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46 Cards in this Set

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long thin strands of DNA contained within the nucleus of nondividing cells


Short thick threads of replicated DNA found within dividing cells formed when DNA wines up around globular proteins called histones


Formed when DNA wines up around globular proteins


1/2 of a chromosome made up of replicated DNA both genetically identical


Point in which two chromatids are joined together


A photograph of a person's chromosomes

Chromosome number

The number of chromosomes in the nucleus of an organism

Homologous pair

A pair of chromosomes that are the same shape and size and are made up of DNA that code for the same trait but make code for different forms of those trades and occur in a sexually reproducing organism

Diploid number

Number of chromosomes in a normal body cell in which the nucleus contains both chromosomes from each homologous pair

Haploid number

Number of chromosomes in reproductive cells in which the nucleus contains only one chromosome from each homologous pair


Chromosomes made up of DNA that determine traits other than gender (humans 22)

Sex chromosomes

Chromosomes that determine gender

The cell cycle

The period of time between the formation of cells through cell division and the time that these cells divide to produce two new cells


Period of cell growth between protein synthesis that occupies most of the cell cycle

G1 period

The cell doubles in size and number of organelles, it is important to return the cells to the size of the original cells

S period

DNA replicates, it is important so that when new cells are produced through cell division each new daughter cell receives a complete set of genes

G2 period

Produces proteins that are going to be used during cell division


The division of the nucleus in normal body cells (somatic cells) in which one diploid nucleus divides to produce two diploid nuclei

Prophase (early)

Chromatin wines up to form chromosomes, nuclear membrane breaks down, centrosome breaks down, and the centrioles move to the opposite sides of the cell


Membrane sack that holds the centrioles during interphase


Bundles of microtubules in animal cells that act as the Anchor Point for the spindle fibers during cell division (not found in plant cells, spindle fibers attach to cell wall)

Prophase (late)

Centrioles move to the opposite sides of the cell, spindle fibers form between the centrioles, and chromosomes attach to the spindle fibers at their centromeres

Polar fibor

Extend from Central to Central, function to guide the movement of the chromosomes

Kenetechore fibor

Extended from the centrioles to the centromeres of the chromosome, it's function is to move the chromosomes along the polar fibers


Kinetochore fibers lengthen to push the chromosomes to the middle of the Polar fibers


The centromeres split, chromatids separate, and kinetochore fibers shorten to pull the chromatids to the opposite sides of the cell


Spindle fibers disappear, new nuclear membranes form around chromatids, chromatids unwind to form chromatin


The division of cytoplasm and organelles that occurs after mitosis

Cleavage flow

Formed within animal cells during cytokinesis which the cell membrane folds inward, in plant cells a cell plate forms from fused vesicles between the two nuclei the cell plate develops into the primary cell wall


Nuclear division and reproductive cells in which a diploid nucleus divides twice to produce four haploid nuclei

Meiosis 1

The nucleus divides into two haploid nuclei through the separation of homologous pairs

Prophase 1

The chromosomes attach to the spindle fibers and are joined together in homologous pairs through the process called synapsis


A process in which two homologous chromosomes are joined together during prophase 1 of meiosis


Structure made up of four chromatids form two homologous chromosomes that are joined together during synapsis

Crossing over

Exchange of DNA between homologous chromosomes during synapsis, it's important because it may lead to genetic recombination

Genetic recombination

A recombining of genes, it's important because it may lead to variations between parents and Offspring which may lead to evolution

Metaphase 1

Tetrads move to the center of the cell

Anaphase 1

Tetrads split, homologous chromosomes separate, and move to the opposite sides of the cell

Independent assortment

Movement of one pair of chromosomes does not affect the movement of any other chromosomes, it's important because it may lead to genetic recombination, can occur when homologous chromosomes are separated during anaphase 1 or when chromatids are separated during anaphase 2

Telophase 1

Spindle fibers disappear, new nuclear membranes form around the clusters of chromatids, and plant cells the chromosomes unwind to form chromatin and rewind in prophase 2, and animal cells they don't unwind


The division of cytoplasm and organelles between meiosis 1 and meiosis 2

Meiosis 2

Two paploid cells divide to produce four haploid cells


Male meiosis in which the cytoplasm and organelles of the plant cell are evenly divided to produce four spermatids which develop into sperm


Female meiosis in which the cytoplasm and organelles of the parent cell are unevenly divided, one cell called ootid receives almost all the cytoplasm from the parent cell that develops into the egg, three cells called polar bodies received DNA that little or no cytoplasm and eventually die


Haploid cells produced by meiosis


Diploid cell produced by the fusion of two gametes