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42 Cards in this Set

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What is the standard employment relationship?

- Worker has full-time employment with same on-site employer for all or most of their working lives ("48 hours, 48 weeks, 48 years")

- Described as male due to continuous, unbroken commitment to labour market

- Financial remuneration given to women less

What is women's employment marked by?

- Patterns of part-time work due to inclination to children/care-giving

Where does that largest female-male pay gap remain?

- In blue collar employment where woman earn 70-71 cents for every dollar earned by a man

- Women's salaries comparable in occupations: art, culture, health, recreation and sport

In 2009, what percentage of women with children were involved in the labor market?

73% of women with children under 16 were employed than women without children (80% employed) - drastic increase

Sandwich Generation

- The generation between elderly and adolescents

- More likely to work part-time due to heavy involvement in raising children

What is non-standard employment?

- Contingent employment, precarious employment or temporary

- Characterized by part-time, temporary short-term contracts or self-employment

- Low wages, insecurity, limited access to social benefits and statutory entitlements (e.g. maternity leave)

- Held majority by women

What are the dominant types of un-paid work?

- Childcare

- Housework

- Inter Housework

- Community

- Informal caregiving

- Volunteer work

Housework (Unpaid Work)

- Non-universal, homogeneous category

- Varies between countries due to factors like income levels, technologies and number of children

- Labor saving devices made aspects easier (e.g. dishwasher)

- Growing consumption/activity levels generate new kinds of household chores

- Influenced by collectivity/house cooperation

Child Care (Unpaid Work)

- Both housework and caring activities may have monotonous and routine aspects as well as rewarding and creative dimensions

- Technologies hold no effect on child care as adults still must supervise them

- Housework holds greater flexibility than child care (can be put on hold); continuous care must be organized

What percentage has been seen by fathers staying home on long term basis?

- 25% increase since 1976, while stay at home moms decreased by same number

- Increase from six months to 1 year for parental leave

Community Responsibility

- Extra-domestic community-based responsibility for children (work of parents and others)

- "Kin Work", "MotherWork", "Servicing Work" describe domestic work in wider terms

- Community networks are integral parts of African community

In the text, how many hours did women attribute to unpaid housework vs. male counterparts?

- Women aged 15+ devoted 30 hours or more to housework compared to 8% by men

How many hours do men/women spend on paid and unpaid work?

- Women on average spend 4.4 on paid work, 4.3 on unpaid work

- Men spending 6.3 on paid work, 2.5 hours on unpaid work - an increase of unpaid work from 2.1 to 2.5

How was unpaid work referred to in academic study in the 1970s?

- Classified women as "domestic labourers" in own; occupations

- Highlighted monotonous/isolating nature of housework

- They did not fully investigate men's roles in domestic work

What were the 3 major types of data on the division of labor in the 1970s?

1) Time

2) Tasks

3) Responsibility

- All reveal constant movement/change

- Data shows all women to put in more domestic work

Gender Ideologies

- Explanations for the sexes in relation to learning and caring

- Role of class and social networks in influencing women and men's choices and decisions

What are the 4 key areas emphasized in gender ideologies?

1) connections between paid and unpaid work

2) relationship between paid, unpaid work, and the state

3) differences/inequalities in paid/unpaid work

4) what differences does difference make

What is Talcott Parsons noted for?

- For the dichotomy of work and home (public/private sphere), household model of males as breadwinners/women as homemakers

- Reorganization of production physically separate the home from the workplace (industrial capitalism)

Which 3 strategies does the household work strategy include?

1) Domestic work

2) Various forms of work in informal or voluntary economy

3) Paid employment in formal economy

- Households as sites of "social reproduction", which refers to the activities required to ensure day to day and generational survival

What was Canada's live in Caregiver program?

Women came in as domestic migrant workers and live in homes, receiving meagre wages

"Modified Housewife"

The idea of endlessly remaking world in same image

Where is the traditional ideal more commonly seen?

In working class or low income households

What percentage of heterosexual couples report egalitarian ideology?

20% - higher income, middle class families

- Women express stronger desires for this model

Hochschild Research on Division of Labour

- Involved 50 couples observed 12 homes

- How people manage between work/family

What were the findings of Hochschild's research?

- Women fore deeply torn regarding managing work/home; felt household work their domain and responsibility

- Coined "second shift" at home following work, e.g. keep track of details involved in domestic life such as birthdays, anniversaries, parties, watching to see if the children grow out of clothes

- Majority of men didn't share this burden

C. Carrington's research on "Lesbigay" couples

- Assumptions that lesbigay couples have egalitarian styles at home/work, unfettered by gendered stereotypes

- Reject mainstream dominate hetero definition of marriage

- Couples must negotiate domestic work, which leads to egalitarian style

- Little pay gap due to same gender vs. disparity

What did Carrington's research include?

- Interviewing couples separately and together

- Photos of budgets, transaction history, square footage of house

What were the results of Carrington's research?

- Found claims of egalitarian lifestyles were false

- Fewer resources for lesbian couples due to low income as women typically paid less

- Gay couples found to do more housework because of SES, greater wages/wealth and their belongings require maintenance

- Elaborate domestic regimes followed wealthier families

What were do the reports reflect regarding housework?

- Discrepant reports of who did what and when, subject to error

- Women more likely to give credit to partner, men more likely to take credit

Carrington's findings of lesbigay SocioEconomic Status

- Carrington argued distinctions due to SES, social class influenced how men housework is done

- Found men earned more money and more affluent families; larger houses, cottages, etc.

- Gay men cooked more elaborate meals, pets, gardens, more household paperwork, complex financial/residences (more management)

What did Carrington find regarding families with children?

- Intentionally did more domestic activities; goal of creating stronger sense of family

E.g. family dinners, birthday parties at home

- Embrace idea of having elaborate domestic routines in order to create sentiment (holiday decor, dinners)

- Can afford to outsource things yet intentionally did domestic; creation of memories

What is relationship longevity related to?

- Associated with more extensive and longer domestic work (e.g. stay at home often)`

"Social Production of LesbiGay Families"

- Creates/sustains natural/social relationships considered "family" (e.g. sunday dinners, nice lawn - families a continuous performance

- Housework triggers idea of family, conception that they are a legitimate family deterring from idea they are "different"

- Ideological claim to family: if you didn't do housework you'd just be a bunch of people living in a house together

Egalitarian Myth

- Illusion all lesbigay couples hold egalitarian attitudes, public portrayals didn't concur with reality of these couples

- Reality is they're very similar to heterosexual couples, division of labour is not egalitarian

Model Minority Effect on Lesbigay couples

- Where lesbigay couples are highly aware of public opinion, propagate ideal family traditions

- Present themselves in ideal terms/respectable

"Invisibility of Domesticity"

- Unobserved efforts that consume individuals time and energy

- E.g. effort behind making dinner or remembering birthdays, monitoring finances

- Time consumption huge for domestic work; constantly monitoring all aspects of housework and domestic life

- People couch it in terms of interests

What percentage of lesbigay couples were actually found to be egalitarian?

- 25%

- 5% more than heterosexual couples

What was found in lesbigay couples that was similar to egalitarianism?

- patterns of specialization; parts broken up between the partners

E.g. wife does all of the laundry, husband does all cooking

- Averages out to be about equal

Affluent families and service economy

- Rely heavily on service economy

- 8 out of 10 of wealthiest families hired someone to do housework

- Rely on working poor to achieve equality, "contracting out"

When is an egalitarian style more common?

- When both partners worked in traditionally female occupations

E.g. teaching, social work, day care workers

- Disproportionate number of lesbigay couples in study worked in feminine occupations

- Allow opportunity to pursue family matters easily, flexible schedules, paid vacay, sick days

- Low wages, glass ceilings

What is the biggest influence on domesticity/housework?

- Paid work biggest influence on unpaid work

E.g. pay, prestige, hard time, type of work

- Partner with lower earning potential found to pick up more domestic labor; defaulted to them

- Family maximizes quality of life by income

What are characteristic of people who gravitate towards domestic life?

1) might enjoy domestic life

2) disenchantment with paid life (e.g. hate job, unable to get into the career they want, lack of opportunity, his glass ceilings)

3) preserve relationship that's on the rocks, maintaining endangered relationship (e.g. relationship at stake thus work less, decline promotion)