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65 Cards in this Set

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relatively permenant change in an organisms behavior due to experience
associative learning
learning that certain events occur together, may be 2 stimuli or a response and its consequences
classical conditioning
associate two stimuli to anticipate events
ivan pavlov
psychologist first studying the beginnings of classical conditioning with dog experiments
view that psychology should be an objective science and the study of behaviors WITHOUT mental processes
unconditioned stimulus
stimulus that unconditioinally, naturally, automatically triggers a response
unconditioned response
unlearned, naturally occuring response to the unconditioned stimulus
conditioned response
learned response to preveiously neutral stimulus
conditioned stimulus
originally irrelevant simulus; post association with an unconditioned stimulus triggers the conditioned response
neutral stimulus
stimulus paired with an unconditioned stimulus/response in classic conditioning to become the conditioned stimulus
initial learning stage in classical conditioning; phase where the unconditioned stim becomes the conditioned stimulus
delayed conditioning
conditioned stimulus is presented before the unconditioned stimulus
trace conditioning
discrete event is presented, then the unconditioned stimulus occurs
simulatneous conditioning
CS and US presented together
backward conditioning
US occurs before the CS
john watson
behaviorist famous for thebaby albert experiment
rosalie rayner
john watsons assistant/mistress helping in the baby albert experiemnt
baby albert
conditioned baby to respond to white small animals- generalization
second order (higher order) conditioning
well leanred condtioned stimulus paired with a neutral stimulus also produces a response
john garcia
psychologist exploring the biological predispositions for animals capacities for condtioning
diminishing response taht occurs over time when the condtioned stimulus no longer signals an impending unconditioned stim
spontaneous recovery
reappearance of a weakened conditioned response over time; often a less intense response
tendency, once a response has been conditioned, for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit similar responses
learned ability to distinguish between the cs and other irrelevant stimuli
robert rescorla
psychologist exploring the cognitive processes and cognitive approach of conditioning
operant conditioning
type of learning where behavior is reinforced/strengthened or diminished depending on its consequence; voluntary
b.f. skinner
most prominent psychologist in behaviorism in the realm of operant conditioning
edward thorndike
first operant conditioning researcher; puzzle box
puzzle box
in thorndike's studies; box used to study the time elapsed for learning; use of instrumental learning
respondent behavior
behavior occuring as an automatic response to some stimulus; learned thru clasiscal condtioning
operant behavior
behavior operating on th eenvironment, produces consequences
law of effect
thorndikes principle that behaviors followed by favorable conseq will become more likely and the opposite will beocme less likely
instrumental learning
learning based on a form of reward in operant conditioning
operant chamber/skinner box
box where there is a bar/key for an animal to manipulate to obtain a reinforcer; device records NUMBER of times the animal will strike the key
operant conditioning process in which reinforcers guide behaviros wtoards desired behaviors built on pre-exising behaviors (baby steps)
any event that strengthens the behavior it follows
positive reinforcement
praise, rewards, increasing behaviors iwth positive stimuli
negative reinforcement
increase behaviors by stopping/reducing unwanted negative stimuli
primary reinforcer
innately reinforcing stimulus, satisfy some biological needs
condtiioned secondary reinforcer
learned stimulus gaining reinforcing power via the primary reinforcer
continuous reinforcement
reinforcing that desired response every time it occurs
partial/intermittent reinforcement
reinforcing repsonses only part of the time
fixed ration schedule
reinforcement sched that reinforce responses after a specified number
variable ration sched
reinforcement after an unpredictable number of responses
fixed interval sched
reinforcement of responses after a sepcified time period
variable interval schedule
reinforcement of responses after various time intervals (unpredictable time intervals)
any event that decreases the behavior it follows
cognitive map
mental representation of the layout of ones environment
latent learning
learning tha toccurs, but is not apparent until an incentive exists to demonstrate
intrinsic motivation
desire to perform a behavior for its own sake
extrinsic motivation
desire to perform a behavior due to promised rewards/punishments/threats
albert bandura
pioneering researcher of observational learning
oberservational learning
learning by observing others
process of obeserving/imitating a sepcific behavior
mirror neurons
frontal lobe neurons that fire when performing certain actions or obeserving anotehr do so-enables imitation/lang learning/empathy
prosocial behavior
positive/constructive/helpful behaviors
mary cover-jones
psychologist- counter conditioning
behavioral therapy condtions new responsones to stimuli that trigger unwanted behavior
systematic desensitization
associating pleasant/relaxed state with gradually increasing anxiety triggering stimuli
premack principle
reinforcement properties depend on the situation/environment/individual
omission training
also known as negative punishment- taking away a desirable stimuluus
learn to put mulitiple skills together- sepearte pieces of learning to make a complete
learning curve
showing the amount learned vs number of trials
behavior modification
treatment approach of operant conditioning in which a undersirable behavior is replaced with a desirable one thru positive/negative reinforcement
token economy
get a sticker for doing something good- then get a prize at the end