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16 Cards in this Set

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A best example or best represenation of a category.
An actual memory of a specific object.
Functional Fixedness
Inability to use objects or tools in a new way.
Belief perseverance
The tendency to hold onto beliefs even in the face of contradictory evidence.
Confirmation Bias
Seeking information that confirms our choices and beliefs, while disconfirming evidence.
Response Set
Rigidity; tendency to respond in the most familiar way.
Availability heirustic
Judging the likelihood of an event based on what is available in your memory, assuming those easily remembered events are common.
Representation heiristic
Judging the likelihood of an event based on how well the events match your prototypes-what you think is representative of the category.
General Strategy used in attempting to solve problems
Step-by-step procedure for solving a problem; prescription for solutions
What are the three metacognitive skills?
1)Planning-what strategies to use/how much time to dedicate
2)Monitoring-"how am i doing"
3)Evaluation-making judgements about the process and outcomes
self-regulatory knowledge
ensures the completion of the task-knowing "how" "when" "why"
Expository Teaching
Ausubel's method-teachers present material in complete, organized form, moving from broadest to more specific...stresses meaningful verbal learning..begins with an advance organizer:intor statement broad enough to cover all information that wll follow..present material in terms of similarities and differences using specific examples
Deductive reasoning
Discovery Learning
learner draws on his/her past experiences and existing knowledge to discover facts and relationships and new truths to be learned..Bruner
Inductive reasoning
Specific to general