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33 Cards in this Set

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conflict perspective
gender = social construct
functionalist perspective
natural diffs create social differences that are "appropriate"
feminist movements
suffrage- 1920s

equal rights/pay- 1960s/70s
-challenge normative gender roles, women join workforce
subject to social control (norms, practices, etc)
reflexive mind
ability to distinguish btwn I and me, actor and object

(sexual feelings aren't necessarily just responses to bio urges)
biological characteristics
ones sense of masc/fem
erotic identity
understanding of oneself as sexual object, actor
(combo of social, genetic factors)
norms of reproduction come from...
values of sexuality, family, etc
power and gender
regulate how different types of unions defined (govt)
culture and gender
gender, sexuality (deviance vs. normality) constructed
social action and gender
ppl taking stand, pushing feminist laws, coming out of closet
sexual script (interactionist perspective)
means by which we organize perceptions of sexuality, helps ppl to enact erotic identity normatively
conflict perspective
things that develop as 'normal' are result of conflict, ppl w/ power have labeled homosexuality as deviant
sexuality linked to reproduction, local social pressure to be faithful
industrial (1800s)
more leisure time, privatized sexuality for pleasure, romantic love, declining birth rate
Victorian (late 1800s)
religious backlash against loosening sexual norms, moral tightening
flappers, loosened sexual norms
against traditional sexual standards, gay rights, BC pill
aids epidemic, norms somewhat re-tightened
female circumcision
the removal of woman's clitoris
intellectual, consciousness-raising movement to get ppl to understand that gender= organized principle of life

-women and men should be accorded equal opps. and respect
line of thought that explains social phenomena in terms of natural ones
biological determinism
line of thought that explains social behavior in terms of biological givens
hegemonic masculinity
dominant, privileged, invisible category of men
gender roles
sets of behavioral norms assumed to accompany one's status as male/female
nearly universal system involving subordination of femininity to masculinity
sex role theory
(Parsons) theory that men and women perform respective sex roles b/c nuclear family= ideal arrangement in modern societies (function= reproducing workers)
social identity of a person who has sexual attraction to and/or relations w/ ppl of same sex
occurs when person's sex/gender is basis for judgment, discrimination, hatred against him/her
sexual harassment
illegal form of discrim (sexual jokes, assault, barter) all intended to make someone feel uncomfortable and unwelcome
glass ceiling
invisible limit on women's climb up occupational ladder
glass escalator
promotional ride men take to top of work organization, esp in feminized jobs