _______ in splanchnic blood flow change as a ________ function of % VO2 max.
At rest, approximately __ to ___% of total cardiac output is directed toward skeletal muscle. During maximal exercise, ___ to ___% of total cardiac output goes to contracting skeletal muscle
At the beginning of exercise, the initial skeletal muscle vasodilation that occurs is due to an intrinsic metabolic control. This type of blood flow regulation is termed ____________, and it is thought to be the most important factor in regulating blood flow to muscle during exercise.
The increased __________ rate of skeletal muscle during exercise causes local changes such as decreases in oxygen tension, increases in CO2 tension, nitric oxide, potassium and adenosine concentrations, and a decrease in pH (increase in acidity).
While the vascular resistance decreases to skeletal muscle during exercise, vascular resistance _______ and decreases blood flow in the visceral organs and other inactivity tissues.
The changes in heart rate and blood pressure that occur during exercise reflect the type and intensity of the ______ performed, the _______ of exercise, and the __________ conditions under which the work was performed.
Submaximal exercise in an emotionally charged atmosphere results in _____ heart rates and blood pressures when compared to the same work in a psychologically "neutral" environment.
At the same oxygen uptake, ____ work results in a higher heart rate due to higher sympathetic stimulation and blood pressure due to vasoconstriction of large inactive muscle mass.
The increased heart rate that occurs during prolonged exercise is called _____________ ______.
cardiovascular drift
The central command theory of cardiovascular control during exercise proposes the initial signal to "drive" the cardiovascular system at the beginning of exercise comes from higher ______ centers.
Although central command is the primary drive to increase heart rate during exercise, the cardiovascular response to exercise is fine-tuned by feedback from muscle ____________, muscle ________________, and arterial __________ to the cardiovascular control center.