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5 Cards in this Set

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-when a country builds a strong and lasting democracy that withstands the tests of time.
-states' institutions and democratic practices are so widely accepted and are so ingrained that their populations and elites cannot imagine replacing democracy.
-the 10 conditions for democracy help the consolidation process.
10 Conditions for Democracy 1-5
1. Elites committed to democracy.
2. State Institutions
3. National Unity
4. National Wealth
5. Private Enterprise
6. A Middle Class
7. Support of the Disadvantaged for Democracy
8. Citizen Participation, Civil Society, and a Democratic Political Culture.
9. Education and Freedom of Information.
10. A Favorable International Environment.
Civil Society
-refers to the population organized into associations independently of the state.
-the more the citizens are involved in voluntary associations such as unions, interest groups, religious organizations, the more likely they will succeed in building and maintaining democracy.
- a primary source of democratic political culture.
Social Capital
-"social networks and the norms of reciprocity and trustworthiness that arise from them."
-societies that have networks of people capable of working together will have large amounts of social capital.