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48 Cards in this Set

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a mental category that groups objects,relations,activities abstractions or qualities having common properties
concepts that have a moderate number of instances and that are easier to acquire than those having few or many instances
basic concepts
an especially representative example of a concept
an integrated mental network of knowledge,beliefs,and expectations concerning a particular topic or aspect of the world
cognitive schema
mental representation that mirrors or resembles the thing it represents;mental images occur in many and perhaps all sensory modalities
mental images
mental processes occuring outside of conscious awareness
but accessible to consciousness when necessary
subconscious process
mental process concerning outside of and not availible to conscious awareness
nonconscious process
learning that occurs when you acquire knowledge about something without being aware of how you did so and without being able to state exactly what it is you learned
implicit learning
a form of reasoning in which a conclusion follows necessarily from certain premises;if the premises are true,the conclusion must be true
deductive reasoning
a process in which opposing facts or ideas are weighed and compared with a view to determing the best solution or resolving differences
dialetical reasoning
the tendency to judge the probabilty of a type of event by how easy it is to think of examples or instances
availability heuristic
the tendency to overestimate one's ability to have predicted an event once the outcome is known;the "I knew it all along phenomenom"
hindsight bias
the tendency to look for or pay attention only to information that confirms ones own belief
confirmation bias
a tendency to solve problems using procedures that worked before on similar problems
mental set
a state of tension that occurs when a person holds two cognitions that are psychologically inconsistent,or when a persons belief is incongruent with his or her own behavior
cognitive dissonance
an inferred charactericstic of an individual,usually defined as the ability to profit from an experience,acquire knowledge,think abstracty,act purposefully,or adapt to changes in the environment
the measurement of mental abilities traits and processes
a measure of intelligence origionally computed by dividing a persons meantal age by his or her chronological age and multiplying by 100;it is now derived from norms provided for standardized intelligence tests
the ability to identify your own and other peoples emotions accurately,express your own emotions clearly
emotional intelligence
the inability to distinguish an actual memory of an event from information you learned about the event elsewhere
source misattribution
confusion of an event that happened to someone else with one that happened to you,or a belief that you remember something when it never actually happened
a method for measuring implicit memory in which a person reads or listens to information and is later tested to see whether the information affects performance on another type of task
memories of facts,rules,concepts and events knowing "knowing that"they include other semantic and episodic memories
declarative memories
memories of general knowledge including facts,rules,concepts,and propositions
semantic memories
memories of personally experienced events and the context in which they occured
episodic memories
rote repetition of material in order to maintain its avalability
maintenance rehearsal
association of new information with already stored knowledge and analysis of the new information to make it memorable
elaborate rehearsal
in the encoding of information,the processing of meaning rather than simply the physical or sensory features of a stimulus
deep processing
strategies and tricks for improving memory,such as the use of a verse or formula
forgetting of information for psychological reasons,such as a need to escape feelings of embarassment,guilt,shame,
disappointment,or emotional shock
psychogenic amnesia
in psychoanalytical theory,the selective involuntary pushing of threatening or upsetting information into the unconscious
a state of arousal involving facial and bodily changes,brain activity,cognitive appraisals,subjective feelings,and tendencies toward action all shaped by cultural rules
emotions considered to be universal and biologically based;they generally include fear,anger ,sadness,joy,
suprise,disgust and contempt
primary emotions
emotions that develop with cognitive maturity and vary across individuals and cultures
secondary emotions
the process by which the facial muscles send messages to the brain about the basic emotion being expressed
facial feedback
social and cultural rules that regulate when,how and where a person may express(or must supress)emotions
display rules
expression of an emotion that the person does not really feek often because of a role requirment
emotion work
an inferred process within a person or animal that causes movement either toward a goal or away from an unpleasant situation
the pursuit of an activity for its own sake
intrinsic motivation
the pursuit of an activity for external rewars,such as money or fame
extrinsic motivation
the genetically influenced weight range for an individual;it is maintained by biological mechanisms that regulate food,fat reserves,and metabolism
set point
an eating disorder characterized by excessive eating (bingeing)followed by forced vomiting or use of laxatives(purging)
an eating disorder characterized by fear of being fat,a distorted body image,radically reduced consumption of food and emaciation
sets of implicit rules that specify proper behavior for a person in a given situtation,varying with the persons gender,age ,religion,social status,and peer group
sexual scripts
a learned motive to meet personal standards of success and excellence in a chosen area
need for achievement
a projective test that asks respondents to interpret a series of drawings showing scenes of people;usually scored for unconscious motives,such as the need for achievement,power,or affilitation
thematic apperception test
an expectation that comes true because of the tendancy of the person holding it to act in ways that bring it about
self fulfilling prophecy
a persons belief that he or she is capable of producing desired results such as mastering new skills and reaching goals
self efficacy