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50 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following are associated with the neoplastic transformation of cells?
A. Chemicals
B. Sunlight
C. Viruses
D. All of the above
All of the above
Neoplasia involves:
Irreversible change that results in an uncontrolled multiplication of cells
Which of the following statements concerning leukoplakia is true?
A. Most cases represent examples of epithelial dysplasia
B. Sites that are high risk for epithelial dysplasia include the palate and the gingiva
C. A biopsy should be performed to establish a diagnosis
D. Leukoplakia is less common than erythroplakia
A biopsy should be performed to establish a diagnosis
What is a characteristic of benign tumors?
Slow growth
A small white exophytic lesion on the palate is a benign lesion composed of squamous epithelium. Papillary projections are arraigned in a cauliflower like appearance. It is most likely a:
Which of the following is not a histologic characteristic of squamous cell carcinoma?
A. Invasion of tumor cells into the connective tissue
B. Pleomorphic epithelial cell
C. Keratin pearls
D. Cells with very small nuclei
Cells with very small nuclei
Which locations are the most common for intraoral squamous cell carcinoma?
Floor of the mouth, ventrolateral tongue and soft palate
A patient with squamous cell carcinoma of the lateral tongue exhibits metastatic disease in the lungs. What clinical stage correlates with these findings?
Stage IV
What represents the earliest clinical evidence of squamous cell carcinoma?
Nonhealing ulceration
The most appropriate treatment for epithelial dysplasia is:
surgical excision
Verrucous carcinoma is differentiated from spamous cell carcinoma because it:
Has a better prognosis
The most common intraoral location for salivary gland tumors is the:
Junction of the hard and soft palate
What is an example of a malignant salivary gland tumor?
Adenoid cystic carcinoma
Which of the following statements concerning an ameloblastoma is true?
A. It often occurs in young children
B. It is a radiopaque lesion
C. It often occurs in the mandibular molar and ramus area
D. It should be treated with radiation therapy
It often occurs in the mandibular molar and ramus area
The odontogenic tumor that characteristically appears as a well-circumscribed radiolucency located in the anterior maxilla of an adolescent girl is an:
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor
Which odontogenic tumor most closely resembles the mesenchyme of the dental follicle?
Odontogenic myxoma
A benign cementoblastoma may be recognized radiographically because:
It is a well circumscribed radiopaque lesion with a radiolucent halo attached to the root of the tooth
What lesion characteristically occurs on the alveolar mucosa?
Congenital epulis
Human herpesvirus 8 is associated with:
Kaposi sarcoma
A compound odontoma differs from a complex odontoma in that a compound odontoma:
Is composed of toothlike structures
Peripheral odontogenic tumors are located on the
A benign tumor of adipose tissue is called a
The most common malignant soft tissue tumor of the head and neck in children is:
Malignant melanoma of the oral cavity is rare; however, the most common intraoral location is:
the palate and maxillary gingiva
What neoplasm often occurs in the buccal mucosa or vestibule?
A malignant tumor of bone forming tissue is called
An overpopulation of atypical white blood cells in the circulating blood is called
What is a malignant tumor of lymphocytes?
The cell involved in multiple myeloma is the:
Plasma cell
The most frequent intraoral site for metastatic tumors is the:
Which tumor is associated with Von Recklinghausens disease?
Which is the most common odontogenic Tumor?
Which salivary gland tumor occurs in adult men?
Papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum
A benign tumor composed of a proliferation of capillaries is:
A white plaquelike lesion that cannot be rubbed off or diagnosed clinically as a specific disease is:
All of the following are benign lesions that histologically contain bone or bonelike material except:
A. Torus
B. Odontoma
C. Exostosis
D. Central ossifying fibroma
Which malignant tumor may present as diffuse enlargement with persistent bleeding?
Which malignancy is characterized by a monoclonal spike on immunoelectrophoresis?
Multiple myeloma
Which malignant tumor has been know to show a sunburst pattern on radiographic examination
All of the following neoplasms arise from squamous epithelium except:
A. Basal cell carcinoma
B. Verrucous Carcinoma
C. Adenoid cystic carcinoma
D. Papilloma
Adenoid cystic carcinoma
All of the following are true solar chelitis except:
A. Mottled, grayish pink discoloration of the lower lip
B. Distinct demarcation between vermillion border and skin
C. More common in fair skinned individuals
D. Due to excessive exposure to sunlight
Distinct demarcation between vermillion border and skin
Which of the following has the best long term prognosis?
A. Verrucous carcinoma
B. Squamous cell carcinoma
C. Rhabdomyosarcoma
D. Malignant melanoma
Verucous carcinoma
Which of the following does not arise in the oral cavity?
A. Malanocytic nevus
B. Malignant melanoma
C. Basal cell carcinoma
D. Verrucous carcinoma
Basal cell carcinoma
Which disease may undergo malignant transformation
Pleomorphic adenoma
Which neoplasm occurs more often in males?
Multiple myeloma
Pain is most often a clinical feature of:
Adenoid cystic carcinoma
Central involvement of the jaw may occur with
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Syndrome involvement may occur with a
Which neoplasm is least likely to occur in the jaw?
A. Chondroma
B. Osteoma
C. Chondrosarcoma
D. Osteosarcoma
Which neoplasm has the worst long term prognosis
Metastatic tumor to the jaw