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17 Cards in this Set

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A new field that has emerged to deal with the ethical issues that are embedded in the use of biotechnology.
the use of living organisms or other biological systems in the manufacture of drugs or other products or for environmental management, as in waste recycling: includes the use of bioreactors in manufacturing, microorganisms to degrade oil slicks or organic waste, genetically engineered bacteria to produce human hormones, and monoclonal antibodies to identify antigens.
Chief Privacy Officer (CPO)
A designated Top Managers who to employed to protect consumers privacy
a cell, cell product, or organism that is genetically identical to the unit or individual from which it was derived.
Electronic Commerce
Referred to as e-commerce, e-business, or Web-based marketing.
The conducting of business communication and transactions over networks and through computers.
Embryonic Stem Cells
The raw materials upon which a human body is built
Ethical Lag
A phenomenon that occurs when the speed of technological change far exceeds that of ethical development
Genetically Modified Foods (GMF's)
Part of genetic science for agricultural and food products
Genetic Engineering
Part of genetic science-- primarily of humans
Genetic Profiling
the procedure of analyzing the DNA in samples of a person's body tissue or body fluid for the purpose of identification
Genetic Testing
A process in which a person's or an embryo's DNA is isolated and tested for the presence of specific genes or defects that could indicate the future onset of some disease.
Information Technology
The technology involved with the transmission and storage of information, especially the development, installation, implementation, and management of computer systems within companies, universities, and other organizations.
Involves companies electronically watching, monitoring, or checking up on EE
Technological Determinism
Imperative that states "what can be developed will be developed".
Technological Environment
Represents the total set of technology-based advancements or progress taking place in society
Refers to 1) the "totality of the means employed to provide objects necessary for human sustenance and comfort: 2) A scientific method used in achieving a practical purpose. 3) All the ways people use their inventions and discoveries to satisfy their needs and desires
Therapeutic Cloning
A variation of human cloning. Uses the same laboratory procedures as reproductive cloning, but its aim is not procreation but rather the creation of a source of stem cells whose properties make them a possible source of replacement tissue for a wide range of degenerative diseases.