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68 Cards in this Set

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basic unit of heredity
when a gene exists in more than 1 form
genetic makeup of an individual
phyisical manifestation of genetic makeup
Mendel's Law of Segregation
1. genes exist in alternate forms (alleles); gene controls specific trait in an organism
2. organism has 2 alleles for each inherited trait, one inherited from each parent
3. 2 alleles segregate during meiosis, resulting in gametes that carry only 1 allele for any given inherited trait
4. if 2 alleles in an individual organism are different, only 1 will be fully expressed
expressed allele
silent allele
organisms that contain 2 copies of the same allele
organisms that carry 2 different alleles
monohybrid cross
only 1 trait is being studied; parental generations yield filial generations
1:2:1 genotypic ratio produces...
3:1 phenotypic ratio
test cross
diagnostic tool used to determine the genotype of an organism; genotype can only be predicted with 100% accuracy with a recessive phenotype
in a test cross, appearance of the recessive phenotype in the progeny indicates...
that the phenotypically dominant parent is genotypically heterozygous
typical pattern for Mendelian inheritance in a dihybrid cross between heterozygotes with independently assorting traits
incomplete dominance
blended phenotype; phenotype of the heterozygote is an intermediate of the phenotypes of the homozygotes
occurs when multiple alleles exist for a given gene and more than one of them is dominant
sex-linked genes
genes that are located on the X or Y chromosome
when to recessive sex-linked phenotypes occur in men?
when recessive genes are carried on the x chromosome, they will produce the recessive phenotypes whenever they occur in men because no dominant allele is present to mask them; recessive phenotype is much more frequently found in men
pattern of inheritance for a sex-linked recessive
because gene is carried on X chromosome, & men only pass the X chromosome to their daughters, affected men cannot pass the trait to their male offspring; affected men will pass the gene to all of their daughters; unless the daughter receives the gene from her mother, she will be phenotypically normal carrier of the trait; because all of the daughter's male children will receive their only X chromosome from her, half of her sons will receive the recessive sex-linked allele; sex linked recessives generally affect only men
advantages of working with drosophila melanogaster
1. reproduces often (short life cycle)
2. reproduces in large numbers
3. chromosomes are large & easily recognizable in size & shape
4. its chromosomes are few (4 pairs)
5. mutations occur relatively frequently
deoxyribonucleic acid; contains info coded in the sequence of its base pairs, providing the cell with a blueprint for protein synthesis; self-replicating; basis of heredity; mutable
basic unit of DNA; composed of deoxyribose bonded to a phosphate group and nitrogenous base (purines or pyrimidines)
adenine and guanine
cytosine and thymine
T always forms...
2 hydrogen bonds with A
G forms...
3 hydrogen bonds with C
DNA replication
semi conservative
leading strand
continuously synthesized by DNA plymerase in the 5' --> 3' direction
lagging strand
synthesized discontinuously in the 5' --> 3' direction as a series of short segments known as okazaki fragments; overall growth of lagging strand occurs in 3' --> 5' direction
sequence of three consecutive bases that code for a particular amino acid;
ribonucleic acid; composed of ribose and contains uracil instead of thymine; single stranded; found in nucleus and cytoplasm
messenger RNA; carries the complement of a DNA sequence and transports it from the nucleus to the ribosomes where protein synthesis occurs; assembled from ribonucleotides that are complementary to the "sense" strand of the DNA; inverted complementary or negative code of original master on DNA
1 mRNA strand codes for one polypeptide
transfer RNA; found in cytoplasm; aids in translation of mRNA's nucleotide code into a sequence of amino acids; brings amino acids to the ribosomes during protein synthesis
ribosomal RNA; structural component of ribosomes and is the most abundant of all RNA; synthesized in nucleolus
process whereby info coded in the base sequence of DNA is transcribed into a strand of mRNA that leaves thenucleus through nuclear pores
process whereby mRNA codons are translated into a sequence of amino acids; occurs in cytoplasm & involves tRNA, ribosomes, mRNA, amino acids, enzymes
3 nucleotide sequence which is complementary to 1 one of the mRNA codons
P Site
binds to tRNA attached to growing polypeptide chain
A site
binds to incoming aminoacyl-tRNA complex
E site
binds existing tRNA
polypeptide synthesis
1. initiation
2. elongation
3. termination
begins when ribosome binds to mRNA near its 5' end; ribosome scan mRNA until it binds to a start codon (AUG); initiator aminoacyl-tRNA complex, methionine-tRNA base pairs with start codon
hydrogen bonds form between mRNA codon in A site and its complementary anticodon on the incoming tRNA; peptide bond forms between amino acid attached to tRNA in A site and aa attached to tRNA in P site; after peptide bond formation, ribosome carries uncharged tRNA in P site and A site
ribosome advances 3 nucleotides along mRNA in 5' --> 3' direction; uncharged tRNA from P site is expelled and A site moves into P site; ribosome has empty A site ready for entry of new corresponding to next codon
when 1 of 3 special mRNA termination codons (UAA, UAG, or UGA) arrives in A site
failure of homologous chromosomes to separate properly during meiosis I or the failure of sister chromatids to separate properly during meiosis II
zygote with 3 copies of a chromosome
Down's Syndrome
zygote with 1 copy of chromosome
changes in genetic info of a cell coded in the DNA
point mutation
nucleic acid is replaced by another nucleic acid
silent mutation
mutation where new codon codes for same amino acid
missense mutation
mutation where new codon may code for a different amino acid
nonsense mutation
mutation where new codon may be a stop codon
frameshift mutation
nucleic acids are deleted or inserted into the genome sequence
bacterial genome
consists of a single circular chromosome located in nucleoid region of cell
small circular rings of DNA in bacteria
plasmids that are capable of integration into bacterial genome
replicatino of bacterial chromosomes
begins at unique origin of replication and proceeds in both directions simultaneously
binary fission
bacterial cell reproduction
3 mechanisms for increasing genetic variance of bacteria population
1. transformation
2. conjugation
3. transduction
process by which a foreign chromosome fragment (plasmid) is incorporated into bacterial chromosome via recombination
sexual mating in bacteria' transfer of genetic material between 2 bacteria that are temporarily joined
occurs when fragments of the bacterial chromosome accidentally become packaged into viral progeny produced during a viral infection
occurs when linked genes are separated; occurs by breakage and rearrangement of adjacent regions of DNA when organisms carrying different genes or alleles for the same traits are crossed
virus that infects its host bacterium by attaching to it, boring a hole through the bacterial cell wall, and injecting its DNA while its protein coat remains attached to the cell wall
lytic cycle
phage DNA takes control of bacterium's genetic machinery & manufactures numerous progeny; bacterial cell lyses, releasing new virions, capable of infecting other bacteria; virulent
lysogenic cycle
if bacteriophage does not lyse its host cell, it becomes integrated into bacterial genome in provirus form, lying dormant; virus may stay integrated indefinitely replicating along with bacterial genome; could enter lytic cycle spontaneously